Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Game flawed -Loss of quality gamers continues.

I can honestly say that a certain type of player drives away the good quality players.
But that's the purpose of controlling who joins a clan and who doesn't. Many clans have had people join, and then been screwed by that person - regardless if it's a dominant clan or not.

If you can swallow your ego, become a team player and help everyone around you then you really shouldn't have any issues joining a clan - at any level.

Also if you can realise that no one is on 24/7 so if one person creates a bad image for the clan, tell the leaders, let them deal with it and accept that there may be one or two like that. The whole clan shouldn't be written off.

Most clans will give second or third chances. Some might just be over the churn and burn attitude of players.

Fact is, the game mimics real life. Fit in, work hard, you'll be accepted.
Sorry bud but not everyone wants to be "controlled" and you should not be trying to control anyone. It's a game meant for people to have fun in their spare time. It's not always the "player" that drives anyone off. Sometimes it's dirty tactics by a Dom clan to offer other clans empty promises on gear they will never get. All because clans like yours want to be in control.
Also bud, you didn't use the word 'controlling' correctly. By controlling, or making a choice if you prefer, on who joins a clan, a leader gives their members freedom to play together and interact with reduced risk of being screwed over. Screening a person before they join saves heartache for that other member so they can have fun.

There's rules. It's not the same.
Perhaps you are correct I think I was wrong about the first statement. Apologies. As far as the second part when you have a clan as big as yours there will always be untrustworthy people including guardians and gens. You may trust them but they do screw people over when you or the chief isn't around. There's always one or two bad eggs in a basket.
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.

Re: Game flawed -Loss of quality gamers continues.

Ok so some people do not like how a server can be dominated by 1 clan due to some raids requiring 30-50 people every time.
I don’t play WoW but i assume WoW is a MMO as well right? Is it similar to CH in anyway? If so, What i wanna ask is does same issue apear there as well? If not why can’t OTM take whatever prevented that from happening there and just throw it in CH?

Re: Game flawed -Loss of quality gamers continues.

Ok so some people do not like how a server can be dominated by 1 clan due to some raids requiring 30-50 people every time.
I don’t play WoW but i assume WoW is a MMO as well right? Is it similar to CH in anyway? If so, What i wanna ask is does same issue apear there as well? If not why can’t OTM take whatever prevented that from happening there and just throw it in CH?
There's a lot of mmos. Most dont require 30-50 people to kill all end game bosses. I'm not in any way advocating that OTM remove all 30-50 man raids. That would change the game way too much. What it needs is more options for smaller clans and solo players to be able to get end game gear without having to be in a Dom clan. Currently the only way to get anything decent is to a) either spend millions on items being sold from a Dom clan or b) get really lucky in spotting a 5 star garanak, skain, etc. No small clan is going to be able to kill mordy, or any other 6 star unless that small clan all logs in and most are 200+.
Brevity is the soul of wit so i will talk your ears off.

Re: Game flawed -Loss of quality gamers continues.

Open world vs instances.

Mdunc, stop, ur clearly biased against end-game clans and not putting ur well meaning insight but only commenting after every other person who comments to either : 1. raise ur post counter 2. show us more than u hate dom clans

As for how ur generalizing us... Rival clan had spy toons in our clan... Cant generalize as anyone is capable of it.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Game flawed -Loss of quality gamers continues.

Ok so some people do not like how a server can be dominated by 1 clan due to some raids requiring 30-50 people every time.
I don’t play WoW but i assume WoW is a MMO as well right? Is it similar to CH in anyway? If so, What i wanna ask is does same issue apear there as well? If not why can’t OTM take whatever prevented that from happening there and just throw it in CH?
There's a lot of mmos. Most dont require 30-50 people to kill all end game bosses. I'm not in any way advocating that OTM remove all 30-50 man raids. That would change the game way too much. What it needs is more options for smaller clans and solo players to be able to get end game gear without having to be in a Dom clan. Currently the only way to get anything decent is to a) either spend millions on items being sold from a Dom clan or b) get really lucky in spotting a 5 star garanak, skain, etc. No small clan is going to be able to kill mordy, or any other 6 star unless that small clan all logs in and most are 200+.
How does other mmo help the smaller clans? Maybe otm can implement something similar.

Re: Game flawed -Loss of quality gamers continues.


