Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: How do you describe Celtic Heroes to others in real life?

A game that will suck away your life tell all your friends leave you and make you question life itself like why is the sky blue? why do birds fly? why didn't dif add that bounty event yet? why are my pants always down?
By the time you come out of your room, your own mother won't recognize you.
Skys blue because devs made it that way :v....oh you're talking about the "real world"
Ashley A - 222 Mage - Novalis - Mabon
000000000000000 - 216 Rogue - Novalis - Mabon
Azona - 210 Druid - Novalis - Mabon

Then some Epona toons yo

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