Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

"Trust Trades"

Hey Heroes,

So a topic I've seen pop up now and again in-game and from Support is the topic of "Trust Trades".

The trading of items to another player (who may or may not be recording the trade) in efforts for the person receiving to look more trustworthy in-game.

Many of our veteran players will already be smelling the scam but for our newer or younger players, please do not take part in trust trades.

These are usually done to scam players of their items with the participant receiving the items logging off and saying the "trade got glitched" or they "got hacked".

"The only way anyone can get your items is if you give them your items. Keep your items to yourself, do not give or lend them out to other players. If you follow this rule you will never be scammed."

Please do not participate in trades such as these, keep your inventory safe!

Re: "Trust Trades"

Yes Muldar I see where you coming from.. But I also believe we all make mistakes.. And if person that scammed admits it.. They should be banned.
For example,
http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 15&t=84467
Hello -

We wanted to warn newer players about the possibility of being scammed via 'trust trades' because of the rise in these being used to scam - as far as we can see from the tickets that are sent into us.
Scamming is a very broad term for a wide range of issues - however if you are trading a player under a 'trust trade' this is still a trade and therefore support cannot return any items lost. Yes if the person is reported and the issue is then looked into - that account will be disabled but by then it's too late. We wish for players to play is as safe of an environment as possible and so whenever players are reported we will look into the incident.
However - we do require evidence in order for action to be taken.
And what is seen as a 'scam' to one player may be seen as a normal trade to another or simple good trade manship if you manage to get an item for cheaper than normal - for example.

In the issue of - a person scamming, admitting to doing so - 9/10 that will result in the account being disabled.
However - sometimes when looking into issues we can see that they admitted to something just as a joke etc and though to those who were not involved it looks like a clear cut case - things can get awfully complex rather quickly.
This said - accounts reported are looked into and action is taken when required. We require player reports though in order for us to know who to target - if you feel as though there is a 'scammer' who has had to reaction taken upon them then feel free to privately report them via PM or tickets and they will be looked into. We take action when required. Depending upon how complex a case is though it can take a few days before action is taken.

To avoid scamming - please be care with whom you trade with and what items you are trading. If you are trading away an item that you would hate to lose forever then perhaps you should only be trading said items between a very close knit circle of friends for example. Support can only do so much. Players have to take on some responsibility for looking after the well being of their own items.
Also - when you ARE reporting a player be as clear as possible. Sending in a ticket titled scammer - then a persons name - is NOT enough for us to start an investigation on. The more detail you provide the better - if this is done better over PM's or email then feel free to do so.

Thank you
And Stay Safe :)
Please PM me for Support Issues
Morgana is back in the house! ~ Meow!

Re: "Trust Trades"

Good posts. Maybe you could compile them into a sticky thread titled "how to avoid being scammed and how to report it" or something so these tidbits of wisdom don't get buried.

The current sticky thread is good but limited and could be merged.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: "Trust Trades"

On another note, here is another popular scam to look out for:

1) A scammer creates a name similar to a well-known person in a major clan.
2) The scammer targets a lower level person in the feeder clan of the major clan (for example, Braves is the feeder clan for Resurgence on Arawn).
3) The person then pretends to be the person in the major clan and asks to borrow an item (mount, lux, etc), since the low level person knows the person in the major clan, and trusts them.
4) Person disappears with the item, and the person in the feeder clan thinks that the person that the scammer was pretending to be has taken their item.

We've seen a rise in this type of scam on Arawn. Don't fall for it!
YouTube | Mystery Chest Simulator | Cooking Guide | Legacy Boss Guide

Re: "Trust Trades"

On another note, here is another popular scam to look out for:

1) A scammer creates a name similar to a well-known person in a major clan.
2) The scammer targets a lower level person in the feeder clan of the major clan (for example, Braves is the feeder clan for Resurgence on Arawn).
3) The person then pretends to be the person in the major clan and asks to borrow an item (mount, lux, etc), since the low level person knows the person in the major clan, and trusts them.
4) Person disappears with the item, and the person in the feeder clan thinks that the person that the scammer was pretending to be has taken their item.

