Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Your Top Ten Celtic Heroes Players Of All Time? part 2, 4-0

Lets Begin my top 4 thru Greatest of All time. Same Rules apply. Put down your 4-0 as well.

4. Criminal
This guy is a absolute beast. He eats, sleeps and breathes Warrior. He is like a reincarnation of SirBlaze himself. He is in EVERY debate of warriors. Giving tremendous advice. And always is active in many raids, leading them and being very sucessful. Im my opinion, one of the greatest warriors of all time.

Hands down, the best plan maker of all time. He study the ins and outs of all raids. Forming many plans such as THE KITE or PING PONG. Without this guy guides and his clan. Would we firgue out how to take down a boss.

3-0 These 4 players have earned a special place in my heart. They have either affected me in someways of lvling or taught me life lesson and how to handle them.

3.Voldemort or Voldy
This guy is an inspiration inside and outside the game. He taught me that life is full of many challenges and he always told me to follow my heart. He was there when i broke with me girlfriend. Thank you Voldy.
True Legend indeed.

2.Sir Blaze
Mr. Legendary himself. Was there in the dawn of Celtic Heroes. The creator of Shatter. He is truly earned himself on this list. His guide viewed over 150k time. Willbe viewes until the end of time. I consider him the father of warrior.
Which I am proud to be.

Also Tied with SirBlaze.
Best known person on Celtic Heroes.
Creator of Celtic Heroes Tavern. He gives very guides and information of all of Celtic Heroes. A modern day legend.

Now, many of you dont know her but she is a high lvl Mage on Herne.
She was there of the death of my Auntie when she passed away from Cancer Last Year. She told me that life is full of hardships. But having friend and family around you will make life more enjoyable. I cried so hard when I heard that. I will never forget that and will always love her. She like a Second mother. Always making sure im on the right path always. Much love

0. The Greatest Hero of all time?
Who is the greatest hero to be on Celtic Heroes?

you gotta wait until tommrow.
Post away!
Honorable Mentions. 11-20 (Top 20.)
18.alb or albericus
Last edited by Aerdou aka Klip on Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:15 am, edited 5 times in total.


Re: Your Top Ten Celtic Heroes Players Of All Time? part 2,

I was kinda expecting to be in the greatest hero of all time, but hey I like the description given me, lots of respect to SirBlaze from me. Personally Im uncertain which strategies Immortalious made, but we're also familier with ping-pong and kiting.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Your Top Ten Celtic Heroes Players Of All Time? part 2,

Why would you waste your time making this long and incorrect list? Here, I'll make a better one for you

Best celtics heroes players of all time:
#10-2: irrelevant
#1: Blackmamba/leprechaun/runvs
Greatest mage of all times

1. Poisonous (self proclaimed god)
Gen of clan ALLIANCE
Poisonous 220 mage
xDarkPrincesx 220 rogue
DaSnake 91 war
Poison Arrow -- ranger

Re: Your Top Ten Celtic Heroes Players Of All Time? part 2,

For me, I just simply could not make a detailed list of everyone I know, but here are some of my favorite people of each forum rank.
moderator: Voldemort Voldemort is the mod of mods, always willing to help when there is an issue, and always ready to enforce rules, but without being simply rude. Voldemort is the authority that all authority should be.
Admin: Morgana Her love of kitties is hilarious, and she helps bring us celtic heroes. Nuff said
Guide: RegenleifAn incredibly knowledgeable player in-game and out. Regenleif is willing to help always when convenient, and when inconvenient. It is clear that he will go out of his way to help anyone. Also, he is hilarious and never gets angry.
For an unranked forum user I could not possibly choose as there are way too many amazing people!
I am awesome -me :)
level ---- Hybrid mage - taranis
First person ever to cosplay celtic heroes http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... =4&t=78414
rubber chicken :O

Re: Your Top Ten Celtic Heroes Players Of All Time? part 2,

4. LaVerne- my old chieftain, a great player and awesome person, wish she would come back!

3. Amberxo- my bestie.. Nuff said

2. Eeric- a amazing player who has helped me loads in Celtic heroes, I would not be where I am today without him :)

1. Zaraki/Sephiroth89/SilentHit- This guy is a beast, can level chars 1-220 in under a month, really fun to talk with, we have convos for hours about important stuff or just plain unfathomable talking it doesn't matter... He's the best : P
Oderint Dum Metuant.

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