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Re: Pureness to drop from tower bosses

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:08 pm
by Criminal
I still have not heard any form of constructive criticism, but only a disregard of a know opponent from the same server.
Thats an unfair statement. Players like Sly Shadows, Ventius, Armo, MrsDredd have all commented constructively (as well as I have) and arent from the same server. Saying that u dont involve ur clannies to comment on this so it wont be affected by emotional decisions despite the fact that:

A) two players from ur clan who quit came to comment here
B) one of the players from ur clan made his acc on same day of thread to support it
C) the chief of ur other clan has came to support it

Just a futile statement. Ur the only one whos making this thread into clan vs clan.

As Ive said, while DG at higher rate is GOOD, adding it into edls makes it *too fast* and *too easy* which brings several issues that need to be dealt with. Not only it takes away their reward, but it also requires VR to provide new *vertical* content at much higher rate, while the majority wants *horizontal* content. I think MrsDredd, Ventius and Skerwald described it well enough, none which is related to any clan drama. <<< This is also constructive, and has no relations to whether ur from my opposing clan or not. **If to involve clans matter into it, Im aware that many underdogs believe that DG difference is their sole reason of defeat. That is false, and Havoc of Morrigan is great example of that. With hard effort, dedication and proper grasp on the game, Havoc overtook Avalon as dominant clan on Morrigan, and thats despite the fact that Avalon had a huge lead on DG sets. Thats where the game knowledge beat the gear, and DG will never replace knowledge. Even if u have DG, u will lose to a worse geared but more knowledgable player who has access to the right gear to utilize his knowledge.

DG doesnt cover up for mistakes, it doesnt make ur dps perfect, and using it as a meaning of balance or an argument against dom clans being too unbalanced is false. I can name another world where the leading clan has lead on dg sets yet loses lockfights to the underdogs which has 1-2? Dg sets, all based on the gap they have on grasp of the game. Its more about how u play than what gear u own, and underdog clans often think that if VR throws gear at them it'll be the easy way to the top, but its an open world MMORPG that promotes high effort, competitiveness and dedication. Wanting to have it easy would might as well require the game to be instances based (and then thats a whole different discussion).

Have fun.

Re: Pureness

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:36 pm
by Sly Shadows
I skipped last 10 posts cause got impatient but what about my current situation (im happy with the clan tho dont get me wrong :D) :
-Underdog clan competing with Res at all edl/all eg except gele/bt.
-Can as a clan kill up to prot
-Has gotten a few pures

But the kicker is Res has more dg already making locking against edl/eg even harder and as they keep locking they will get more players and more dg and bt gear consistantly (two bt kills a week now, always successful). Question is, pures at edl would help underdog clans with dg yah but then top clans would also farm harder OBVIOUSLY HAS BEEN STATED ALREADY... BUT, that solves nothing because as underdog clans get dg, top clan will get it more often cause they can already lock more, its a huge af STANDSTILL. So what would the situation be if the undersog clan CAN kill eg but simply sometimes its 400% impossible to outlock top clan dps to even participate (always a struggle for all underdog clans i think.)

@Ventius Hai, but I want ur answer on this. Cause we can kill it, but locking is an issue. Because as u said u dont wanna be handed the drops (i personally dont tbh) but its sometimes not possible to do anything with speed at even a slow pace.

Theres other factors aswell but no need to read further but il state.

-Res is dominate clan and as more bt gear comes in, locking necro+ will become harder as time goes on exponentially.
-Most committed gamers will look to Res as the clan to go to as it has most opportunity for eg, so recruitment of rlly good players is harder.

Edit: IDK what im rlly looking for as a reply, maybe best strats for locking and progressing better, i have a decent dps knowledge as a tank and raid strats but idk, just our situation in how dg at edl would work out.

Re: Pureness

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:13 am
by Soccer
DG is the best armour in the whole game, getting a set takes a lot of effort from the clan(s) or server.
If you haven’t played on EG level yet you likely have no idea how much time, organization, etc went into a single set and working towards being able to kill and keep killing the important raid bosses.

Edl is a must, it’s much easier to kill edl bosses and I fully support that smaller non dominant clans should be able to kill them without having to rally up the whole clan. DG however is not something everyone has, there are only so many with a set or piece, depending on the system used on the server.

The point is, DG is rare, hard to get and if you’re a smaller clan you should work towards getting stronger, you shouldnt expect to get top notch gear right off the bat. The clan simply isn’t strong enough and a change like this that would seemingly make dg so much easier to get seems way out of balance. I get that there is competition, but by not joining the dominant clan (not counting Epona here) you should also make the sacrifice of not being able to easily access that kind of gear. If you can’t beat em, join em. If you don’t like it on your server, xfer. If neither are an option, just git gud but making dg easy accessible is not at all going to make the game more balanced.
First off, dont act like transfering to another server is a viable option, u lose all your progress, your friends and will often lose gold in the process (speaking from experience where I had to pay outrageous prices for chests to get them on other servers). So the actual sequence is if u don't want to join the dom clan then you're screwed.

Moving on, don't spew retarded stuff like "people want stuff handed on a plate" (this is directed at Dredd but also u since u more or less said the same thing). Don't act like u can speak about people u don't know. I've played way longer than many on my server who have several DG pieces. To say I want stuff handed to me is insulting; if that was really the case, I wouldve joined the dom clan long ago. I've put in more effort into my gear than many in the dom clan (I'm sure there r those in the dom clan who've put in even more effort, not denying that). This is also the case for many eg toons out of Dom clans.