We've seen a rise in this type of scam on Arawn. Don't fall for it!
bitey knows! we all shall agree that hes the man,
I'm looking to change the perception of people and all of the beautiful things that it brings,-Exe2k15
Executive of Epona
Beetlejuice of Donn
Clan: Concordiia
Youtube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1strz ... vH82nKhe4Q

Re: "Trust Trades"

Then there is the ole switcharoo. When your buying an item and its replaced at the last min with a differnt item that has the same icon. Heroic boots and wisdoms n knows are one thing I've been taken by this scam more than once when being unmindful and careless.
But a friend of mine said same thing happened to him with a garnacks neck and was swapped for a krons.

Your offered a deal of a lifetime a garnacks neck for say 1m. Your in a trade and don't see the switch due to the person tradeing you spamming dice on a differnt account. Now you have a krons neck that you paid 1m for and some punk is prolly laughing at tor carelessness.
Tanaris - Rogue - lvl211+ - Hamwallett "retired"
Rose - Druid - lvl1+ - MissBlack '"Main"

Re: "Trust Trades"

I posted a guide to avoid being scammed. I'll repost here

Since many players don't have much mmo experience, here is a guide to never getting scammed:

0) Trust NO ONE not even yourself.

1) Trust NO ONE not even yourself.

2) Never give out any account information for any reason. Never post a video or picture with it accidentally showing. Never use it for any other application or service.

3) Never use your login information on any application or website except the official Celtic heroes app on your device. All other sources asking for it are scamming attempts.

4) Do not lend anything ever for any reason to anyone even to friends or clan mates; if you do expect it to never to come back to you. You never really know who is logged on that account. They may be someone with a similar name made up solely to scam. Always check the level, class and clan before trading.

5) Never dice. Do not give money to dicers they will lure you in with a few small sums then take your big bet and run. never dice with a low level they are fake accounts and scam constantly. Never dice with high levels as players do not level honesty with their character. Never host dicing people will harass you and accuse you of scamming and give you a huge headache.

6) Never trade items when you are not certain of the value.

7)Double and triple check the trade window. Examine the text in the chat from adding removing trade items. People will bait and switch with similar looking items - absolutely never trade quickly always examine the items. Due to current bugs in viewing items, never trade more than two to three items. Always count the number of zeroes. Accomplish everything in one trade or don't do the trade. There is no guarantee of people doing anything once that first window closes.

8) if you world transfer you will be scammed over half the time. If you have to do it sell all items first and only transfer gold. Do this safely using micro transactions. For example if you want to transfer 250k trade 5k at a time, 50 times. Then you cannot be scammed more than 5k. It helps to use two devices so this can be done more quickly. People who want to do large sums are inevitably scammers, take the additional time to prevent large sums being scammed.

9) protect yourself against people trying to imitate you by making level 1 alts with your name but all lower case letter L replaced with the number 1 and vice versa. Take up all similar names before scammers do this and trick people and try to ruin your rep and scam your friends. If the alternative name is taken warn everyone that someone with that name is going to make scamming attempts.

10)Never buy or sell accounts. Not only is this against the TOS but it's a scam 50% of the time. More than that if somehow you do get the account the previous owner will turn you in once they get the money and you will be banned. It's a horrible idea and always ends badly. Same for buying items or gold with real money.

11) never share accounts. You never know when that person will flake out on you and change all your account details and keep everything. It's against the TOS as well and you can be banned. I've seen people act normal for years in another mmo then suddenly flake out and take everything. It's a recipe for disaster.

12) never ask people to transfer items or gold within the same world. That is what the mail system is for. A level 1 can farm enough to get enough stamps to transfer a ton of stuff in just a few minutes.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: "Trust Trades"

If you verify what is in boxes before you hit approve then if they try to switch out before they hit it, it cancels trade now. Same if they buying off you and try to change money amount. It is a really nice feature to help lower this kind of scam.
Thyra 204 rogue (Rosmerta)

Faolan Wariche 224 warrior (Arawn retired)

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