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DPS warrior?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 9:36 pm
by JammyJake
I'm level 210, and don't want to go tank once I hit 220. Does anyone know what gear I should be getting/how to be the best dps I can? (I may get DG but idk)
Importantly, I run out of e a lot, even on e lix. Money not problem

Re: DPS warrior?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 10:50 pm
by Dem0n
Inb4 criminal. I'm positive he'll give you some dps warrior insight :)

Re: DPS warrior?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 5:01 am
by BlackMamba
Until I get there first (criminal is a second rate dps warrior anyways).

Mainhand: Gele axe, or if not possible a shadow+ str halberd. Edl sword maybe as a last resort

Offhand: Runic spite dagger, edl shield for some bosses- perhaps necro, gelebron, proteus. Not sure if missing any

Rings: Necro mighty+ ability rings are ideal, get as many as you can and fill in last slot with a reaper ring. If you can't find those buy some runic valour rings to fill the slots temporarily. Find a frenzy and/or rupture ring to quickswap (think prot drops ones with str). Shatter as well would be useful

Braces: Prot attack braces with str and vit or dex. Also acceptable would be imperial+ dmg attack hrung braces or godly double attack brace. Down the road you probably want a gelebron axe ability brace (once you have or are close to getting a gele axe)

Helm: If you think you're close to getting dg then any attack, dmg, or str would suffice temporarily. I highly recommend looking for a secrets helm (hp attack focus) which could help your energy problems and are quite underrated. A mage or druid might have one sitting in their bank if they recently upgraded to a nice hrung helm. Otherwise if you can find a void earth/moon/victory helm you probably want to keep that forever.

Neck: Runic valour necks are very nice. If energy is a problem you can use a stargem stormcaller instead- not sure if there are any recent lux necks on same caliber. Blood or storm sets are better to use on certain bosses but not a big deal if you don't have.

Charm: If not using a garanak/skain set find a skain stormleaf or garanak bladeleaf charm. The blue lvl 100 brooch from a few years ago is also ok, but worse. Some argue that bladeleaf or stormleaf sets are always the way to go but it really depends on what the rest of your gear is like. If you are starting to get dg pieces and have loads of str from prot braces helm etc, then the bonus str that these sets add doesn't help a whole lot. If you have a reaper ring and 3 good necro ability rings then you'd almost never want to wear a set, except for bloodthorn for mord/hrung.

Skain bladeleaf neck+ring with garanak charm gives 520 str, 200 dmg, 300 attack, 180 vit.
Runic neck+skain storm charm+majestic axe ring gives 240 dmg 1320 attack 215 str +80 ish dmg from the 700 axe ability
(you can check those numbers if you want, about to go to sleep so got those from memory)

So if you're sacrificing a nice majestic+ ability ring and replacing it with a non-attack ring to use a skain/garanak set, it's probably not the way to go.

As for your energy concerns: The stargem neck or the focus helm would help out a little bit. What skills are you using? A lot of skills end up being dps loss in addition to an energy waste. You always want to have frenzy up. Pummel is free dmg but if it only hits for 300-400 and uses a lot of your energy, it is not so free (you end up spamming pots or lose out on dps if you're not able to cast your other skills). Rupture is great, more so for the unresisted dot than the initial physical dmg on hit. Double attack would round out your list of 4 skills. It may seem like a waste to have unspent points, but they're not really worth putting in crap skills like giant swing or sweeping blow. It is always nice to have extra hotbar slots on your first page for smoother quickswaps anyways

Re: DPS warrior?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 12:38 pm
by Dem0n
how to DPS warrior^

Re: DPS warrior?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:31 pm
by Zyz
Perhaps knowing what equipment and gear you have access to or can afford to buy would help with suggestions

Re: DPS warrior?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:31 pm
by Criminal
To help u with DPS it is perhaps ideal to go with BlackMamba's post, but ideal isnt always what u are capable of. In order to determine how to make ur warrior dps, we could use more details. I could suggest u gele axe, but I myself dont have one as we havent killed gele so Im using void str spear.

Re: DPS warrior?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 7:16 pm
by ThyraUnited
The new event str ammys are kind of underrated as well as they add 1k hp with the 200 str and 100 cold direct damage. As everyone says you are 0 dps if dead :). My gear gives me 7317 hp with a 9% kite and no points in vit.

Re: DPS warrior?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 8:51 pm
by Zyz
To help u with DPS it is perhaps ideal to go with BlackMamba's post, but ideal isnt always what u are capable of. In order to determine how to make ur warrior dps, we could use more details. I could suggest u gele axe, but I myself dont have one as we havent killed gele so Im using void str spear.
Yep. That was kinda my point as, sure, mumba threw out a list of great gear but if he can't afford upgrading lux or access to proteus attack bracers then they're kinda pointless suggestions

Re: DPS warrior?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:29 pm
by BlackMamba
Based on his mention of dg armor (me being top dps mage on my server, I still don't even consider having it in the next year) I went with the assumption that he has access to that gear now or in the near future.

Re: DPS warrior?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:37 pm
by Criminal
Not saying ur post is pointless, for me I always aim for two goals : ideal and realistic gear. Ideal is nice to aim for, but u need to be realistic and minimal and try to adjust ur gear similar to ur end-goal as we cant all have void helms with full DG and void axes and so on, so need to give the best build to fit the person, case by case. Also, I wouldnt suggest gele axe if its dark and u have void spear.