Now, Ventius, u say "if your clan cant even kill proteus then you simply shouldnt deserve DG armour", to which I answer , who the hell do u think u r to be the one drawing the line in the sand as to who deserves what. DG is used to gain an advantage at all bosses, hence everyone should get a fair chance at getting it.

DG should be made available to the entire server, not just the strongest clan. I agree that getting pures from edl bosses may not be the best approach at fixing this problem. Like others have said, OTM should include other boss options for having a chance at dropping pures. Like I said, I've played this game for years and I don't see anything wrong with implementing a system that would allow everyone to get DG even if the chances r just 1 pure a month, at least make the option available for those putting in the time. If OTM doesn't have the time to create more bosses, there is no reason not to have a 1 percent chance of a pure dropping from 6s EDLs. And to all those who freak out at the prospect of pures dropping from bosses other than gele and prot, no one said it would easy or fast, it makes sense to have it take years to complete.

As for Zkills' suggestion, I think it's a great idea, it allows non Dom clans to take part in making the armour while still giving the Dom clans an advantage.

Re: Pureness

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:56 am
by Thefreeze
Personally the true outlook of this post is that a clan that’s falling behind suddenly wants a chance to get redemption it looks a lot more selfish than what you make it out to be. 90% of support for this post is from your own clan. I can’t support something that just seems too conveniently timed with a clan that’s falling behind recently

That’s what it looks like

Re: Pureness

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 1:32 pm
by Sweefish
In my opinion the only accessibility that needs to be addressed is in the frequency of drops. In Gele it should drop 2 pures and 1 class conflux, and Prime should drop one class conflux and one pure garunteed. This small adjustment would impact the game positively without cheapening the work done to earn Doch armor

Re: Pureness to drop from tower bosses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:03 pm
by Zkills
I still have not heard any form of constructive criticism, but only a disregard of a know opponent from the same server.
Thats an unfair statement. Players like Sly Shadows, Ventius, Armo, MrsDredd have all commented constructively (as well as I have) and arent from the same server.
Ironically the ones you’re hating on are the constructive ones while the rest of you are whining that “Dg will be too easy to get” or “you’re just saying that because your clan is weak” or “git gud”. That’s not being constructive, and how do we know you or anyone of the others are just saying that because they don’t want their comp getting a slice of the pie?

It’s funny because I keep hearing “dg would be too easy to get”... Dg is already easy to get because of how badly it was implemented lmao. It’s basically being handed to every dom clan out there because how many clans actually struggle with gele or prot? There’s servers already with 30+ sets and countless pieces, how many pures is that? So it’s not like it’s “rare” as I heard and it’s most certainly not challenging... only challenge is the RNG from prot prime, which isn’t even a challenge really. And to think you want an increased pure income from prot or gele, everyone who suggests that is basically asking for the same thing they are. People need to stop being so hypocritical.

Dg was implemented very poorly, and looking at the earliest posts regarding dg shows that players back then had the same thoughts about dg coming from raids... it needs a complete overhaul in terms of how it can be obtained. Don’t say it’s to late for that because it’s not, dg is still relevant at eg.

I’ve been apart of both dom and comp clans, I have good experience in both... now that I am no longer apart of any I have no bias towards one or the other

Re: Pureness to drop from tower bosses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 7:39 pm
by Criminal
I still have not heard any form of constructive criticism, but only a disregard of a know opponent from the same server.
Thats an unfair statement. Players like Sly Shadows, Ventius, Armo, MrsDredd have all commented constructively (as well as I have) and arent from the same server.
Ironically the ones you’re hating on are the constructive ones while the rest of you are whining that “Dg will be too easy to get” or “you’re just saying that because your clan is weak” or “git gud”. That’s not being constructive, and how do we know you or anyone of the others are just saying that because they don’t want their comp getting a slice of the pie?

It’s funny because I keep hearing “dg would be too easy to get”... Dg is already easy to get because of how badly it was implemented lmao. It’s basically being handed to every dom clan out there because how many clans actually struggle with gele or prot? There’s servers already with 30+ sets and countless pieces, how many pures is that? So it’s not like it’s “rare” as I heard and it’s most certainly not challenging... only challenge is the RNG from prot prime, which isn’t even a challenge really. And to think you want an increased pure income from prot or gele, everyone who suggests that is basically asking for the same thing they are. People need to stop being so hypocritical.

Dg was implemented very poorly, and looking at the earliest posts regarding dg shows that players back then had the same thoughts about dg coming from raids... it needs a complete overhaul in terms of how it can be obtained. Don’t say it’s to late for that because it’s not, dg is still relevant at eg.

I’ve been apart of both dom and comp clans, I have good experience in both... now that I am no longer apart of any I have no bias towards one or the other
I have commented constructively. I dont care what clan u would be in, Id be against it. And yes, u do have bias.

Re: Pureness

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:28 pm
by Romeo
These things should be added into the daily rewards once u reach level 200 or w/e the req level is for dg. Atleast everyone would get something in a timely mannner.

Re: Pureness to drop from tower bosses

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:06 pm
by Zkills
I have commented constructively. I dont care what clan u would be in, Id be against it. And yes, u do have bias.
Not sure where the second sentence came from, but ok? Lol. There was more shooting other players down than constructive comments on this thread, not just from you but others as well. I don’t care for your clan, and I don’t care for ronin... the two clans where I gained experience from. Where would my bias lay?

Re: Pureness

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:10 pm
by Kaliset
I think there should be PHs of all bosses have same loot table including Bloodthorn to give people who doesn't like clans. So they have a chance of every drop.

Good idea ?