Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Game Dying?

Do you guys think that the game is dying? OTM keeps messing things up that we ask for, making things very costly. I think the game might be dying because being a low level is hard withour any lux, you've gotta spend a good amount of irl money to get anything good these days. I really don't want this game to die, but I'm afraid that it might be...
I don't see how Game is dying because low yellows are not luxed and op. That's what's the beginning for. Many players 100-150 are not op and they still play the game just fine

Re: Game Dying?

I think servers are getting small and support is getting much more unfair. Many accounts such mine got banned without good reason at all. Support won't help you with forgetten passwords, I am losing 13m because of it. I told them my characters on the account and details about gear/trades/banked items/ but they want more characters on that account. Would 3 be good enough?

Re: Game Dying?

Do you guys think that the game is dying? OTM keeps messing things up that we ask for, making things very costly. I think the game might be dying because being a low level is hard withour any lux, you've gotta spend a good amount of irl money to get anything good these days. I really don't want this game to die, but I'm afraid that it might be...
You think it's hard to level up at low level without lux? You must have joined after update 4... we used to all play with no Lux almost, we had fun and we played together. Just because things take alot of money to buy, doesn't mean you cant buy cheaper alternatives. Personally i think that starting from scratch is a fun adventure and can easily be done by anyone. Did you know that they have skills for health and energy regen? Out of combat of course but still... I have started from scratch a few times because it's fun to do, and no it isnt hard. Generally by the time i reach level 100 i have enough for opal weapon, 100 offhand, and near enough for talisman of earth, but I already would have the 15 energy regen ammy.. It can be done extremely easy and as you level up, things cost more but you also get gold at a much faster rate.
kings pride
mabon - my main server
fingal - what happens in vegas, stays in vegas

Re: Game Dying?

And no the game is not dying. I have played since 2011 and the population has all but decreased. For every person I see quit, I see 10+ new players. There is no reason to talk down to otm, they give us what we want and what is good for the players and they equal out the game. So what if they don't make you op... doesn't mean they screw up. You need Balance and they do good at providing.
kings pride
mabon - my main server
fingal - what happens in vegas, stays in vegas

Re: Game Dying?

And no the game is not dying. I have played since 2011 and the population has all but decreased. For every person I see quit, I see 10+ new players. There is no reason to talk down to otm, they give us what we want and what is good for the players and they equal out the game. So what if they don't make you op... doesn't mean they screw up. You need Balance and they do good at providing.
This is true. People are always focused on the endgame/high level population and never consider the rest cause I guess endgame is the only section of the game that matters to these folks. Every server is heavily populated with active low level players ranging from 40-130 so this game is for sure not dying, it's just people fail to recognize this side of the player base.

I have to agree that starting from scratch is truly the most enjoyable thing in this game. My best memories come from 2012-2013 when I was brand new at the game and was learning how this game worked. Not to mention how much fun it was running around in a full group of noobs killing everything in our path for fun. Now days as a high level everyone takes the game seriously and it makes things not as enjoyable
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

Re: Game Dying?

Do you guys think that the game is dying? OTM keeps messing things up that we ask for, making things very costly. I think the game might be dying because being a low level is hard withour any lux, you've gotta spend a good amount of irl money to get anything good these days. I really don't want this game to die, but I'm afraid that it might be...
You think it's hard to level up at low level without lux? You must have joined after update 4... we used to all play with no Lux almost, we had fun and we played together. Just because things take alot of money to buy, doesn't mean you cant buy cheaper alternatives. Personally i think that starting from scratch is a fun adventure and can easily be done by anyone. Did you know that they have skills for health and energy regen? Out of combat of course but still... I have started from scratch a few times because it's fun to do, and no it isnt hard. Generally by the time i reach level 100 i have enough for opal weapon, 100 offhand, and near enough for talisman of earth, but I already would have the 15 energy regen ammy.. It can be done extremely easy and as you level up, things cost more but you also get gold at a much faster rate.
i played in the beginning, and then came back. so what you leveled with no lux then, that was then, this is now. now there are more people who have the lux, and when a new player joins and sees that they can't level up as easy, it makes them want to quit, also there aren't many fun low quests to keep the new players engaged.
It is within you to succeed
My character Souleste was named after myself -

- my middle name is Celeste, so Souleste seems fitting...
Ice all on me

Re: Game Dying?

