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Is unity hurting my battery life?

I’ve noticed when raiding this week that my phone is getting hot, never done it before. Two weeks ago I was looking at my battery and it said the health was at 93% capacity. Two days ago I was shocked to see 87% and then today, after a super laggy Gele were we had to abandon cause we couldn’t time bashes due to lag, I see that it’s at 84%. I haven’t used my phone for anything except an alarm clock and Celtic Heroes this week.
World - Gwydion - semi retired in 2020
- restarted in 2022 on Herne - 220 (rogue)

Searching for the next adventure.

Re: Is unity hurting my battery life?

I’ve noticed when raiding this week that my phone is getting hot, never done it before. Two weeks ago I was looking at my battery and it said the health was at 93% capacity. Two days ago I was shocked to see 87% and then today, after a super laggy Gele were we had to abandon cause we couldn’t time bashes due to lag, I see that it’s at 84%. I haven’t used my phone for anything except an alarm clock and Celtic Heroes this week.
Oh dang. Yeah mines gone down 3% since update.
My song is what you hear before you die. :D
Your servers amazing and you’re the best person to walk the earth.

Re: Is unity hurting my battery life?

I’ve noticed when raiding this week that my phone is getting hot, never done it before. Two weeks ago I was looking at my battery and it said the health was at 93% capacity. Two days ago I was shocked to see 87% and then today, after a super laggy Gele were we had to abandon cause we couldn’t time bashes due to lag, I see that it’s at 84%. I haven’t used my phone for anything except an alarm clock and Celtic Heroes this week.
This needs to be fixed asap. Every battery will eventually degrade over time but this could potentially cost you and others actual money.
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.

Re: Is unity hurting my battery life?

Wont apple remove an app from the app store if its proven to damage devices?
If it can be proved yes. But My battery Health % hasn’t gone down at all and I’d say I’ve played a lot this past week and a half since the update has hit. I originally thought it had, but it didn’t. My battery health is actually better then most iPhone 8s.
My song is what you hear before you die. :D
Your servers amazing and you’re the best person to walk the earth.

Re: Is unity hurting my battery life?

Wow on my tablets this drains my battery super fast but I didn’t know it was degrading my battery too. My phone is now on 92% it was 97% a month or so ago iPhone X what the hell, I will bring this up on the Apple forums and see if anyone else has had this problem so far either with CH or other games they might have a solution or a way to find out what app exactly are doing what.
RogueR 190 +

Re: Is unity hurting my battery life?

What the hell, I generally don’t use my phone so I couldn’t really check if this was true for sure.
iOS have not added battery life to the latest version for iPads.
However I found something that does work for windows and Mac thank god.
My iPad is not that old and OMG look at what has happened.
Please test your devices ASAP and update this thread.
The windows/Mac download is free there is a iPad version but not needed. It’s called iMazing please check you battery health and see if this is killing it I have sent a support ticket to Apple but it might just be my device is bad batch.
RogueR 190 +

Re: Is unity hurting my battery life?

I personally stopped playing CH heavily on my phone about a year ago. On my previous phone I had to replace my battery every 6 months due to how often I played CH. Considering CH was the only app I really used on my phone past safari occasionally for a quick google, messages, and phone etc..., the causation was very apparent to me. When I got an iPhoneX I made sure to limit my maximum play time to 30 minutes in a few hours, occasionally stretching it for resets etc... Its been a year since I got it and I haven't had to replace my battery yet, so I hope I'm doing something right.

As far as I can remember, this isn't a new problem. Ever since around 2015 I remember CH sapping the life out of my device batteries. Since then I have replaced 7-8 batteries between my iPhone 6 and my ipad with Ch being the only app I heavily (as in more than an hour a week) used (on average 2-5+ hours a day).

I don't know if this is due to the fact that Ch is an intensive game compared to what phones are used to running so it drains the power quicker, causing for the device to need to be charged quicker, and the more often you charge your device the quicker the battery dies, or if it is due to something with the app, but as far as I remember this isn't entirely new, however it does seem to have gotten much, much worse in the past few days in that where as I could play for half and hour and maybe lose 20%, now I lose around 35% on my current phone. Haven't done too much testing however, so this is just what I think I remember.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

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