Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Pureness

Ppl think that their idea of attainable isnt too easily achieved. They dont realize that the absolutely great sarcasm here (kaliset ty love u) which makes them angry is exactly how they come off to others.

Tbh we should just get beta shops like the glee beta with full edl sets for 5g a piece.
Well unfortunately for kali his “sarcastic” posts actually turned into great talking points so he’s either really bad at it or he wasnt being sarcastic lmao
Last edited by Zkills on Fri Jan 25, 2019 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Pureness

What could have been a great topic to discuss has turned into a thread full of sarcastic smartass posts (because I guess it’s funny?) and people repeating the same point over and over and over again which has already been agreed upon on page two or three (lower level bosses dropping dg unfathomable). On one side there’s a great argument, on the other side there literally is no argument as it’s already been agreed upon.

People need to move their shallow minds beyond that earliest suggestion (the original poster has even stopped replying) and move on. DG needs to be reworked on, people early in the thread weren’t wrong when they said weaker clans should get an opportunity at dg, because the way it was handled/implemented was complete spectral since day one of release. (Mind you Crim, Ali was one of them).
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Pureness

What could have been a great topic to discuss has turned into a thread full of sarcastic smartass posts (because I guess it’s funny?) and people repeating the same point over and over and over again which has already been agreed upon on page two or three (lower level bosses dropping dg unfathomable). On one side there’s a great argument, on the other side there literally is no argument as it’s already been agreed upon.

People need to move their shallow minds beyond that earliest suggestion (the original poster has even stopped replying) and move on. DG needs to be reworked on, people early in the thread weren’t wrong when they said weaker clans should get an opportunity at dg, because the way it was handled/implemented was complete spectral since day one of release. (Mind you Crim, Ali was one of them).
Idk if it’s only me, but i think the idea of a smaller boss the has a chance of dropping a pure is already in the game.
Prot had 15 rage timer and can be zerged ezpz, just likr all edl/dl bosses. It’s not a raid boss cuz it has a very short respawn timer. That is the helper source people want, while gele is the main guaranteed source of pures. On top of it, it drops rings and braces.

Then u have some clans (not gonna point fingers) who cannot kill even prot, not because they get outlocked, na, because they cannot schedule a prot kill lol.

Also, kali’s comments were definitely sarcastic, if it wasn’t obvious already lol.

Re: Pureness

What could have been a great topic to discuss has turned into a thread full of sarcastic smartass posts (because I guess it’s funny?) and people repeating the same point over and over and over again which has already been agreed upon on page two or three (lower level bosses dropping dg unfathomable). On one side there’s a great argument, on the other side there literally is no argument as it’s already been agreed upon.

People need to move their shallow minds beyond that earliest suggestion (the original poster has even stopped replying) and move on. DG needs to be reworked on, people early in the thread weren’t wrong when they said weaker clans should get an opportunity at dg, because the way it was handled/implemented was complete spectral since day one of release. (Mind you Crim, Ali was one of them).
Idk if it’s only me, but i think the idea of a smaller boss the has a chance of dropping a pure is already in the game.
Prot had 15 rage timer and can be zerged ezpz, just likr all edl/dl bosses. It’s not a raid boss cuz it has a very short respawn timer. That is the helper source people want, while gele is the main guaranteed source of pures. On top of it, it drops rings and braces.

Then u have some clans (not gonna point fingers) who cannot kill even prot, not because they get outlocked, na, because they cannot schedule a prot kill lol.

Also, kali’s comments were definitely sarcastic, if it wasn’t obvious already lol.
I’m not talking about that, have you read anything I’ve suggested? I’m not talking about what clans can or can’t do, I’m not talking about petty clan v clan drama, I’m talking about general gameplay. Dg was implemented poorly and it needs to be redone the same way CG offhands were done. Dg is supposed to be a bonus for reaching endgame, why should some be locked out of that endgame bonus while others are let in? Yes you will still need a clan or a group of friends to gain edl armor and down whatever boss is made that’s equivalent to reaver or lich, because this game revolves around that concept, but any group/clan of endgame players will be able to experience the bonus for hitting endgame.

Dom clans will still have their raids, but instead of hoarding the dg for themselves, others outside will be able to obtain dg through a fun, rewarding challenge.

