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Bujet Mage leveling build

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:15 am
by SamySamSamBoss2000
So somebody recently suggested this build to me, I'm not sure how if it was exaggerated or actually a good option. The suggestion was for all those of us who can't get firestorm to go as a fire mage anyway and use incinerate. Skills to max would be Bolt, attune, incinerate, and have lure up as well. The rest could go in e shield or maybe shards to get as much dps as possible. So I'm wondering if this would be better than running a regular ice build with shards, blast, attune and lure. I run ice with maxed bolt as well. I am going up from 150 atm. He also suggested 50/50 vit/foc for solo levelling said he had leveled his own mage that way.

All thoughts are welcome. Thanks

Re: Bujet Mage leveling build

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:16 pm
by bob the mage
So somebody recently suggested this build to me, I'm not sure how if it was exaggerated or actually a good option. The suggestion was for all those of us who can't get firestorm to go as a fire mage anyway and use incinerate. Skills to max would be Bolt, attune, incinerate, and have lure up as well. The rest could go in e shield or maybe shards to get as much dps as possible. So I'm wondering if this would be better than running a regular ice build with shards, blast, attune and lure. I run ice with maxed bolt as well. I am going up from 150 atm. He also suggested 50/50 vit/foc for solo levelling said he had leveled his own mage that way.

All thoughts are welcome. Thanks
Unfortunately I find this to be a flawed recommendation. My recommendation is always to use shards, bolt, fire attune, fire lure, eshield/lure or to use a normal ice build.
Given what you are able to max, and also my assumption that because you have been an icemage for so long, would be to continue as an ice mage with fire bolt as your ice magic is going to be higher and you have all the skills for it.

If you wanted to try and go fire though, after level say 110 you should be able to start farming for firestorm if you can get the help of some clannies. Get the faerieland quest at the entrance to the OW and kill those bosses, they have a chance of dropping firestorm and this is the only way to farm it.

I hope this helps! let me know if you have any other questions :)

Re: Bujet Mage leveling build

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 2:16 pm
by Zkills
Incinerate is a pretty good skill to use while leveling, but it’s better off being used as a 3rd dps skill. Like bob said, if you really want to be fire then focus on bolt, attun, and lure while having ice shards being your second dps skill. Get to the point where you can farm for firestorm, if you can’t seem to get it because the RNG gods aren’t in your favor then start putting points into incinerate. If you do get it then replace shards with storm and then either replace incinerate with shards or keep incinerate. I’ve tried both ways and found both to be fairly good. Ice mage is also a good route but I only recommend it if youre group leveling, otherwise you’ll be met with a lot of frustrating problems if you level solo as ice, so I’d stay fire if you’re soloing

E-shield is also really good, I found it best to save it when you’re up against 3*s or 4*s and use it right before they land their heavy hitting skill on you. Use e-shield over incinerate/shards if you need the survivability.

Re: Bujet Mage leveling build

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 3:53 am
by Bluedoh
Aside from E shield, is everyone referring to an actual shield ?
If so what / where is it

Re: Bujet Mage leveling build

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:31 am
by Eragon123
Aside from E shield, is everyone referring to an actual shield ?
If so what / where is it
There are various luxury shields that any class can equip. Some mages prefer to use a luxury shield instead of a focus boosting offhand, trading the damage/energy boost for the better survivability that comes from more armor and resistances in a shield.