Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

DrGreen - First time on Forums.

Hello Celtic People,

While I plan to be much more forum active, It seemed best to introduce myself.

I am DrGreenThumb. I have 4 years of ongoing experience in Rosmerta, and I have not yet explored others servers.

My thought in being more forum active, is to connect with other worlds. Strengthening my understanding of how the worlds are governed and persist. So that my clan, and world may flourish once again.

Rosmerta was once called a dying server, Forever has put an end to that, by preserving and strengthening our server to show Rosmerta still has great potential.

A Big Thanks to One Thumb for creating Celtic Heroes. My home online, the place full of celtic friends and family. I am excited to keep enjoying my life of a celtic hero, while watching the game progress and adapt.

Look forward to meeting you all,

Dr Green,
Chief of Forever

Re: DrGreen - First time on Forums.

Since 2012 I believe. I've been extremely busy with my studies and outside and since I didn't own a pc since a year I couldn't make videos. Bought a second hand a month ago for my hand-ins.
But yea, checking forums every now and then and hope to find the ultimate horizontal content at some point that will attract me right back into the game again. :)

How are you doing? Hope you still have a life outside Rosmerta :) ?
Follow me & keep in contact :D
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