How is anyone supposed to tell he’s being sarcastic when no one knows who he is, where he is from, and if he’s even endgame lol. It’s like some random dude that you don’t know jumps in on your conversation and starts making sarcastic comments mocking you, you’ll be like “who tf is this dude? Is he being serious?”
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Pureness

Dg is fine as is with buffed prot pureness droprates honestly. Top tier gear shouldnt be available to you if you cant kill top tier bosses.
If anything the skill boosts on most classes dg sets need to be buffed.
Nee, Proud CHIEFTAIN of the beloved Aeon KodiakReavers of Belenus,
229 Druid

Re: Pureness

Another neat thread that boils down to wanting items more accessible to smaller clans vs the other side that says no because they worked really hard sitting on the couch pressing buttons on a video game for their virtual gear.

The game just needs more options all around. Zkills makes a good point on the CG bosses...make a few ore of those that can be killed with a small group that drops nice items. Toss in some eg armor choices...it was kinda cool when you had the OW armor (the one that took the blackstone drops) and dusk shadow, etc. And implement armor that doesn't become a plat fest to use (dg is nice but geez you have to resto constantly because of energy issues).
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Pureness

Another came up to my mind.
69 Purple Bounty token could be traded to 1 Purness or Conflux. That way people can get DG without being in a DOM clan or even no clan.

"A random dude" said DG should be reward for a player who reached end game and obtainable via some other ways. What about other raid drops ? Let's talk about those too.

69 Purple tokens = Gele Shadow Weap.
69 Purple tokens = BT Ammy

Re: Pureness

Another came up to my mind.
69 Purple Bounty token could be traded to 1 Purness or Conflux. That way people can get DG without being in a DOM clan or even no clan.

"A random dude" said DG should be reward for a player who reached end game and obtainable via some other ways. What about other raid drops ? Let's talk about those too.

69 Purple tokens = Gele Shadow Weap.
69 Purple tokens = BT Ammy
I’ll trade 69 tokens for a roll of duct tape
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Pureness

Another neat thread that boils down to wanting items more accessible to smaller clans vs the other side that says no because they worked really hard sitting on the couch pressing buttons on a video game for their virtual gear.

The game just needs more options all around. Zkills makes a good point on the CG bosses...make a few ore of those that can be killed with a small group that drops nice items. Toss in some eg armor choices...it was kinda cool when you had the OW armor (the one that took the blackstone drops) and dusk shadow, etc. And implement armor that doesn't become a plat fest to use (dg is nice but geez you have to resto constantly because of energy issues).
It’s more like, one side wants dg more accessible to them while the other side says “no fk that” while asking for dg to be even more accessible to them... one side makes sense and holds a partially valid argument while the other is just spinning in circles

Finally someone else who gets it. I think people need to move away from this tunnel vision (not just the dom clan side, but the other side aswell) and see the game from a wider perspective, or from a gameplay point of view... not a view of which most benefits themselves (again, both sides are guilty of this)

If this game revolved more around gameplay and fun concepts over which idea gives which clan bigger balls, this game would be so much more successful... CG was the best idea OTM/VR has ever come up with, they just need to expand upon those concepts and perhaps blend them in with other eg content like DG (or anyother content really). There’s so much potential
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: Pureness

Why not just make a quest to be able to obtain pureness? It would have to take a while and be weekly, maybe even a bigger gap between weeks. Maybe a tiered quest that you can do weekly that rewards you with a shard, make 3 shards equal a pure. The shards would be no trade of course as well as the pures that are obtained from trading the shards in. Players must have EDL weapons and armour as well as be 220 to do these quests. (Of course the number of shards could always be larger for the trade in)

You want a way to obtain pureness without killing raids it will have to be grindy and tedious. Making a roundabout and easy way for lower clans to obtain the top notch armour in the game is not gonna make a lot of people happy, especially those who have grinded out pures from raids to obtain there DG.

There's always people who want to be the lone Wolf or the underdog then get frustrated when things get hard for them. The simplest solution would be to just join the dom clan, and if they aren't accepting you it's probably having to do with something you have done on the server.

There's my constructive criticism for you, enjoy.
Wardon- 220 Warrior
Cryptic- 220 Rogue

Yeeticus- 220 Ranger

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