Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Would you start a new clan or join a small clan to compete with endgame clans?

On Lugh around 16 months ago we made a new clan, sure we had a few well geared players but nothing compared to the dom clan. And many of our best geared people went inactive when the going got tough and we were getting our butts kicked.

We perservered, strategised and stuck it out, eventually we overcame them and now we are the dom clan on the server, with a collection of smaller clans who hate us because we kill bosses they want to kill. Our chief at the time told us, they can’t be everywhere. He was right, we focused on filling the bank with lower edls, we scooped up Snor bosses when they were busy at gele etc. It took time but we caught up then took over.

Difference between us and the new clans is they don’t try aside from one or two people. They don’t camp. They expect us to ignore the bosses and leave them for them to kill. Time and again we will do a gele followed by a BT and lose the timers, the dl bosses are still there when we finish. Same with resets. Back in the day we had players alarming at stupid o clock to nab a prot while the dom clan were at mord, if we got even a Hrung it was progress. 90% of the time you won’t see ooc anywhere.

The point im making is it is possible, but a dom clan isn’t going to leave it on a plate. If you only get one Snorri boss in a day it’s progress. Instead of selling the drops in AH give them to clannies and grow together. Dom clans won’t stop killing bosses, there’s pretty much nothing else to do in the game lol.
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

Re: Would you start a new clan or join a small clan to compete with endgame clans?

The most fun I've had on this game was being in a fairly small clan. A few small clans merged at one point, and we were killing it for a while. We were giving the dom clan a run for their money at frozen and dl bosses back in the day. But there were always people getting impatient and wanting that top gear right away, so they would leave us and join that dom clan. I resisted for years. It 's just not my thing. But some serious crap went down on our server that pushed me to join that dom clan finally (long story). And you know what? I miss our small clan. I regret joining. I feel like my game has been ruined and will never be the same lol. I just find it boring being in a clan that can (and does) kill everything. They kill things they don't even need anymore just so no one else can kill it. The amount of gear just sitting there in our many clan banks is super disgusting. I feel really bad for the smaller clans on our server. They get locked out of everything. I would just go back and revive our old clan but it will never be like it was before. There aren't enough new people downloading this game or showing up on our server to attempt to build it again. Most of our old clannies stopped playing and the ones that still play seem pretty comfortable with their new arrangements.

Smaller clans most certainly can take down that dom clan. It just takes a long time and a good amount of people who are totally committed to the long haul. And finding those people and keeping them is a very hard thing. But trying is by far the most fun there is in this game!

Re: Would you start a new clan or join a small clan to compete with endgame clans?

The most fun I've had on this game was being in a fairly small clan. A few small clans merged at one point, and we were killing it for a while. We were giving the dom clan a run for their money at frozen and dl bosses back in the day. But there were always people getting impatient and wanting that top gear right away, so they would leave us and join that dom clan.
The path of least resistance tends to be the most desired.
From my experience, fighting don.clans tends to be a numbers game.
Your gonna work 2-3x harder for half the stuff, is kind of the reality of it.
They have the benefit of numbers to help them slack off, and distribute the work load.

Ya, you prob will like your small better, you can surround yourself w the players you want too not the players you have too.
Dom clans have a way of attracting players, in some cases they are some of the most undesirable as well.
Ranging from elitists that brag of being in a clan they had no hand in building.
Ironically also players that sort of lean toward the free server ideology.
They like the idea of attending bosses w little to no comp, then bidding on the items within their little community.
Only difference being instead of whole server sharing the ideology, its just that one clan.
Which in some.cases makes up half or more of the server.
So more.or.less.doing similar thing, your just cutting out half the players lol.

So honsslty I'd say it depends on the state of the server.
Like if your server is so far gone there is no comp and those around are unwilling to do what it tales to create some.
Might be a waste of time and effort.

If you find yourself in stupid arguements like
"W w w w well what's they clan gonna be called?"
"W w w who's gonna be in charge?"
"Why don't u just join us instead?"

I would say walk away, n let it go, that server has been choked to death.
The reality of it is the dom clan is just what they do because they can.
If the rest of the servers isn't willing to do what it takes or change their system to try to actually compete, in some cases over petty n rediculous things
They may just not get it, or care enough.
Which I've witnessed personally, y'know you could give away a free EDL bank n they still can't work their stuff out.
They'll just make alts n mill.about killing time they have no real interest in comp.
Which is fine as well, but at that point your just taking on feeder clan role.

