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Re: Hi, need some help!

Druids require intense grit to level to the endgame. They are expensive, slow, and largely reliant on others for leveling support. If you are the sort to commit to something to the very end, then go for it - you have the funds. However if you tend to try things and give up easily, Druid will likely not be for you. Either way, I recommend the experience, and wish you the best with your Druiding adventures ahead!
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!

Re: Hi, need some help!

Here is what I have been doing and its worked well, granted my Druid is only level 107 so far.
Strangling vines
Stinging swarm
Natures touch
Natures embrace

I find this combo of skills very effective. It allows me to solo and group without changing skills. For grouping cast dps skills on boss/mob and then focus on healing whoever needs it until you need to recast your dps skills. Also with the dps skills being dots I don't pull as much Agro as with burst dps skills such as lightning strike or storms touch.
For soloing cast natures embrace on yourself first, this is a heal over time skill. When soloing 1 mob at a time this skill almost always keeps me topped off on health the entire fight as it simply negates the enemies damage. Secondly cast vines followed by swarm. Use natures touch as needed. As the dots are ticking away I am simultaneously dpsing the mob with a totem and offhand.

I use mostly lux gear. With squishy toons you can't go wrong with regen. But generally focus on pieces with focus/health or focus and some form of defense, whether that's dex, pure def, etc.. It really helps if you have other toons already that can pass down some good gear pieces. Also speed gloves or a speed ring will help with your totem dps.

If nothing else do all 6 bounties every day and the gladiators quest. At least this way your still slowly progressing your toon and earning a bit of gold as well. Anyhow I know this "guide" is pretty basic but from 1-107 it's worked well for me.
Black Company of Taranis

Mercenaries don't care about sides or politics, they care about getting paid.

Re: Hi, need some help!

Druids are probably 4-5X harder to level then rogues. 4m
Should be enough to take your Druid 200+ and your rogue 220+
Lmao.. I doubt that
Sulis / Toxic
Sicario, 227 rogue
MF, 226 mage
Zot, 221 ranger
They call me the raid boss slayer.
What's a D3stiny?

Re: Hi, need some help!

I want to give up on my rogue alt and move to Druid 100% but my rogues like lvl 158 and my Druid like 57 do you think I'll be fine if I switch to Druid I have like 4m and stuff that I could switch to druid
Druid is very hard to lvl but super easy to gear with DL / EDL armour. I also find it boring... I'm more into DPS and getting boss kills.
Sulis / Toxic
Sicario, 227 rogue
MF, 226 mage
Zot, 221 ranger
They call me the raid boss slayer.
What's a D3stiny?

Re: Hi, need some help!

Lol a little late to the party but ive began running a melee build and find the kills quite fast and the playstyle is very fun
Ar the lower levels, I have also found Melee builds to be far superior to caster builds, however 105 seems to be the intersection point where spells overtake totems.

Melee starts with high damage but increases slowly, spells start with low damage but increase quickly.
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!

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