Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Seriously what's the point?

If you can become the top, all the props to you

However i do think that any end game player who leaves their clan and refuses to return raid gear, should be treated like scum
But that end game player spent months on obtaining that gear and showed up to raids while lixing.

Any item given to a player without hard work needs to be returned while raid gear earned through blood and sweat should be kept. This is why this server is going down.
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: Seriously what's the point?

What should be pretty clear is that there is not a right or wrong. It is simply a matter of how people want to play.

Nobody can ever stop you from attacking anything in this game. If you don't like talking to members of other clans block them.
The system was in place and a choice was made to rebel against it which is fine. Have at it!
Spit (Mage 226)
lil druid (220)
Damaged Soul (211+)
Creeping Death (Ranger 200)

Re: Seriously what's the point?

[quote="Castanova Mage"]The rotation is meant to be a way of helping lower clans, but then they have to apply to get into rotation.. The reason we are not in rotation is because that is what we are fighting against.. The rotation is restrictive and if all clans that can kill aggy get in... You are talking 8-16 days per kill for your clan

So now real face show up they dun want lower to get in rotation cos they will kill less n got drop less lol

They want to own endgame boss they dun want to share with everyone.

Re: Seriously what's the point?

Precisely, if you've never experienced it you won't know what it's like, they are controlling, they take the fun out of the game... They have to schedule boss kills and if they fail they lose the boss sometimes, that's not fun at all, better to be in a lock battle and fail, knowing you've tried
Adrenoch 220 Ranger
NaturesStorm 210 Druid
Dignitas 208 Druid

Re: Seriously what's the point?

If Aeon and Pride wanted to, we could camp every boss and lock fight them on spawn and completely block out all other clans.
But we choose not to.

If we wanted to, we could enforce a "with us or against us" doctrine forcing other clans to join us if they wanted to gain DL, EDL, or Raid drops, inhibiting a variety of clan cultures on the server.
But we choose not to.

We could keep the current system but not allow others to join it, but we choose not to. We could blacklist players left and right as we felt like it, but we choose not to. We could maintain a monopoly on trade, bosses, and levels, preventing any outsiders from happily experiencing the game, but we choose not to.

70% of the characters over level 210 are in those two clans, and instead of hoarding all to ourselves we encourage other clans to grow and take a share equal to Aeon and Pride's. Paradogz and Nirvana have the same rights as Aeon and Pride: they can camp and participate in mixed DL/EDL boss kills or claim them for their clan, they can kill raid bosses as often as Aeon and Pride do, and if they feel strong enough they can start killing the next one up. We prefer peace to war, and want every clan to have the ability to grow and develop a unique culture in the game.

It is wonderful not having to camp a raid boss with a multi-day window, it is wonderful to be able to schedule kills for times when the great majority of your clan can participate, where point systems can use numbers that accurately reflect kills-to-drops averages, and this ability to communally agree to relax and not base this game around stress has two effects: a close-knit and vibrant community, and long-lasting players. If you look at the global rankings, Taranis has 36% more characters level 220+ than the average iOS server. We have structured Taranis to not be a large time-commitment, allowing all sort of people from all sort of occupations to participate, and for years we have prospered as a result.

Benevolence could join this, they could kill Hrungnir and Aggragoth and Mordris, and would quite honestly receive far more drops than their current status (they try to ks Hrungnir, but fail moreso than succeed). Sacrificing your stolen raid gear for the ability to join camp groups and kill raid bosses just as often as the other clans? As pigman said, you guys are just screwing yourselves over by not joining the rotations.
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!

Re: Seriously what's the point?

Let's just play the game, everything goes, except ksing lixes, grieving bosses and smack talk. The way gens want to run their clan(s) is up to them and if the clansman dislike they should be able to change clans without consequences. People discard months and even years of hard work to join benevolence. Because they dislike the way aeon and pride run their clans (internally) they sacrifice their gear and that's not right. Furthermore when you leave their clans they get so uptight and personal, even if you return gear. I didn't return gear and someone else who joined did return gear, he's actually treated worse then me lol. An aeon gen even said it a few weeks ago, something like, "wow this is the first time I've ever talked to someone from bene as if they're an actual human-being". We are de-humanized for the clan we chose to be in and that's not right.

Re: Seriously what's the point?

If Aeon and Pride wanted to, we could camp every boss and lock fight them on spawn and completely block out all other clans.
But we choose not to.

If we wanted to, we could enforce a "with us or against us" doctrine forcing other clans to join us if they wanted to gain DL, EDL, or Raid drops, inhibiting a variety of clan cultures on the server.
But we choose not to.

We could keep the current system but not allow others to join it, but we choose not to. We could blacklist players left and right as we felt like it, but we choose not to. We could maintain a monopoly on trade, bosses, and levels, preventing any outsiders from happily experiencing the game, but we choose not to.

