Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

We should learn from looking at other servers that Epona is thriving and others are dying. Why is this? Open world. Should we be heading in the direction of a thriving, or dying community? I know this stuff is meant to happen organically but atm it isn't and I have my concerns. I'd like to hear feedback on this.
First off this is an unfair assumption. I can safely speak for my clan and server that Arawn is doing just fine without an open server setting. We have an auction house with fair prices, 25+ pages at all times, lixs are still attainable and affordable even with the current plat draught that i'm sure even epona is facing. We have had a ton of x-fers from epona to arawn, more players have come from epona to arawn than we have lost to epona in the past year.

Arawn isn't the only world like this, other worlds like Herne, Rosmerta, Morrigan are surviving without any problems. Although some worlds like crom and sulis may be dying, others are getting stronger and stronger.

Furthermore you have a very small sample size to assume worlds like epona excel over other world types. The reasons behind why servers with a dominant clan structure have survived or died is due to a multitude of reasons, most of the reasons having to do with the history of the server over a long period of time or due to large events dating back a year or two or more. Epona is succeeding, but so are worlds where there is competition. I prefer a server where gear isn't just handed to me or where I can't just show up and get lucky or where people who have unlimited rl money (i'm a broke college student so :/ ) can dominate the game. I like showing up to bosses and using my skill at the game to compete for gear, makes it a little more fun and controllable.

But that is the beauty of there being multiple established servers, people can try one and bop around until they find their home.

Imo don't try and dictate how Nuada forms, just let it form how it forms.
Feel free to pm me about anything or talk to me in game :D
Bob The God
This Bob guy is a guide? Legitimately?
Former EG try hard who’s now relaxing midgame on crom.
Fire Mages are where its at

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

We should learn from looking at other servers that Epona is thriving and others are dying. Why is this? Open world. Should we be heading in the direction of a thriving, or dying community? I know this stuff is meant to happen organically but atm it isn't and I have my concerns. I'd like to hear feedback on this.
First off this is an unfair assumption. I can safely speak for my clan and server that Arawn is doing just fine without an open server setting. We have an auction house with fair prices, 25+ pages at all times, lixs are still attainable and affordable even with the current plat draught that i'm sure even epona is facing. We have had a ton of x-fers from epona to arawn, more players have come from epona to arawn than we have lost to epona in the past year.

Arawn isn't the only world like this, other worlds like Herne, Rosmerta, Morrigan are surviving without any problems. Although some worlds like crom and sulis may be dying, others are getting stronger and stronger.

Furthermore you have a very small sample size to assume worlds like epona excel over other world types. The reasons behind why servers with a dominant clan structure have survived or died is due to a multitude of reasons, most of the reasons having to do with the history of the server over a long period of time or due to large events dating back a year or two or more. Epona is succeeding, but so are worlds where there is competition. I prefer a server where gear isn't just handed to me or where I can't just show up and get lucky or where people who have unlimited rl money (i'm a broke college student so :/ ) can dominate the game. I like showing up to bosses and using my skill at the game to compete for gear, makes it a little more fun and controllable.

But that is the beauty of there being multiple established servers, people can try one and bop around until they find their home.

Imo don't try and dictate how Nuada forms, just let it form how it forms.
Don't normally agree with bob but enormous +1

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

We should learn from looking at other servers that Epona is thriving and others are dying. Why is this? Open world. Should we be heading in the direction of a thriving, or dying community? I know this stuff is meant to happen organically but atm it isn't and I have my concerns. I'd like to hear feedback on this.
First off this is an unfair assumption. I can safely speak for my clan and server that Arawn is doing just fine without an open server setting. We have an auction house with fair prices, 25+ pages at all times, lixs are still attainable and affordable even with the current plat draught that i'm sure even epona is facing. We have had a ton of x-fers from epona to arawn, more players have come from epona to arawn than we have lost to epona in the past year.

Arawn isn't the only world like this, other worlds like Herne, Rosmerta, Morrigan are surviving without any problems. Although some worlds like crom and sulis may be dying, others are getting stronger and stronger.

Furthermore you have a very small sample size to assume worlds like epona excel over other world types. The reasons behind why servers with a dominant clan structure have survived or died is due to a multitude of reasons, most of the reasons having to do with the history of the server over a long period of time or due to large events dating back a year or two or more. Epona is succeeding, but so are worlds where there is competition. I prefer a server where gear isn't just handed to me or where I can't just show up and get lucky or where people who have unlimited rl money (i'm a broke college student so :/ ) can dominate the game. I like showing up to bosses and using my skill at the game to compete for gear, makes it a little more fun and controllable.

But that is the beauty of there being multiple established servers, people can try one and bop around until they find their home.

Imo don't try and dictate how Nuada forms, just let it form how it forms.
Well said, bob.

