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Boss Locking(Leveling Capable) Build/Guide

Rogue- Boss Locking(Leveling Capable) Build/Guide

This build aims to suit a large range of gear setups and be good for Leveling (solo or grouped), for Locking and for Fighting Bosses

Others may have more insights but this is my effort. Please feel free to add your opinions in comments.

Im only going into STATS and SKILLS not gear (as everyones gear differs). That said....

One pointer i will make with gear choices is aim for gear with 'attack rating' once you reach endgame raid boss lvls (180 to +220) as a lot of your auto attacks miss on bosses and attack will boost your damage done greatly (aim for +6k attack un-lixed after reaching lvl 220)

-I will start with Stats;

As much as u need to lvl (differs with play-style/gear i.e. armor/def)

At ~ lvl 100 its probably round 1.2-1.6k hp depending on if you solo or group
~ lvl 150 2.2k hp
~ lvl 180 3.5k hp
~ lvl 220 4.5-6k hp


Split the remaining stat points evenly between them. (Including stats from gear) I would say there is a margin for str to be up to 200 points ahead (as 3/5 of the damage skills i am choosing for the build are str based)

If you have Warden/Meteoric/Frozen/DL/EDL set bonus you shouldn't need to add Focus.
If you don't have set bonus you may need to add up to 40 focus for some energy


Sneaky(if dagger)/Double Attack(if spear).
Quick Strike,
Shadow strike,
Life Steal
And any leftovers in Fast Reflexes

There are other skills worth using in general but not for locking bosses i.e. Rend, Assassinate, Smoke Bomb and Expose

-Boss Locking Technique:

When camping keep fast reflexes up so you don't waste time when the boss spawns casting it
(if its not up before boss pops forget it till boss is locked) the idea of fast reflexes is to keep u alive a bit longer so u can dps till boss is locked.

If there are other clans competing for the lock do the following.
If not then clear any adds and wait on the tanks "GO" before attacking the Boss

Start Auto Attack for the run up to the boss then straight away start this skill chain:
Shadow Strike, Sneaky Attack, Quick Strike,
If at this time the boss is targeting you (this is a perfect scenario) hit riposte. It does awesome damage and if this happens your group is likely to get the lock.
You will likely die if you get to the point of being able to cast riposte so get up and start using your skills as they become available. Until the boss is locked.
( DON'T run away like a nancy cos u got aggro. Take advantage of it with Riposte!!)

Once the boss is locked to your group, then use Life Steal and Pots to keep you hp up and back off your damage until the tank can get aggro of the boss.
BUT IF adds are still up focus on getting them down and away from healers.

Hope this helps you all :)

Re: Boss Locking(Leveling Capable) Build/Guide

Even if you are dagger still use double attack.

Dont use riposte as a locker. You are much better off using poison weapons. Its also useful when you level so helps both. Whilst riposte is mor useful for leveling, overall poison weapons is more benefitial when applying to boss and lock.

The riposte poison weaps is my personal opinion as well as from experience
Ventius - level 227 ranger of dawn
Ventius - level 222 noob ranger of Enigma
Ventius - level 163 druid

RIP badabing

Your newest blue name who has dreams to one day be purple

Re: Boss Locking(Leveling Capable) Build/Guide

Pw is hardly worth the time to cast if your lvling. Considering you could have auto attacked 2-3times in the time it takes to cast.
It is partially usefull for boss locking as you can precast it. But considering necro is completely immune to poison damage and most of the tower mobs and bosses have high poison resistance its usefulness is even more limited for both lvling and bossing.
Riposte still trumps pw for both in my experience.

And double attack takes around the same time as two nonhasted auto attacks and although it is unavoidable, with dagger hasted or even 30% hasted (ring) you are virtually on the speed cap. So you dont really gain anything. Where as with spear you are still a little way of the cap (thinking mordy spear at 2900 speed) plus unless you gear swap to dagger for sneaky during a lock fight.(doable buy difficult for many to pull of succesfully under stress) double is the best option for spear as a replacement for sneaky on lock fights.
If this was purely a lvling build id say use both sneaky and double attack and gear swap and the same if it was a general bossing build. But for the locking part of a boss fight i still think the skill recomendations i made are more suitable.
Last edited by Nullydead on Wed Jun 15, 2016 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Boss Locking(Leveling Capable) Build/Guide

If your wanting a straight bossing build the changes i would make to this build would be to drop riposte, lifesteal and the spare points in fastreflexes (possibly even shadowstrike)use a dagger mainly and get a mordy spear to swap to for double attack and add in smokebomb and/or expose, rend and/or assassinate
And drop your dex to about 1/2 of you str (still trying for +6k attack unlixed)

Re: Boss Locking(Leveling Capable) Build/Guide

Good guide. However I will add some points mainly coz some of the points you said afterwards isn't completely true.