70% of the characters over level 210 are in those two clans, and instead of hoarding all to ourselves we encourage other clans to grow and take a share equal to Aeon and Pride's. Paradogz and Nirvana have the same rights as Aeon and Pride: they can camp and participate in mixed DL/EDL boss kills or claim them for their clan, they can kill raid bosses as often as Aeon and Pride do, and if they feel strong enough they can start killing the next one up. We prefer peace to war, and want every clan to have the ability to grow and develop a unique culture in the game.

It is wonderful not having to camp a raid boss with a multi-day window, it is wonderful to be able to schedule kills for times when the great majority of your clan can participate, where point systems can use numbers that accurately reflect kills-to-drops averages, and this ability to communally agree to relax and not base this game around stress has two effects: a close-knit and vibrant community, and long-lasting players. If you look at the global rankings, Taranis has 36% more characters level 220+ than the average iOS server. We have structured Taranis to not be a large time-commitment, allowing all sort of people from all sort of occupations to participate, and for years we have prospered as a result.

Benevolence could join this, they could kill Hrungnir and Aggragoth and Mordris, and would quite honestly receive far more drops than their current status (they try to ks Hrungnir, but fail moreso than succeed). Sacrificing your stolen raid gear for the ability to join camp groups and kill raid bosses just as often as the other clans? As pigman said, you guys are just screwing yourselves over by not joining the rotations.
Dude, again quit acting like you guys own the game. That's the problem here. I don't know why you can't comprehend that. That's sad.

If you really wanted to you could camp and lock all bosses...But we win lock against you most the time on

You win some you lose some.

Benevolence is going to play the game according to OTM rules. Not a made up server agreement that not everyone agrees to.

Re: Seriously what's the point?

Regen, on every board you are repeating the same points, if you do not do any of that then please leave benevolence be, it's not right for you to dehumanise us due to our clan choices, aeon are the worst clan for smack talk so stop sticking up for them as if you don't know it happens
Adrenoch 220 Ranger
NaturesStorm 210 Druid
Dignitas 208 Druid

Re: Seriously what's the point?

Dude, again quit acting like you guys own the game. That's the problem here. I don't know why you can't comprehend that. That's sad.
We do not own the game in the sense you intended. The Union is the coalition consisting of Aeon, Pride, Paradogz, and now Nirvana that agree to peace over war and manage boss rotations to benefit everyone involved. Aeon and Pride have the same voting power as Paradogz and Nirvana. We don't own the server, we just all agree to play in peace, and want you to do the same. If you do not, then we will continue to exclude you from rotations and camp groups, however further measures (trade embargo, elixir ksing, etc.) will of course continue until all Benevolence members return stolen raid gear.
Benevolence is going to play the game according to OTM rules. Not a made up server agreement that not everyone agrees to.
Not everyone.. Just 84% of the characters over level 200 (excluding those without a clan or in solo/tiny clans). If Benevolence wants to not follow a clan-property system, so be it, nothing is holding them back. I actually really support the existence of a clan with minimal rules and an internal market economy, for there are a fair amount of players that prefer such a libertarian lifestyle instead of the communistic traits Aeon and Pride have, and such a clan would suit that niche. The problem is when such a clan infringes on the liberties granted to everyone, such as equal opportunity to raid drops, DL, and EDL.
aeon are the worst clan for smack talk so stop sticking up for them as if you don't know it happens
I am well aware of what Aeon members say about Benevolence, and know that some Aeon members sometimes cross the threshold between reality and exaggeration. However, I am certain that Benevolence holds the title of "worst clan for smack talk". If you really desire, I can provide wonderful examples, however would prefer to keep this discussion out of the realm of "he said this", "she said that", "well he said this", "but she said that", where naming, shaming, and pointless bickering abound.
it's not right for you to dehumanise us due to our clan choices
I quite honestly do not care about your clan choice, and am glad you happily joined Benevolence instead of unhappily being in Aeon, Paradogz, or Pride. Where you are doesn't matter, however you should expect that keeping stolen raid gear and engaging in ksings is not met kindly.

It's not right for you to complain about oppression after scamming raid gear and ksing bosses.
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!

Re: Seriously what's the point?

FYI Regen:

I have spoke to Hajtand and Nirvana are not part of union, they are neutral, they group anyone at bosses, as do Benevolence, but you guards and gens in aeon and pride are so stuck up that you don't want to 'lower yourself to our level' I mean come on?! It's like one drop jeez calm down, if we get we keep if you get you keep... Stop being so rude to my clannies at bosses and we will have no problems, aeon are the worst and I have many many screenshots to prove this... The foul language and the insults are not fair on people trying to have fun playing the game... So please just stop and let us play, we don't want your overbearing rules so back down and stop being asses
Adrenoch 220 Ranger
NaturesStorm 210 Druid
Dignitas 208 Druid

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