Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Epona

Someone start a petition to kick alpha off the forums he's the biggest reason why most topics are locked.
And alpha you call us noobs? Why don't you go kill mordis, better yet you go solo him yourself if your such a professional at this game. Quit judging others because they havnt killed a certain boss yet and show some respect if you have any.
Lol im just saying why not try it. These topics are bcuz higher lvls are taken lower lvl bosses bcuz there bored. Just saying why not try him. Cook not saying you should waste 100 idols on him just try and see how good ya guys do. I want epona to kill mordris before crom even tho i deeply hate epona lol i want to see the old strength epona used to have.

Re: Epona

Trying usually results in alot of idol/resto waste, something that not everyone (myself included) can afford. Not everyone is greedy, you always have a few examples who make it hard on people though, and alot of times a server is judged based on the actions of a minority. There is a balance that should be held. . .people who have worked hard should not be disadvantaged for their effort, but neither should they knowingly take advantage of people. Epona gives lower levels a clear level to advance unlike some servers, prices are not op and there is wide availability of upgrades. Plus, if in a reasonable level range (no more than ten levels under a boss) ppl are generally included no matter the clan if they are patiently camped.
World: Epona

Alyssandra Ranger Lvl 221
Atropos Druid Lvl 225
Nyssa Rogue Lvl 215
Briar Rose Mage Lvl 215

Lasciel Rogue Lvl 217
Owl Ranger Lvl 190
Lenore Druid Lvl 191

I could agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

Re: Epona

I've seen a lot of different worlds in my time here and discussed them with some of the best players in the game when I did beta. Epona is definitely one of the best servers in all of Celtic Heroes.

In Epona
-Plat items are wayyyy cheaper than average
-There is no top clan that dominates/hogs everything like on many other servers
-Upgrade items reasonably priced and available to all
-You can get into any clan if you work hard and have a modicum of manners
-You can get into any boss if you are proper level and have a little patience

Overall Epona is not super competitive so you will see clans and players working together all the time. It is basically an open playing field where anybody can become a great player if they are willing to put in the time. Of course there are bad/greedy/mean people also, but you will find that anywhere.

If you don't like Epona you are either:

1) Lazy and want everything handed to you
2) Rude and antisocial, which word spreads of very quickly
3) A troll or scammer, as word also spreads of these very quickly and people try to prevent others from being harmed
4) A drama queen

Re: Epona

I missed update 1 but i started during update 2.

I dont think things were SO different in 2011. I remember all the generous players from then but i am sure there are still great newer players joining all the time.

Have some faith.

Proof is how everyone came together to kill Hrugnir. No other server did that !!!
Srry to say lan but all but 3 servers killed hrungir.so far you peeps were the 3rd to last to kill him so far. So when all the servers kill him you will be the 8th to kill him. As there are 14 worlds.
Alpha i think you misunderstood me or I was unclear.

I meant ALL, or at least a large number, of the Epona clans came together to kill Hrungr. On other worlds it was a single large clan, usually the dominant one, that did the kill.

For whatever reason our clan structure right now is not that strong and Epona is a little more cooperative than most worlds.
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea

Epona (The little server that could)

Re: Epona

I've seen a lot of different worlds in my time here and discussed them with some of the best players in the game when I did beta. Epona is definitely one of the best servers in all of Celtic Heroes.

In Epona
-Plat items are wayyyy cheaper than average
-There is no top clan that dominates/hogs everything like on many other servers
-Upgrade items reasonably priced and available to all
-You can get into any clan if you work hard and have a modicum of manners
-You can get into any boss if you are proper level and have a little patience

Overall Epona is not super competitive so you will see clans and players working together all the time. It is basically an open playing field where anybody can become a great player if they are willing to put in the time. Of course there are bad/greedy/mean people also, but you will find that anywhere.

If you don't like Epona you are either:

1) Lazy and want everything handed to you
2) Rude and antisocial, which word spreads of very quickly
3) A troll or scammer, as word also spreads of these very quickly and people try to prevent others from being harmed
4) A drama queen
LCooK94/ Levy/ Lcook94healer/ Traya / warheadz
warrior/ rogue/ druid/mage/rogue
152/ 194/ 133/ 104/ 174

Re: Epona

I've seen a lot of different worlds in my time here and discussed them with some of the best players in the game when I did beta. Epona is definitely one of the best servers in all of Celtic Heroes.

In Epona
-Plat items are wayyyy cheaper than average
-There is no top clan that dominates/hogs everything like on many other servers
-Upgrade items reasonably priced and available to all
-You can get into any clan if you work hard and have a modicum of manners
-You can get into any boss if you are proper level and have a little patience

Overall Epona is not super competitive so you will see clans and players working together all the time. It is basically an open playing field where anybody can become a great player if they are willing to put in the time. Of course there are bad/greedy/mean people also, but you will find that anywhere.

If you don't like Epona you are either:

1) Lazy and want everything handed to you
2) Rude and antisocial, which word spreads of very quickly
3) A troll or scammer, as word also spreads of these very quickly and people try to prevent others from being harmed
4) A drama queen
Amen Brother! Preach it!

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