Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Raven’s Laws

I’ve been playing this game for a while and I wanted to put down some thoughts about playing the game. At first I was going to post on our worlds forum but I think everyone may find something beneficial. I hope it is helpful. I'm not saying you have to be or think like me but It works for me and I think a lot of you have similar ideas.

1) The Key to this game is the friends that you make not the gold you collect! If you haven’t figured it out by now you will NEVER be able to get the best things in this game because you cannot buy them! You have to fight the elite bosses and guess what? You cannot beat them alone unless you buy tons of potions and even then what drops might be something you don’t need. This game is based on cooperative play. Think about it….don’t make people angry by trying to gouge them on prices or by annoying them or better yet give stuff away to make friends!

2) Be nice to everyone\don’t be a snob -- OK I try to be nice to everyone including new players. I have even tried to work with the really annoying ones to try to help them be less annoying if that is possible. I will often look for new players and give them items that I have collected and speak with them a little. One day they may be able to help me out!

3) Help players by healing them – You can help a player’s level up quickly by healing them against tougher enemies. Don’t group with them but just heal them for a minute or two. This really helps them a lot!

4) Drop for Experience trade – OK I have done this sometimes and especially if someone helps me kill a boss that I could not beat alone. I will give the helper whatever drops because I am getting the Experience Points. Seems fair right?

5) Give it away don’t sell it! Alright I admit I have sold like three things, but usually I give all equipment away that I get from drops. I don’t get real upset when people sell things, but I don’t care for it. Actually a suggestion for those selling. Don’t keep screaming out what you are selling. If it’s warrior gear look for a warrior whisper him up and sell it to him if he wants it etc... Also never sell it to the vendor if it is something someone can use. The vendor prices are terrible. I’d rather save it until someone comes along that can use it than sell it to the vendor.

6) Elite Boss Drops -- For the better stuff it goes to clan members first and usually the highest clan members. I have some times traded them for their item and passed it down. Just think one item means that a whole line of druids get new gear not just 1! After the clan is taken care of I will give stuff to the non clan members. I also am OK with giving the elite boss drop to someone in the group who fought the boss. That is also a fair way to handle elite drops.

7) Annoying behavior -- Don’t click trade me without talking to me first. Don’t ask to be my friend without talking to me first. Never ask me for Money! Never ask me for Items. (There is an exception to these rules for good friends and clan mates but not someone I don’t know!) Actually clan mates can ask me to get them stuff for their alt classes I don’t mind. I also don’t really mind if a clan mate clicks trade and has something to give or sell me and does it without telling me (be reasonable) But my one pet peeve is when ANYONE asks me for money. Go earn it!

8) Heal me, don’t, Let me die but don’t fight my enemies unless we are grouped – Don’t Kill steal! If I am fighting don’t help me unless you are going to heal me. This actually pertains to what has happened a lot with my druid but I HATE when I start fighting a MOB and someone comes in and thinks they are helping and takes a whack and I lose experience and time. And for a druid killing an enemy may be very time consuming! Of course if the boss is tough, I appreciate the help. Think about when and how you should help! Healing me is better usually than helping me fight.

9) Don't be too nice – OK I admit it I’ve been too nice and I need to be blunter when you annoy me. Starting now, I will start telling people when they annoy me….In a nice way that is. I think they are probably annoying everyone and maybe a little direction will help.

OK I hope this is helpful and tell me what you think about my Laws. PS these laws are subject to change ;)
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

Re: Raven’s Laws

I love your views on things. Now, if we could only fuse them into the player's brains. I can't tell you how much disrespect I have come across simply because of immaturity. I'm definitely looking forward to the server merging and integrating with other players with similar beliefs.

Re: Raven’s Laws

Thanks Death I guess part of that was a rant that I wanted to share with a few players on our world but never did get the chance. I guess every world has their share of immature behavior. One of the things that I love about MMO's are the people who are willing to help you. :)
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

Re: Raven’s Laws

make this sticky

good rant Raven.

sulis assassins read and heed.

you too Drag.

Vasili - Rogue main since the beginning. a devoted ASSASSIN
Level 110+ Sulis-Retribution Slowly turning Blue! thanks to a great clan! thanks Guys!

Transcendence Devoted supporter and clansman

Re: Raven’s Laws

Wow raven, good job writing all that out. With all the immaturity we get on arawn, we need this. I don't even know what it might be like on the other servers. Raven has been known as the nicest player in arawn and is very well respected for it. That shows this works.

Re: Raven’s Laws

I heartily agree with most of that, with three exceptions/additions:

1. in order to earn the high cost items, particularly the 50,000g golden cheiftain helm you are going to have to trade with other players.
If you are selling someone a rare drop like a greater twinsoul neclace or a better version of plate then dont be afraid to charge a reasonable price
they will only need to buy one in their adventuring career and it will make a significant difference to their performance.

2. when trading make sure you check the stats of the item throughly, even if that means leaving the trade window to check its stats against your current gear (being able to check what you are wearing without having to leave the trade window would be a nice fix for a future update)
i am sure whoever is offering to sell whatever it is to you will gladly re-open the trade window rather than having you follow them around demanding a refund because the item doesnt do what you wanted it to.

I personally do not offer refunds, i dont expect any one else to either

3. It is ok to help someone kill a mob they are fighting provided you do not steal the kill,
if you are confident that you wont accidentally kill the monster then hit it a few times and then walk away
the player will be greatfull

Re: Raven’s Laws

I heartily agree with most of that, with three exceptions/additions:
1. in order to earn the high cost items, particularly the 50,000g golden cheiftain helm you are going to have to trade with other players.
I have to disagree with you on this point. I have....Well let just say I could buy the golden helm with plenty left over as well. Plus I have a bunch of Jewels that I am saving in case they can be used for other things in the future. (I might buy the helm but I am waiting to see what will be available after the update) The reason I have amassed this wealth is because I love to grind and hit the higher level four stars of which every one I have been able to solo. The one thing that I have discovered is that the four stars almost always drop a Jewel just about every time!

I realize not everyone is able to do this and perhaps it has made me a little more generous ;) As long as you offer a fair price and don't fool people into spending too much I really don't have a big problem with people selling. It's never going to be my thing but I realize it is a way to make money and without a doubt I could have had more that 100K+ if I took part in it. My major point is that this game is NOT about how much money you can horde so that you can buy helmets and such. It's about developing a bond with the players you play with. Selling them stuff all the time doesn't do that for me.
3. It is ok to help someone kill a mob they are fighting provided you do not steal the kill,
if you are confident that you wont accidentally kill the monster then hit it a few times and then walk away
the player will be greatfull
I heartily agree with you on this. I guess the point is be aware of how you are helping/hurting other players.

Thanks for responding, although I know not everyone will agree with my thoughts, I really wanted this post to make people think.
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

Re: Raven’s Laws

i will concede that it is possible to do things the hard way and earn every penny yourself

but on a server that is getting pretty crowded all the good mobs are in high demand and you will be lucky to be able to just grind them in solitude
thats if you are able to solo them at all. (soloing as a druid is difficult)

and you have to kill many many lesser mobs in order to spawn the high star high reward creatures

Time is on the players side, there will always be more mobs and more drops
provided you have the patience you can do anything

i quite often enjoy the hero aspect of the game, you are quite correct that it is not all about amassing hordes of treasure (though that has its perks)
sometimes it is about running around crookback hollow and sheparding newbies so they can get deeper into the dungoen and finish quests,
or dashing in to save the day when you see a lvl 40ish warrior on 10% health fighting a daggerwraith and you can suddenly drop 300+ health and +100armour on them so they win the fight
feels good man lol

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