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A guide to celtic heroes and unusual money methods

Ok first off I am writing this guide on my phone so it may have a couple of small spelling mistakes.
Secondly if you are a major platinum buyer then this guide isn't for you. If you want to have fun with this brilliant game, not buy any platinum and make wonderful new friends, then yeah you could learn from this guide.

I have been itching to make a guide like this for
a couple of weeks now and here it is

Now first of all I'm going to mention the guy who inspired me to change to playing like this, his name is Meinether (I think thats the spelling).
Basically this guide teaches you how to thrive in celtic heroes without spending lots of money.

Now to start.
There are many ways to fill up your inventory, the first and more important one, get as much as you can for free. The main one is the warden quest, which allows you to get gear with substantial stats free. However, this leads me on to talk about the second point. Now as I have played this game, I have met some generous, kind, fun and irritating people, and I have come to
the conclusion that these people are what really makes the game enjoyable. NEVER scam, spam, repeat the same shout twice or just be an unkind person or this will x10 the difficulty of this game and people won't want to play with you.
Getting into the right clan, is a big factor in living life cheaply. This clan can aid you in getting warden to frozen and then all the way up to dragonlord. I am currently a general in clan Them of Gwydion which has a very nice boss map and great people to beat the bosses with. Without friends I take my hat off to you if you make 180.

I'm now going to give you a scenario from the samhain event 2013. You are a level 102 Rogue that has just finished the warden quest thanks to his great clan. He comes across a giant bat. He thinks "I wonder what this could drop" so he calls to his clan and 5 high levels arrive. (Bearing in mind this guy has NO jewellery whatsoever) they down the boss and it drops a majestic batclaw charm. Nobody else wants it so you keep the charm. You have now filled 1/8 jewellery spaces.

Its that simple!

Now onto the third and second to final point, never be afraid to ask for help. If you want to know where you can farm a shadowstrike manual, it never hurt to ask someone that has it. This is the best way to get a skill rather than paying 20k for a pre-packaged shadowstrike manual. Its like when you go to a carpenter and ask him to make you a wardrobe, instead just get planning off the Internet and build it yourself for half the price.

This now leads me on to my last and simplest point! Always be on the lookout for good deals on your gear. For example I pbought a set of 30 super knowledge elixirs for 35k. So it was rip off but thats what they asked for. Never offer more when you have been given a price, no matter how bad it is for them.

So what can you learn from this guide? That friends are worth more than gold, why spend a shed load of cash on skills when you can get it for free, look out for good deals and never turn a blind eye to bosses.

Sure this is a weird guide that probably hasn't been published in a while but it adds a whole different persepctive to celtic gameplay :D
Snakes, Snakes Everywhere

Re: A guide to celtic heroes and unusual money methods

[quote= never turn a blind eye to bosses.
You can say that but im pretty sure blinding the allseeing one is pretty smart
:D never thought of that XD[/quote]

Amazing-Going to find someone with smoke bomb to try:)
DruidMeno3-lvl 107-Druid
Spree-lvl 113-Mage
Dido-lvl 86-Mage
Trio-lvl 97-ranger

"If you are feeling down, ask a higher level player how many lixs it takes them to lvl."
Druids: Loyal, Friendly, Helpful, always there to heal your wounds.

Re: A guide to celtic heroes and unusual money methods

You make a remark where plat buyers are anti-socials who don't want to make friends, and you later on tells us that you should be friendly so that people help you....

From what I can see is you, having not bought plat or less than others, are bashing them since you don't have as good stuff/gear as them. Paying plat makes the experience better.

You later go on to say that you bought 30 knows for a good deal, good for you, but guess where those knows came from. Your beloved plat buyers.

I am not a hardcore plat payer and have not spent nearly as much as the average player, so don't think I'm a player that pays to play defending my self.
Rogue 166 - Ghostbro
Ranger 126 - Acebow
Warrior 85 - Ghostwar


Re: A guide to celtic heroes and unusual money methods

You make a remark where plat buyers are anti-socials who don't want to make friends, and you later on tells us that you should be friendly so that people help you....

From what I can see is you, having not bought plat or less than others, are bashing them since you don't have as good stuff/gear as them. Paying plat makes the experience better.

You later go on to say that you bought 30 knows for a good deal, good for you, but guess where those knows came from. Your beloved plat buyers.

I am not a hardcore plat payer and have not spent nearly as much as the average player, so don't think I'm a player that pays to play defending my self.
Completely missed the point dude... I didnt even mention plat buyers apart from when I said plat buyers dont need this guide. And the knows coming from plat is irrelevant
Snakes, Snakes Everywhere

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