Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Best Clan? Worst Clan? Rankings are Messed Up

Here's the problem with all your theories... I'll take my clan RaptureEve for example since I just spent 10 minutes of my life lol....

You rate my clan at Rank 17 in the top 40 with 189 active members and 24010 now 24013, as our status....

Now I went to the ranking and went to my clan's list and we counted 245 people, I counted up all our levels and totaled 23708, now I went to count 189 of our 245 listed people and got a ranking of 21115, but the funny part is my clan was listed with 420 people, yet how come when I go to the largest clan's rankings we are listed with 252 active people, but in the most active rankings we have 189, yet all these ratio's you guy's do are completely incorrect.

Proud Owner of a Blessed White Yule Crown

Re: Best Clan? Worst Clan? Rankings are Messed Up

I know it's dumb to even have all this talk about whose top and where people SHOULD be, but to be honest, how can we trust any of those rankings if yet they contradict each other in every little button possibly there? Plus if we had 245 people and are missing the 175 people that supposedly make up the rest of our 305 points, how on earth is that possible that they are no where to be accounted for?

Proud Owner of a Blessed White Yule Crown

Re: Best Clan? Worst Clan? Rankings are Messed Up

To remind people, clans do/may have purposely have their low level alts in there or a bank thats level 1, so there's no accurate way to account for all of those things that shouldn't be there when considering power, yet are there. The current form is best so you can get a general idea of how that clan runs, but also it should provide incentive to go to that clan's list of people and see how they really run on their levels and if you decide to join, to find out alts from mains, etc. Anyways, making these lists is pretty dumb, if it isn't accurate in the slightest sense.

Proud Owner of a Blessed White Yule Crown

Re: Best Clan? Worst Clan? Rankings are Messed Up

See what I would do in order to test out who's got the most "Powerful" clan, is first check how many members are lvl 150+. Clan A has 13, while Clan B only has 9. Ok so now you might wanna go down a little bit lower since not everyone plays often. So check how many members are lvl 100+. Clan A has 84, while Clan B has a whopping 108. So with that given information you might assume that Clan B is the more "Powerful" clan out of the two. However, this may not be the case. Say 8 players each have 1 main and 4 alts in Clan B at lvl 100+, that's 40 toons all controlled by a total of 8 people, so even if dual logging, that's only 16 playable toons. Take away the other 24 from the 108, and oddly enough you have 84.

Conclusion: There is no official way of actually telling which clan is more "powerful" unless there is a significant amount of difference in high lvl toons vs number of total toons between the clans.

Disclaimer: All numbers used in this example are completely made up, I have no idea if this is truly a number that applies to someone's clan or not.
"You follow Rafiki, he knows the way"

Agentyamski - Lvl 128+
Rafiki - Lvl 95+
Coldbreth - Lvl 95+
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 10&t=30536

Re: Best Clan? Worst Clan? Rankings are Messed Up

All the leaderboards are messed up IMO and need rebuilding from scratch giving more detail.

I think what people do it to do a layer ratio rating you have to subtract inactive players from there total power to get a accurate reading but thats in possible because no one truely knows who is active and inactive except from that clan.

Re: Best Clan? Worst Clan? Rankings are Messed Up

Not directed at anyone in particular, however, if being the best in a video game is important enough to people that you have to stress out and argue almost daily over who is really the best, your problem is not within the rankings that OTM creates, it's within your head.

My advice is to sit back, relax, play the game and if you are still stressed over who is number one in a game, you may want to seriously reevaluate your life and priorities overall.
Homeworld: Gwydion
Clan: Relentless

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