Oh please you are just afraid the Dom clan you are in would lose a little. And you would be afraid of lock rogues when none of the clan you were in could beat me 1 on 1.
Most of your posts are 1. Angry at dominant clans and insult them any chance you get and 2. Brag about how no one can outlock 1v1

We get it. You hate Dom clans and you think you're the be all end all of rogue locking builds
Stop trying to manipulate the game and I would be fine dude. Stop trying to send in spy clannies, stop lying, stop using people, etc. Not saying you are doing this personally but most dom clans behavior is not indicative of how they say they are on forums. Secondly Dom clans brag all the time about how they are the only ones who can kill gele and hrung so how is it in any different when i brag right back.
When is the last time you saw a post with someone bragging they killed hung? Now when is the last time you posted about how you can outlock anyone 1v1? On every single one of your posts.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Game flawed -Loss of quality gamers continues.

I also locked against all your players 30-40 levels below me too. How about being honest for once. Secondly bringing in people from your coan to start drama and then claim nobody likes me is bogus. It's your clan that don't like me because they are so afraid of losing control. If they didn't like me why did multiple people invite me back after I left?
The heck lmao, you’re actually delusional.

We don’t really have frozen lockers because we’re not that desperate for frozen like you were. Once again, if you are as good as you claim, come back and lock troll.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Game flawed -Loss of quality gamers continues.

Why do these posts always have to turn into bickering about how dom clans are greedy and an infection on servers.

This game was designed in a open world setting which means that everyone on a server can go and fight a boss at once, if the server could actually handle everyone in the zone at once. Therefore the focus is then put on people working together, therefore a dominant clan on a server. Look at epona, its essentially a whole server dominant clan, they all work together and exclude people the server has deemed as POS people. No one seems to complain about that. I get it, no one has to be in a clan to be involved all they have to do is be a nice normal player. See here's the thing, DOMINANT CLAN servers are pretty similar in that aspect, the only difference being that there's a title above your name and usually a month of time or more of time that you aren't able to get gear. That title above peoples head is what seems to spark all these problems, not because that clan is indecent to people who aren't in the clan but because players see that title above a players head as a challenge. They want to be part of the clan that triumphs this already dominant clan. This is not negative by any means, competition is healthy, its when competition turns toxic that this becomes a problem. Speaking in experience of my server and recently what has happened, dominant clans are willing to let players of another clan into their clan as long as that player isn't noticed by many as being a POS.

What seems to be the reason players dislike a dom clan server is because they have to be constantly going to bosses in order to get gear (I know this isn't always the case but seems to be the case with all these impatient people who complain). Unlike Epona, dom servers have clans that have worked for years to either rise up through the competition or hold back the competition. It's bound to be more strict and have a more detailed structure for how players are geared. People fail to understand/remember that this games loot system is garbage and that good items take a while to drop. I haven't seen a gele axe tank drop in over four months of my clan killing gele consistently. Dominant clan servers require a player to be consistently active in order to receive gear and with that rules are set about how this gear is distribute to players. Once again in comparison to a server like epona, epona has no rules and guidelines defining how drops are handled and given out (besides a few basic rules that are given to be formed) because the server has always been a free flowing server. In a server like epona anyone is able to roll versus a server with a dominant clan there is most likely some form of an organized distribution system and probationary period for new members. (I'm not bashing Epona by any means, I love the idea of the server and is definitely more fitting for a casual player) I feel like this is said often enough to people but they seem to ignore the fact that there is more that goes into a structured dominant clan than just killing bosses. Hell I'm just a clansmen of my clan and I know that the leaders spend hours every week outside of the game managing clan politics, handling drops, and properly acknowledging players that contribute to the clan through whatever system they use. There is a lot of things that people seem to misunderstand about a dominant clan, primarily starting with how drops are given out and how players are rewarded.
Wardon- 220 Warrior
Cryptic- 220 Rogue

Yeeticus- 220 Ranger

Re: Game flawed -Loss of quality gamers continues.

I dont think that this post is not only about servers with dominant clans..

Its more about a player who plays solo or with few friends trying to improve his toon.. And tbh its so difficult..
Levelling-floor bosses, raid legacy bosses and even cooking bosses need a team of ppl to be killed..

And if u want dl or edl lets hope you are or have rogue alt and willing to try your luck on the 4s that drop nothing...

So for a solo player (or small clans) its very difficult to improve your toons.

Wish OTM
-made 4s always drop
-reduce spawn rate of mord hrung necro to same time as Base. And added a 5 star version.

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