Double attack should be incorporated in a bossing build no matter the weapon. You only lose one auto casting it, but gain two autos that can not be evaded. It's plain as day bosses have high defense so this is extremely vital in winning locks/getting kills. It also helps stay alive and still deal good dmg at cloaked phases of bosses(mord chaos cloak, proteus shields when lures endured and last even obelisk some bs dmg cloak).
Poison weapon, well it's a must use on snorri, hrung (two most lock contested bosses) mord etc. Useless on necro. Still does ok dmg on EDLs as well, despite resists. Now even if you're leveling in tower, it's still a good skill to have. You lose 2 autos casting it, when your autos are like 900 on same level mobs, that's only -1800 dps loss to start with. An avg pw is 160 on a hybrid build. Will still do like 70 dmg per on tower mobs,assuming you don't die for the full course of 2 mins which it lasts, it will outscore that loss by ~3x.( even if u only land 80 autos on 2min).Also helps u sigil during cast. Things are different if you lix with a lure mage however, but who has a 24/7 lure mage *** anyways.
Now riposte is the absolute beast of skill when it comes to leveling, it's use on bossing is only auxiliary. Sure it helps on adds, but ehh adds are down by 2-3 ppl so fast. And if you get aggro from boss, it helps yea but its pierce dmg and boss need to be autoing you and most bosses use skills during the first few secs.
Oh and a lvl 1 rend you should always use. I'd use sneaky, ss, qs, pw and rip whilst leveling but still is somewhat a lockbot. And gradually drop rip for double when finished lixing.
Adrohan - 226 Rogue, Fingal
Get kills or die trying!
First Mordris n Necro kill on Android, nuff said

Re: Boss Locking(Leveling Capable) Build/Guide

Good guide. However I will add some points mainly coz some of the points you said afterwards isn't completely true.

Double attack should be incorporated in a bossing build no matter the weapon. You only lose one auto casting it, but gain two autos that can not be evaded. It's plain as day bosses have high defense so this is extremely vital in winning locks/getting kills. It also helps stay alive and still deal good dmg at cloaked phases of bosses(mord chaos cloak, proteus shields when lures endured and last even obelisk some bs dmg cloak).
Poison weapon, well it's a must use on snorri, hrung (two most lock contested bosses) mord etc. Useless on necro. Still does ok dmg on EDLs as well, despite resists. Now even if you're leveling in tower, it's still a good skill to have. You lose 2 autos casting it, when your autos are like 900 on same level mobs, that's only -1800 dps loss to start with. An avg pw is 160 on a hybrid build. Will still do like 70 dmg per on tower mobs,assuming you don't die for the full course of 2 mins which it lasts, it will outscore that loss by ~3x.( even if u only land 80 autos on 2min).Also helps u sigil during cast. Things are different if you lix with a lure mage however, but who has a 24/7 lure mage ***** anyways.
Now riposte is the absolute beast of skill when it comes to leveling, it's use on bossing is only auxiliary. Sure it helps on adds, but ehh adds are down by 2-3 ppl so fast. And if you get aggro from boss, it helps yea but its pierce dmg and boss need to be autoing you and most bosses use skills during the first few secs.
Oh and a lvl 1 rend you should always use. I'd use sneaky, ss, qs, pw and rip whilst leveling but still is somewhat a lockbot. And gradually drop rip for double when finished lixing.
Thanks saladin7 :) thats some good constructive criticism and some info i didn't realise ;)

Re: Boss Locking(Leveling Capable) Build/Guide

^ or forget to cast it or have it run out midway through a mob and either try to cast it then and be interrupted a bunch of times or wait until u finish that mob and miss out on the damage buff.

I think im pretty happy with riposte to be honest. The only thing u need is for the mob to target you and not be casting skills for the duration of riposte.

Also who waits for sigils while they have a lix ticking away. Thats what resto pots are for

Re: Boss Locking(Leveling Capable) Build/Guide

Just gunna throw it out there that depending on the boss and group you have distract is something i came to enjoy.

To set the scene imagine its 5* 180 dl and youre a level 170-180 rogue with 3.5k hp. You cast your ss, qs and then whatever you had whether it was a sneaky or double or rend it shouldnt matter because by this point youve more than likely caught the aggro. What i always liked doing was my ss qs and wyld combo then distract so the other team would wipe out before me and i can continue my dps for a much longer period of time. One of the issues with bosses like these or even the 6* is the can do area attacks as soon as you res idol amd send you straight into that 30 second res idol cooldown so diatract is always a nice alternative.
Fingal - Whykicamoocow
Hammy Level 221 Mage

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