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Re: stumped

Funny dragging mordris on you. Made me laugh. Thanks hated weak ranger. With boner bow.

Re: stumped

Wow. Just wow.
Albericus is really good at parroting SwineFloo's words. Do you ever have an original thought, alb?
You really have bought into his propaganda, drank his Kool-Aid as the saying goes.
And just like Sf, deny deny deny, lie, lie, lie, and when presented with proof, spin it as something other than it was.
The closest you will ever get to Mordris will be griefing us.

As for who griefed who first? Where's your proof it was Pir?
As far as I know, it wasn't anyone in Infection. If it was one of us, they are keeping it secret. Even the first time we were griefed at Garanak, I assumed it was someone separate from both clans. I actually gave you guys the benefit of the doubt, because I had no proof.

But even if it was someone inside Infection who rooted Garanak on you, you guys went far beyond any reasonable payback. Internally, most of us tried to keep everyone calm, ignore you, and not to retaliate. Eventually you went too far and here we are. "Grief War".

And we just can't win in your eyes, if you you're not getting things handed to you. We are the big bad evil clan monopolizing Herne. Yet when we truly try to help a lower level clan, we are "using" them. Those guys and girls have more heart and integrity than you ever will. Especially when you parrot words from a pathological liar. We try to help them get stronger and teach them better tactics so they can become a strong clan in their own right. Meanwhile, you guys bully them for no better reason than you can. And you call us the NuNuMob. Get over yourselves.

You guys have gotten Four Snorris now? And because we just weren't there. How many have we locked 3v8 or 4v8?
Garanak? It takes you guys twice as long with twice the amount of people and 100x the resources. So get off your high horse.

It's funny how one day you guys hate WitchHookrr (and he hates all of you), then the next he decides to turn his back on us and fight against us, and you all bow before him in the hopes of getting gear. There is some integrity.
If you only knew the conversations internally before the split. But I doubt any of that would matter. All you see is GEAR! Sparkly GEAR! I guess I can't blame you too much for that, but admit what it is. It's just funny how the two biggest antagonizers left us and joined with the people they hated for so long.

Just keep worshipping at the feet of the mighty WitchHookrr. And keep repeating everything that SwineFloo tells you is the truth. And ultimately keep doing what you guys want to do. Griefing us. I'm surprised the "peace" lasted as long as it did. It seemed to me that some were looking for an excuse to fight from day one.

Those who can't do, grief.
Ranger 207
Clan Infection
World: Herne

Re: stumped

^ I agree with u there. It was way too easy to tell that all they wanted to do was start a fight. They made it way too obvious. Many of the players in resurg are players who have hated inf and Pigeon/New Birth members. There wouldn't be any war right now if resurg hadn't griefed. You guys even started griefing for silly little 4*,shows how desperate you all are.
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: stumped

Please hose down the floor when the pissing contest is over
Shaden - DPS 180+

World : Herne

Clan : Britannians

Re: stumped

Let's not forget about ksing Badkitty while on sc. Idc about griefing, that is what pissed me off.
Albericus of Herne
Lazydrunks founder
Ranger skills still broken...

Re: stumped

Let's not forget about ksing Badkitty while on sc. Idc about griefing, that is what pissed me off.
I'm sure they did something to be ksed.. Alb what you fail to understand is you have no clue what Newbirth and Infection have. You just assume or listen to the poison which comes out of Swine's mouth. You're whole clan is being manipulated and I find it funny. I won't say no more because eventually your clan will fall, we will continue to expand and brag about how much spiders we kill..lol. Just remember we DO kill more bosses then you. And it will remain that way.
Dopehead 222 Warrior
Stitches 221 Rogue

Re: stumped

Oh yeah because BK is a scandalous kser and griefer :roll: Get over yourself kid, I don't even consider you part of this war.
Albericus of Herne
Lazydrunks founder
Ranger skills still broken...

Re: stumped

Sorry your whole clans suffers from yours and the other few duche bags actions.

Re: stumped

Sounds like something a douche bag would say. I guess you should grief pirahna for starting it all.
Albericus of Herne
Lazydrunks founder
Ranger skills still broken...

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