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Re: Here's Something Cool: Rules!

Wasnt trying to distespect epona, what i am trying to do is figure out the answers to those 'questions' i put forth. Im from rhiannon, the server is dying, and i feel that the best way to save it is if clans work together. The problem is, theres a long history of anamosity between clans, a feeling that 'no competition means no fun' and a hardnosed haterd of rolling for drops. We use a dkp system in my clan, another clan lets leaders cherry pick and ive heard the other keeps alldrops in a bank and loans to those who need. There is no drop selling between clans thats not done on the black market and toons are often sold. Only my clan can take gele and the others rarely get any raid but hrung. None can kill bt, other clans wont join us and we will not join them (theres a lot of bad blood).
What i guess im asking is, has epona always worked like it does now? If not then how did you sell everyone on the idea of uniting? What issues does your system suffer and how do you compensate?
Airrius 225 tank
TheGreenMan 216 druid
Balgair 221 rogue
Velocity 200 rogue
Iolo 225 ranger
Alistar 215 mage
Divym 223 mage

Re: Here's Something Cool: Rules!

As far as I’ve been playing Epona for the past few years it’s been this way. A collaboration of clans and clanless. A few players transferred and said they were gonna go dom... we squashed that rather quickly.

As for the system we run and it’s flaws... sometimes you get the random semi-inactive winning a good drop, but if someone has deep enough pockets the item gets into the right hands. Usually does. That’s probably the biggest flaw but we deal with it.

We have quite a few full DG sets and partial sets. I’d argue that we have some of the best equipped toons in all of CH. Not all that gear was won by those people, but our system has allowed them to gear how they desire.

Our system benefits casual and hardcore players. You don’t have to attend 50 BT kills to get a good item. You could attend 5 and strike it lucky. A lot like it, that’s why we have people transferring here weekly. Some don’t, but there’s other servers they can go to if that’s their style.

Getting over years of bad blood between clans will be hard, but as a server you gotta decide if you can suck it up so you can actually kill all bosses regularly or keep up with your nit-picking and be content with just Gele and below.

Re: Here's Something Cool: Rules!

So who is in charge of all this, anyway? Is there a player who ensures the whole thing? Or is it just a thing everyone agreed to do and keep it controlled themselves?
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

Re: Here's Something Cool: Rules!

So who is in charge of all this, anyway? Is there a player who ensures the whole thing? Or is it just a thing everyone agreed to do and keep it controlled themselves?
When I played epona (a few years ago mind u ) it was controlled by everyone it was like a unified law
Theirs no giant dictator, that in mind theirs as in everything though who have respect which frequently have a stronger pull on banning BUT even noobs can get ppl banned by having proof.

Ps..Mind you been forever since I played epoba cause my clan had too many leader switches.
I hate ppl that hate ppl! “To end confusion you have to be a potato” -MemeLordJT

Re: Here's Something Cool: Rules!

So who is in charge of all this, anyway? Is there a player who ensures the whole thing? Or is it just a thing everyone agreed to do and keep it controlled themselves?
When I played epona (a few years ago mind u ) it was controlled by everyone it was like a unified law
Theirs no giant dictator, that in mind theirs as in everything though who have respect which frequently have a stronger pull on banning BUT even noobs can get ppl banned by having proof.

Ps..Mind you been forever since I played epoba cause my clan had too many leader switches.
Cool. Thanks for clearing that up!!
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

Re: Here's Something Cool: Rules!

Everyone keeps each other in check. If someone breaks the rules, the accusers shows screenshots/describes what happens, if enough evidence is shown, that person receives a server ban that’s anywhere from a couple day ban from bossing to a perma server ban depending on the severity of what happened. It is voted on by the server through WeChat. Majority rules.

With the possibility of being banned from bosses it keeps a lot of people from breaking the rules because what other reason would you have to continue playing? We run a ban list that’s continually updated.

We do our best to maintain our free server.

Re: Here's Something Cool: Rules!

Everyone keeps each other in check. If someone breaks the rules, the accusers shows screenshots/describes what happens, if enough evidence is shown, that person receives a server ban that’s anywhere from a couple day ban from bossing to a perma server ban depending on the severity of what happened. It is voted on by the server through WeChat. Majority rules.

With the possibility of being banned from bosses it keeps a lot of people from breaking the rules because what other reason would you have to continue playing? We run a ban list that’s continually updated.

We do our best to maintain our free server.
Love it.
Angmar Reid—Herne—169 Warrior
RagingRedhead—Danu—186 Warrior (currently more active)
I don’t rage quit, I ginger snap.

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