Now days as a high level everyone takes the game seriously and it makes things not as enjoyable
This is true but has it occurred to you that it is because they take the game seriously that they made it to end-game.

The game after all is just a grind with a focus on killing mobs to get xp. That just simply isn't fun to do all the time, especially with largely diminishing returns. So it's at this point that you havs to choose between grinding for xp and enjoying the game for the little content it has outside of that.

Plus, do you think players who are willing to spend a lot of money on the game for elixirs are going to waste it on having fun with everyone else? Or do you think they are going to spend that time using their platinum on trying to get an edge on everyone else via levelling?

All the bosses worth killing require that end-game mentality even at mid-level because they're difficult and there is very little to no reward for killing a single boss once. The exceptions to this rule are high level raid bosses such as Mordris and Hrungner. But you can't even kill them without the rewards of killing other countless bosses a countless number of times. Also, just try to take an event boss from a clan full of serious players; they have lower levelled alternate characters who can outlock you too if they wanted.

So in conclusion, those that have the kind of fun you're talking about are the low levelled players who hang around in the castle. The players who take the game seriously are the ones rewarded for it.
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: Game Dying?

Different folks have different ideas on what is fun for them.

A clanmate told me he likes the grinding for xp. I hated it. I don't think either of us is wrong.
Castle dwellers love socializing, shouting, insulting, buying and selling, or dueling each other. Nothing wrong with that either.
I think there are plenty of players who take castle dwelling seriously. Just as there are players who take raiding bosses seriously.

If endgame is fun for some high level players, who is anyone to say they aren't?

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Game Dying?

Now days as a high level everyone takes the game seriously and it makes things not as enjoyable
"It's just a game"
"Why do you take games so seriously they're suppose to be fun"
"No, the game doesn't reflect who I am irl - ITS JUST A GAME"

I put your statement amongst the stupidity that others have said in the past (above).
It's just a matter of opinion I suppose, and one can never change someone else's opinion so here's a suggestion for you, GB, maybe play a game people take a little less 'seriously'. I heard club penguin is still around.


The game isn't dying whatsoever. It's not, imo, growing - but it certainly isn't dying. I think CH is yet to hit its optimum. CH is a great game, and I don't call things great very often, because to be 'great' you have to seriously be exceptional. And things that are great always get the reward they deserve.
Elsroth - 220+ Mage - Clan Avalon

There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

Re: Game Dying?

Now days as a high level everyone takes the game seriously and it makes things not as enjoyable
"It's just a game"
"Why do you take games so seriously they're suppose to be fun"
"No, the game doesn't reflect who I am irl - ITS JUST A GAME"

I put your statement amongst the stupidity that others have said in the past (above).
It's just a matter of opinion I suppose, and one can never change someone else's opinion so here's a suggestion for you, GB, maybe play a game people take a little less 'seriously'.
Lol wth. My statement is my opinion, some may enjoy the seriousness that other players bring and some may not. I personally hate it when I'm pressured to level up or pressured to show up to a boss because I like to play at a pace that I enjoy and when people pressure me to alter my enjoyable play style I get irritated. Many people struggle to realize that this is an MMORPG and everyone likes to play at their own pace, this especially goes for people that make fun of others for not leveling or going to bosses (it's extremely annoying). Also when people make fun of others for "camping the castle" shows me how unintelligent they are to make up such stupid statements. There is no right or wrong way to play a MMORPG and I wish people could get that in their damn minds.
Level 210+ Warrior, Lugh

-You know a world transfer is legit when it is posted on the forums-

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