Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Dragonvale

Admin I think it's because those games are addicting. You need to progress in these games to become better. In a mmorpg you need to kill get xp.
In the other topic about runescape they talked about crafting and woodcutting. People spend years to max these stats and collect items.

In games like dragonvale you can give gems it appears so you need to find friends to progress faster.

Playing 3 day's in a row = present you can give away with random Item or X amount of gold. (You can't use it yourself)
Playing 5 day's in a row = present you can give away with random Item or X amount of gold. (You can also use it yourself)
Disable emotes. Why? Earning emotes is more fun. Give an emote after earning 5 achievements? or after you have reached a certain lvl.
Follow me & keep in contact :D
The Tavern Discord Server

Re: Dragonvale

First off character progression. People like to see their numbrs get up, unlock things, give their character a nice outfit or "build".

Secondly, online friends and guildies are a good reason to keep playing.

Last but not least (actually the most important in my opinion), gameplay. CoD sells over millions of copies and people still like it because the gameplay is so smooth and competative. Its also balanced in multiple ways (some maps aren't where snipers "quickscopers" rule =), things like progression. Leveling curve is not too steep, you don't have to grind for gear. Also they bring content like maps instead of better gear that give an advantage over others as expansions.
Character: SsHeretic Rogue (79) Clan: Brotherhood Server: Rosmerta

Re: Dragonvale

Another thought is that in Dragonvale it is nearly impossible to get a rainbow dragon withought constant play or buying it. But the problem with that is once you get the dragon you have no reason to play anymore. So for this game you suould have something nearly impossible to get and once a certain amount of people get it you add a new nearly immpossible item to obtain so that the interest in game stays. I play COD an the only reason I continue to play is to reach the highest level in the game once that is done then I'm done I lose interest. People love to have a set goal that will challenge them and make them a better player so the harder it is to obtain the more they will want it and the more they will try thus having plenty of active players and a steady game flow.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

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