If your on a comp server n not trying to actually compete on one side ot the other for stuff beigger then dl/edl, why are you there?
But again if you can't convince others to get on board, it doesn't matter what u wanna do.

Re: Would you start a new clan or join a small clan to compete with endgame clans?


I would say walk away, n let it go, that server has been choked to death.
The reality of it is the dom clan is just what they do because they can.
If the rest of the servers isn't willing to do what it takes or change their system to try to actually compete, in some cases over petty n rediculous things
They may just not get it, or care enough.
This seems to be exactly where my server is at today. But I've spent way too much $$$ and time to just leave it and start over on a new server. I wouldn't mind leveling up another toon on a new server (I am very used to leveling alts - way too many alts :lol: ) but I can't bring myself to spend that kind of money all over again. But without a good amount of new players joining my server, making another attempt at it like we did a couple years ago isn't likely to happen. So I will just grin and bear it for as long as I can. :twisted:

Re: Would you start a new clan or join a small clan to compete with endgame clans?

This seems to be exactly where my server is at today. But I've spent way too much $$$ and time to just leave it and start over on a new server. I wouldn't mind leveling up another toon on a new server (I am very used to leveling alts - way too many alts :lol: ) but I can't bring myself to spend that kind of money all over again. But without a good amount of new players joining my server, making another attempt at it like we did a couple years ago isn't likely to happen. So I will just grin and bear it for as long as I can. :twisted:
Ya, its one of those weird assumptions ppl make, myself included, that isn't correct.
You can't assume everybody on a comp server wants to compete.

There's lots there for same reasons as yourself.
Y'know kinda just ended up there at some point, has too much time n effort put into their toon, but also refuse to join dom clan.
So they just log out of force of habbit and familiarity.

The reality of leaving a server is unless your very rich or a pay 2 play player can a be a bit problematic.
The other reality is, depending on your server you may not even find somebody willing to move you.
The server could.be so fsr gone that ya only people that go there are literally going to join that one clan.

But, if your fortunate enough that's an option,
leveling and gearing is a lot easier then it was years ago.
So time frame in making a new toon is drastically different.

Re: Would you start a new clan or join a small clan to compete with endgame clans?

To the main topic, you'd probably have a better time joining an already established clan than creating a new one. The already created clan will likely have a few members like you, saving the need for you to start from scratch and trying to get already dedicated players in another small clan to join you can be a real hard thing to do.

The benefit of making your own is creating the culture within it, as there is a risk the small clan you may join is toxic in outlook and could make your experience horrible, or could have bad people in leadership that ruin the clan in the long term.

If your looking for a smaller clan experience, you really shouldn't be looking to overthrow a Dom clan, as it is incredibly draining and unlikely to be successful. Instead, focus on building a reliable and loyal core and just do your thing, it is alot more enjoyable than an "us versus them" mentality.

Re: Would you start a new clan or join a small clan to compete with endgame clans?

Ok, so having toons on different servers gives one an interesting view on this. I recently visited an old toon of mine on an older server. While Dom clans have their place and are essential to the health of the game when they have an overwhelming monopoly the server slowly dies. Yes they still kill eg but they have no competition and a lack of new players just alts. I’m not advocating either for or against as it is a choice each player must make for themselves, I’m just noting the progression when one clan leaves no room for competition.
Warrior Anavrin 217
Rogue Instant Tickles 210
Druid JimmyTheGripper 185
Ranger JillTheRipper 190

Re: Would you start a new clan or join a small clan to compete with endgame clans?

I personally enjoy competition, the rush you get when you win a boss when your an underdog at a raid is amazing. I miss it. But in some servers it’s impossible to make competition because of the Dominant clan. Some dominant clans play dirty or are just already established well. :)
-Guardian Of Thereal (Rosmerta) :)
-Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Celtic Heroes Gameplay

Re: Would you start a new clan or join a small clan to compete with endgame clans?

Dom clan servers tend to be a problem in this game (unless you're happy to join that clan) because of the basic design of the game. Everything is open world. All your armor quests rely on bosses that are wide open for anyone to kill and stop you from being able to kill it. If these bosses are camped and killed on spawn, it can take you forever to complete your frozen-dl-edl armor sets if you're not in that dom clan. When it comes to dl and edl weapons, you may NEVER get them if you're not in that dom clan. If this game had instances/dungeons, things would be different. But that's a totally different topic.

Bottom line is, we need more small clans to rise up and offer some competition to those dom clans to keep the servers alive. Without them, servers get boring and repetitive for the dom clan and just plain miserable and depressing for the people not in that clan.

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