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help pleasss

hey im in grade 7 and i really really like a girl but to nervouse to talk to her what should i do:0
World: Danu
Named: Thebeast1221
Level 111 rogue
My level may not be that high but I have played for a long time on many accounts so if you need help PM me:)
You won't be getting any thanks from me,! Now watch your mouth and watch your back!

Re: help pleasss

ok thx and i try and be myself but i alwys start bablin and saying random words lol like i like penauts or soemthing
World: Danu
Named: Thebeast1221
Level 111 rogue
My level may not be that high but I have played for a long time on many accounts so if you need help PM me:)
You won't be getting any thanks from me,! Now watch your mouth and watch your back!

Re: help pleasss

Fail dude. "I like peanuts"

Just go on her instagram and type a tbh.
Tbh: I rlly like u
Rate: 10
Date: yes

That's what every white person does. Oh and get her a starbucks giftcard.
Hi, I quit. Thanks.
Booty is the most important thing.

Re: help pleasss

lol do you play a sport?
does she play a sport?
ask her about it but don't go stalker style (lol)
also ask "how about that test?" or "how about mrs./mr. blah blah"
Hogana (Retired)
I creep around the forums.


Re: help pleasss

She dosent have instagram an I play tons of sports hockey,soccer,baseball,basketball pretty good with all of them play top leagues in basketball and baseball and hockey but she docent play sports
World: Danu
Named: Thebeast1221
Level 111 rogue
My level may not be that high but I have played for a long time on many accounts so if you need help PM me:)
You won't be getting any thanks from me,! Now watch your mouth and watch your back!

Re: help pleasss

Its easy, strap on a pair and talk to her, it doesn't matter if she has fun talking to you, as long as you do. Talk about random stuff. And I mean RANDOM. You cold be talking about vegetables for all it matters, as long as you seem confident you will be fine

Re: help pleasss

hey im in grade 7 and i really really like a girl but to nervouse to talk to her what should i do:0
You do not need to be dating in seventh grade. There is no real point to it. Wait until you are at least high school, if not high school. The point of dating is to find someone you are going to marry. And if you marry when you are in 11th grade thats kinda weird. But if you want my advice, just be yourself. Don't be vulgar in any way(if this contradicts being yourself then dismiss my first tip). Most girls won't like that. Get to know her. Don't try to impress her. If you get in a conversation with her, dont brag or talk about yourself too much. IMO girls like it when guys do that. Play a sport of some kind.

And for the grand tip: don't look at just her outside appearance. See what she really is. Is she a girl who will respect you and love you for all your days? Or is she the kind of girl who though she loves you, tears you down all the time. Watch how she treats her elders. Men are to love and respect their wives and women are to respect an love their husbands. See what kind of a girl she is and dont let your eyes get clouded with "instant love" and you can find a good girl to marry.
Last edited by Solumbum on Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."


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