Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Search found 15 matches

Re: Huntsman ring value

I sold my huntsman ring sometime ago due to it not being very useful on me. Just to give you an idea whether it would be more useful on you, I made a list of the gear I was rocking. Jewerly • Gara iron ammy (200 vit/dex) • Gara iron misc (100 vit, 300 def) • Skain iron ring ( 145 vit, 400 hp) • Maj ...

Top 5 favorite items!

So I came across an old post called ‘Top 10 favorite owned items’. It was pretty interesting in my opinion. So my question is: What is your top 5 items in game? It can be anything, gear, fash, rares etc. My top 5 items in game: • Godly oblivion ring • Void helm of victory/moon • Void bow of lunar fr...

Re: Bunny or Boar at endgame tanking

Ive had both bunny and boar. Regret changing my bunny for a boar. Wether u got a boar or bunny I don't think its gonne make much of a the difference between u tanking the boss or not. Im still running out of energy on e lix so I gotte use resto's anyways, so the e regen from bunny is nice. One last ...

Re: Snorri reset

1. All lockers and Tank were in range, also non of use moved place after locked. 2. Tank was in lock grp. 3. The whole boss reset. The only thing I can think of is the other clan reset it somehow, on purose or not. There happened a few weird thing after lock. 1. Someone of the other clan bolased it ...

Snorri reset

So earlier today we out locked another clan on full Snorri (which doesn't happen very often), but about half way in Snorri reset. All lockers were within range, so was the tank. One lockers was still alive and so was the tank, the tank also never died. We lost the second lock battle because a few lo...

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