Epona doesn't excel over all other servers at all, I think we're about the same size as arawn currently. If someone likes lock battles and/or dkp? Great. If you like co op and open market? Great. Both have their ups and downs. Neither is better, just different experiences....
From an outsiders perspective, nuada sounds great as a mix of systems. No need to change that, imo.
LordOfDiablos: 228 Support Rogue
HealerOfEvil: 180 Support Druid
ButcherOfEvil: 180 Tank Warrior
Proud General of Enigma!
'Lord, you look like a gay detective moose' Limbro, 2015

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Few things :

1. If Epona is thriving, how come so many are here and not there? I see ppl here saying how appealing Epona is, but from those who got away from Epona Ive heard the complete opposite, and yet, all those here insist on staying here and not on Epona.

2. If u believe in cooperating, then do that and u will have to face against Chaotic's clan, if u win then its good for u, but if he wins good for him (and the respective clans).

3. If u already decide that unless u work exactly like Epona, it'll turn into griefing wars and hate, then thats exactly what it will be. The choice is up to u, ur the ones who can avoid it, do not think for a moment that being cooperative will solve this because its like putting all ur problems under a rag, u can choose to be friendly and not grief regardless of the situation.

4. I dont see how all servers are dying, did u play on all 17 servervs (excluding Nuada and Epona) to say so?

5. Never call it ksing. Theres lock system, u locked, u won. Ks doesnt exist in CH in the correct meaning of it, other than griefing someone's mobs while hes elixing.

6. Never claim a boss as urs, no one can take a boss 'from' Bandits, Bandits have to win them fairly like the rest.

7. Just because the prices went up on a server, it doesnt mean it's dying. It's not the server's fault that OTM doesnt provide content worth of spending their money on.

8. Stop calling ppl greedy because they do not support ur mindset of what is right for the world. Thats exactly the attitude that will lead to drama, hatred and griefing.

9. As for thriving Epona, getting 40-50 ppl for Gele only cus they schedule two kills a week. Belenus is killing Gele twice a week, preferably on the day of spawn, will go for it even with 30+ but often gets 40+ (not including the players below 215 ofc). Theres competition on any raid excluding Gele, but we know our rivals want it and we fight to win it every time. Dont get me wrong, Elementals and Ronin of Belenus are not friendly whatsoever and theres zero agreement between the clans, but we dont grief, we dont have wars. The 'hatred' is there but it doesnt make the server dying.

Good luck to all clans and all players, for whatever route u choose to take, just dont bash others on the way for not believing in the same ways as u.


10. Ik ur looking only at Epona cus its convenient, but Lugh was cooperative and it failed. So out of the TWO examples of cooperative worlds (and not one while ignoring the other), it had only 50% success.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

The terms "cooperative" va "dominant" are misnomers. It should be called Luck-Based vs Effort-Based.
Lmao. So true.

5. Never call it ksing. Theres lock system, u locked, u won. Ks doesnt exist in CH in the correct meaning of it, other than griefing someone's mobs while hes elixing.

6. Never claim a boss as urs, no one can take a boss 'from' Bandits, Bandits have to win them fairly like the rest.
These 2 points should be framed and put throughout the game.
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

Youtube Series here

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

Ik ur looking only at Epona cus its convenient, but Lugh was cooperative and it failed. So out of the TWO examples of cooperative worlds (and not one while ignoring the other), it had only 50% success.
Although it's a decent point, the lugh dice system was pretty terrible as far as I've heard. You could come to a boss on 3 ungeared, unlixed and afk accounts and get to roll 3 times, no thanks.
LordOfDiablos: 228 Support Rogue
HealerOfEvil: 180 Support Druid
ButcherOfEvil: 180 Tank Warrior
Proud General of Enigma!
'Lord, you look like a gay detective moose' Limbro, 2015

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

The terms "cooperative" va "dominant" are misnomers. It should be called Luck-Based vs Effort-Based.
We don't use dice because we think it's the absolute perfect way to distribute drops. We use dice because there's no other system that can include everyone. Plus nobody is stopping a clan in epona using a dkp system, I've even suggested something similar for my clan. So no, it's still definitely cooperative vs Dominant/competitive.
LordOfDiablos: 228 Support Rogue
HealerOfEvil: 180 Support Druid
ButcherOfEvil: 180 Tank Warrior
Proud General of Enigma!
'Lord, you look like a gay detective moose' Limbro, 2015

Re: Are we heading in the right direction?

The terms "cooperative" va "dominant" are misnomers. It should be called Luck-Based vs Effort-Based.
We don't use dice because we think it's the absolute perfect way to distribute drops. We use dice because there's no other system that can include everyone. Plus nobody is stopping a clan in epona using a dkp system, I've even suggested something similar for my clan. So no, it's still definitely cooperative vs Dominant/competitive.

Was your idea sort of a you have two people dice representing each clan and the droos are rolled for by those people and then drops won go to bank and dkp is done? Could work. Or just everyone rolls and drops sent to bank.

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