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People's upcoming expectations of the new update..

I get this feeling that quite a few people have built the update to be this end all greatest thing ever to happen to the game. And in many ways, it certainly is. If you read Xell's post on Beta Updates, and on the state of things it's fully true the entire game has been:

-made prettier
-made more interesting
-made in many ways more difficult
-made to function better for a number of classes
-seasoned with PvP in both Castle duels and group FFA Arena

That said, they are kinda rushing it out. I know for you it doesn't feel like that. It probably feels like they have been pushing it back. But they are releasing, especially in terms of end-game content a shallow wading pool of the depth we all thought was coming. There is an Otherworld, it is a huge zone, filled with all sorts of new hard lvl monsters, plenty of stuff to lvl up on. But not as much content as many of us beta testers at least were expecting. If they released everything they thought they were going to this thing woulda been released in late June.

That said, once this update is released we all in beta have been reassured that the company will be patching content like out of control to add depth and to add both quest lines, better bosses, better gear and all the things that fans of a greater bigger badder zone. And patching it all quickly.

And personally I think this is a good move. Unroll the update get it out there, get the new foundation down and then add to it relentlessly to flush it out. We have been given a sneak peek in beta in what more is coming and it's all just awesome, but chances are it WON'T be out when this update ships to Apple this week. And I feel like the community should temper their overall outlook on the success of the update for a few weeks to see how fast OneThumb can patch the skeleton with a more muscled body.

I say again, any newer player will be dumb founded with the changes to the starting quests, lirs to pvp to abilities, and skills and graphics and chat interface and scam and trade guards and so many things... But longtime players looking for new bosses and new high lvl content besides PvP may be still a bit hungry even with the new zone. Perhaps worried that it's all they get..when it's in truth just the begining of a long list of new things coming.

All I'm saying is appreciate what you get now and have faith they will add to it quickly, because really what this Update truly gives them is a foundation that will be added to faster than we have ever seen before.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: People's upcoming expectations of the new update..

My hope is that after the expansion there is someplace for the level 80+ ppl to level. On Morrigan now the life expectancy of a mob in Stonevale is measured in seconds as there is so many people hunting during peak hours. No Joke dozens of people just running around the vale looking for a monster to spawn.

And from what you're saying there may be 2 ways to thin out the 80+ crowd. First, The Otherworld, even without major bosses will have higher level mobs for people to hunt for experience. Second, many people will want to check out the new low level content and start playing new characters, I myself have actually been holding off starting another character for this reason.

And this just might be a marketing ploy to keep us all interested in the game over a longer period of time as we get little updates and new content every few weeks. Dirty, rotten,..... :D

Joking aside, keep up the good work, the game is growing and I like playing it alot so far!

Ranger Lvl 77+
A n e x a n d e r
Ranger of Avalon
When you are dead, you don't know you are dead. It is difficult only for others. It is the same when you are stupid.

Re: People's upcoming expectations of the new update..

Also did you say that the update goes to Apple this week???
Yes The Admin made a post in Announcements to expect that the Beta will end after this week and the Update will be sent to Apple "one of the days between 23rd and 27th April."

And yes there will be a new zone for lvl 80+ to lvl in and SV and OW(Otherworld) will both be made more difficult with better mob AI and abilities. I think people will be surprised and challenged by how good some of the mobs are in both zones.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

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