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Re: weight lifting

Funny how 14 year old kids say they lift. It's quite funny.
so me lifting when im 14 compared to someone lifting when there older is different? i mean i may not know as much but i still lift i dont get what the point of your post was.

you look on youtube there are many people who lift when there young look at ryan casey hes pretty big and only 15 years old so your post was kinda pointless.
Trappin4Dayz- Lvl 30+ Ranger

Re: weight lifting

Funny how 14 year old kids say they lift. It's quite funny.
Age does not make a difference, you could be a 9 year old and still lift. There is no certain age where your muscles just go "Hmm, we can get bigger now!". Puberty is also a huge factor in this, as I have seen a lot of people below 16 that look like they are 18 and vice versa.

Also, this may be an extreme example but- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ta2K9StBKY
An eye for an eye will make Unox 6 spawn. :D

Re: weight lifting

Funny how 14 year old kids say they lift. It's quite funny.
so me lifting when im 14 compared to someone lifting when there older is different? i mean i may not know as much but i still lift i dont get what the point of your post was.

you look on youtube there are many people who lift when there young look at ryan casey hes pretty big and only 15 years old so your post was kinda pointless.
You'll learn that there are people in life that are only there to bring you down. It doesn't matter when you start out as long as you are pushing yourself. Good luck man!

Re: weight lifting

Funny how 14 year old kids say they lift. It's quite funny.
so me lifting when im 14 compared to someone lifting when there older is different? i mean i may not know as much but i still lift i dont get what the point of your post was.

you look on youtube there are many people who lift when there young look at ryan casey hes pretty big and only 15 years old so your post was kinda pointless.
You'll learn that there are people in life that are only there to bring you down. It doesn't matter when you start out as long as you are pushing yourself. Good luck man!
thanks i was just seeing if he meant it offensively or not i mean i lift to lift and see my progress and get a competitive edge in sports not for others approval.
Trappin4Dayz- Lvl 30+ Ranger

Re: weight lifting

I'm 18 and I "lift". Just don't call it lifting to anyone besides your gym bros because you sound like a moron. You work out.

There's many different ways of working out. You could be looking for aesthetics, health, strength, endurance. Whatever your reason is it's good to be active.

I started working out to put some meat on my bones and after almost 2 years I'm quite happy with where I am and how I look(I workout mainly for aesthetics but the health and strength is a good bonus) and things will continue to get better. My only real tips are make sure your form is good for the entirety of your target rep range and pump out some more reps with the best form you can until you cannot push another.

Say you're doing barbell rows for 5 reps.

It should be hard to do those 5 reps and you'll probably feel like dropping your form by the fourth rep but don't. Once you pull that 5th rep don't give up. Push for 6 even 7 reps. Even if your form blows by rep 7(it will) just crank it out. Just make sure it's decent enough to where you're using the correct muscle groups and not putting yourself at risk of injuring another. So don't use momentum. In the case of barbell rows this means don't round your back and don't lift your chest up 45 degrees when you pull the weight up.

I personally feel like that extra push is absolutely necessary. Pretty sure this is like a fundamental rule to building muscle anyways, if you aren't sweating you aren't working hard enough.

Also make sure you're eating enough. You might think you're getting enough calories or whatever you're going for but in reality you likely aren't. If you want fairly lean mass eat lots of rice, beans, and chicken breast :)

Also keep in mind most tips you'll get are 'bro science' and likely aren't based on fact. It's just what that individual has heard or has worked well for them. What I posted above works well for me but might not work for you.

[list][*]Vulture - Level 220 Rogue
[*]Venus - Level 195 Druid[/list][/color]

Re: weight lifting

Biggest tip i can give as a competitive athelete is that protein drinks are nonsense

You need lots of carbs, AND protein which means things like beans lentils quinoa lean meats etc. refined protein used as a meal substitute will not help you
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: weight lifting

I'm 18 and I "lift". Just don't call it lifting to anyone besides your gym bros because you sound like a moron. You work out.

There's many different ways of working out. You could be looking for aesthetics, health, strength, endurance. Whatever your reason is it's good to be active.

I started working out to put some meat on my bones and after almost 2 years I'm quite happy with where I am and how I look(I workout mainly for aesthetics but the health and strength is a good bonus) and things will continue to get better. My only real tips are make sure your form is good for the entirety of your target rep range and pump out some more reps with the best form you can until you cannot push another.

Say you're doing barbell rows for 5 reps.

It should be hard to do those 5 reps and you'll probably feel like dropping your form by the fourth rep but don't. Once you pull that 5th rep don't give up. Push for 6 even 7 reps. Even if your form blows by rep 7(it will) just crank it out. Just make sure it's decent enough to where you're using the correct muscle groups and not putting yourself at risk of injuring another. So don't use momentum. In the case of barbell rows this means don't round your back and don't lift your chest up 45 degrees when you pull the weight up.

I personally feel like that extra push is absolutely necessary. Pretty sure this is like a fundamental rule to building muscle anyways, if you aren't sweating you aren't working hard enough.

Also make sure you're eating enough. You might think you're getting enough calories or whatever you're going for but in reality you likely aren't. If you want fairly lean mass eat lots of rice, beans, and chicken breast :)

Also keep in mind most tips you'll get are 'bro science' and likely aren't based on fact. It's just what that individual has heard or has worked well for them. What I posted above works well for me but might not work for you.
Didnt see this thanks for the tips im going for gaining muscle mass until maybe January or February then im going for full on sprints im still doing some cardio and plyometrics but not much im doing alot of legs and core and im not leaving out my arms either.

im training for track thats why im gonna do more sprints in like january
Trappin4Dayz- Lvl 30+ Ranger

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