Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Do you want OTM to make money? I do!

I often scratch my head after reading posts from people who say something like:
  • * The only reason OTM added this or that was was to sell more plat! Grrrrrr! Rawwwr! :x *Akkgh* *choking on spit sounds*

    * OTM is greedy! They only made this change so they could make more money! *saliva drip* :evil:

    * OTM will never change this feature because it would mean less plat sales for them. (spoken with nostrils upturned so much you can look directly into them)
*** WARNING! CONTAINS OPINIONS. Known to cause reactions in some worlds. ***

First off, we know OTM needs to make money in order to survive as a company. That's a given. So they designed a game that has a plat store.

However, I don't personally agree that OTM does anything in the game solely for the purpose of making money.

I think they have shown a passion to build a unique game that enables the community to take a large role in helping develop it.
We have seen them implement several features that were requested by the community. Have they implemented all of them? No, but often, requested changes may not be as simple to implement as the community may think, and other changes may not be compatible with future plans.

I like the fact that OTM gives the community a voice, and they listen to it. I reject the notion that they do not implement certain changes (such as removing mount whistles) simply because it would mean less plat sales.
That's a specific topic that deserves it's own thread (and has some), but I mention it as a current example.
I suspect one major reason mount whistles were added was to prevent owners of battle mounts from having too much of an advantage over players that don't. So the whistles were implemented to add some additional difficulty/cost to using battle mounts in battle. I think it is similar to the reason resurrection idols were limited to give less health when used. OTM added some additional cost to resurrecting in the middle of a fight.

I guess my point in all this is to suggest that OTM is not at all greedy, and to a great degree they give us what we ask for.

Lastly, I don't know about you, but I really want OTM to make money! I want the game we have all invested in (OTM and the players) to survive well into the future.

So if they implement a change that results in their making more money, good for them! :D
But I do not believe they make changes solely for that purpose.
Kril - Chief Editor, The Dal Riata Enquirer
lev 228 Rogue - Gwydion

Clan Relentless

Give a man a flame, you warm him for a day.
Set a man aflame, you warm him for the rest of his life.

Re: Do you want OTM to make money? I do!

Grrrr, aarghh, an opinion! Aaaarrgh!! Opinions trigger me for I am a mere forum dweller!

On a serious note, I agree with you to a large extent and do hope they succeed as a company... but that's what they are; a company.

Even if the majority of players request for the same thing, there is a cost and benifit to each change that must be considered. As you mentioned, for example, the future vision of the game may be compromised for a change that is not nearly as significant as some players believe it to be.

There are some things that are probably never going to change no matter what and so it's expected that players will complain. I doubt OTM will ever flat out shut down our hopes though as it would be unwise of them to. It's funny to see how players threaten to stop playing or buy platinum only to continue playing anyway and buy even more platinum. I'm sure OTM calls them on their bluffs all the time anyway. In fact, there's a lot more strategy involved when it comes to developing games than many players realize. I don't necessarily agree or like everything but none the less, I'm still playing aren't I?
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: Do you want OTM to make money? I do!

I often scratch my head after reading posts from people who say something like:
  • * The only reason OTM added this or that was was to sell more plat! Grrrrrr! Rawwwr! :x *Akkgh* *choking on spit sounds*

    * OTM is greedy! They only made this change so they could make more money! *saliva drip* :evil:

    * OTM will never change this feature because it would mean less plat sales for them. (spoken with nostrils upturned so much you can look directly into them)
*** WARNING! CONTAINS OPINIONS. Known to cause reactions in some worlds. ***

First off, we know OTM needs to make money in order to survive as a company. That's a given. So they designed a game that has a plat store.

However, I don't personally agree that OTM does anything in the game solely for the purpose of making money.

I think they have shown a passion to build a unique game that enables the community to take a large role in helping develop it.
We have seen them implement several features that were requested by the community. Have they implemented all of them? No, but often, requested changes may not be as simple to implement as the community may think, and other changes may not be compatible with future plans.

I like the fact that OTM gives the community a voice, and they listen to it. I reject the notion that they do not implement certain changes (such as removing mount whistles) simply because it would mean less plat sales.
That's a specific topic that deserves it's own thread (and has some), but I mention it as a current example.
I suspect one major reason mount whistles were added was to prevent owners of battle mounts from having too much of an advantage over players that don't. So the whistles were implemented to add some additional difficulty/cost to using battle mounts in battle. I think it is similar to the reason resurrection idols were limited to give less health when used. OTM added some additional cost to resurrecting in the middle of a fight.

I guess my point in all this is to suggest that OTM is not at all greedy, and to a great degree they give us what we ask for.

Lastly, I don't know about you, but I really want OTM to make money! I want the game we have all invested in (OTM and the players) to survive well into the future.

So if they implement a change that results in their making more money, good for them! :D
But I do not believe they make changes solely for that purpose.
My Youtube

Re: Do you want OTM to make money? I do!

I think OTM has been lucky companies like Blizzard or Sony Entertainment haven't invested on mobile MMORPGs. The market is pretty thin and Gameloft screwed up Order and Chaos and their lack of customer service, so whilst O&C had a lot going for it, it has really taken off either. That's said, CH could've been more popular right now after 5-6 years in existence if certain decisions in the past were made correctly.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Do you want OTM to make money? I do!

I think OTM has been lucky companies like Blizzard or Sony Entertainment haven't invested on mobile MMORPGs.
Blizzard are already hiring members for their new mobile game project, who knows maybe its gonna be an MMORPG :lol:
Morrigan ~ Avalon ~ DG Void Ranger ~ Retired
Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I can assure you, its much more than that.

Re: Do you want OTM to make money? I do!

I think OTM has been lucky companies like Blizzard or Sony Entertainment haven't invested on mobile MMORPGs.
Blizzard are already hiring members for their new mobile game project, who knows maybe its gonna be an MMORPG :lol:
Could just be Hearthstone for Starcraft or something lol

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

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