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Re: What would you do?

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 8:55 pm
by Warsong
Can you stop pushing so hard on free server systems and throwing shade on players in a system that doesn't use the same system? Thanks.
Agreed. Please try and stay on topic with the OP. I’m sure everyone has heard the virtues of ‘free’ servers at this point, no need to beat a dead horse. It’s not for everyone, there’s obviously advantages and disadvantages to both.
Which server has lock battles and healthy competition and isn't sky high in chest prices, lixes, etc?
Morrigan for a while lol. Prices aren't expensive. 20-25k a chest. Comp is mainly civil. Obviously there's certain players that don't like each other but there's no bad blood between clans. In fact if another clan locks sometimes the other clans help. Every servers has toxicity.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 9:17 pm
by Mdunc1982
Agreed. Please try and stay on topic with the OP. I’m sure everyone has heard the virtues of ‘free’ servers at this point, no need to beat a dead horse. It’s not for everyone, there’s obviously advantages and disadvantages to both.
Which server has lock battles and healthy competition and isn't sky high in chest prices, lixes, etc?
Morrigan for a while lol. Prices aren't expensive. 20-25k a chest. Comp is mainly civil. Obviously there's certain players that don't like each other but there's no bad blood between clans. In fact if another clan locks sometimes the other clans help. Every servers has toxicity. Look at you in your server lol.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 9:29 pm
by Warsong

Which server has lock battles and healthy competition and isn't sky high in chest prices, lixes, etc?
Morrigan for a while lol. Prices aren't expensive. 20-25k a chest. Comp is mainly civil. Obviously there's certain players that don't like each other but there's no bad blood between clans. In fact if another clan locks sometimes the other clans help. Every servers has toxicity. Look at you in your server lol.
What are you getting at in that last sentence? Because it sounds a lot like you are implying something.
Lol my bad. I misread. Thought it was someone else. I'll edit.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 12:53 am
by Madoc
After some careful consideration I have figured out what people should do. The answer largely depends on your moral flexibility.

Option 1: If you are morally flexible and part of a competing clan, grief and reset bosses at will. VR has already demonstrated a lack of desire to punish those that step outside the TOS. If you do not know how to reset bosses, get with the one who has already identified himself as being part of DOM. I am sure he would be more than happy to teach you how to destroy a server.

Option 2: If your morals are sound, carry on the status quo. Yes, you are grieving the competition (not something with which I entirely agree), but you are doing it within the mechanics of the game. If VR is not going to ban glitch resetters, then you are on solid ground. You will find however, some in our clan will not like it and do one of three things; go inactive, move servers, or realize they are morally flexible and join the other side.

What I have discovered is, no matter what, DOM will not change. They will continue to glitch reset no matter how powerful they seem to be. The good thing about this is the fact it shows just how insecure they truly are. Worry not those with morals, the immoral will always fear you and try to tear you down.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 1:42 am
by DontBanMeRob
After some careful consideration I have figured out what people should do. The answer largely depends on your moral flexibility.

Option 1: If you are morally flexible and part of a competing clan, grief and reset bosses at will. VR has already demonstrated a lack of desire to punish those that step outside the TOS. If you do not know how to reset bosses, get with the one who has already identified himself as being part of DOM. I am sure he would be more than happy to teach you how to destroy a server.

Option 2: If your morals are sound, carry on the status quo. Yes, you are grieving the competition (not something with which I entirely agree), but you are doing it within the mechanics of the game. If VR is not going to ban glitch resetters, then you are on solid ground. You will find however, some in our clan will not like it and do one of three things; go inactive, move servers, or realize they are morally flexible and join the other side.

What I have discovered is, no matter what, DOM will not change. They will continue to glitch reset no matter how powerful they seem to be. The good thing about this is the fact it shows just how insecure they truly are. Worry not those with morals, the immoral will always fear you and try to tear you down.
Thanks, but the topic has already run its course.

If destroying raids through unintended use of game mechanics is a moral thing to do, I encourage every server to participate in your joke. Wasting people's time and money for no reason other than your own personal gain - an extremely moral thing to do. An hour before I post this, you glitch reset our Garanak. Where exactly do your morals sit? The high horse act has run its course too. Both sides waste the time and money of others, therefore we are no different.

You are so insistent this clan will not change yet haven't given it a chance. How narrow-minded an outlook is this? You griefed our Dhiothu for over 2 months before we reset a single boss on you. There was plenty of time for you to quit your *** abuse of game mechanics and there was plenty of time we didn't interfere with your own bosses. Yet, we will never change? It would take a one week trial for you to see otherwise, but you will not entertain it. You know you will instantly be proved wrong - we all know that.

Your former Chieftain joined us yesterday, along with another former leader. In fact, we have gained quite a few of your members since I posted this topic. Why? They are tired of bitter old men, who can't see past their own noses, running their clan into the ground. There will be no negotiating from you because you have a burning hatred for people you wouldn't even have to deal with, should a deal be struck. It is honestly mind-blowing how disconnected you are with your clan. They are suffering because of your actions not ours. We offered your clannies enjoyment when we didn't have to.

We are happy to entertain the grief war for now. We killed Bloodthorn on spawn yesterday and Gelebron today. Your very provocative member PM'd us bragging about the Unox we didn't reset claiming "lol we still winning.. you can't take us down.. we better than you". An interesting take, I thought.

We dont need to fear your "moral" clan that can't gather 10 toons for gelebron. How in the world would we be "insecure" about that?

Thread can be locked or will spiral into insults.

Re: What would you do?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 3:19 pm
by Armo
You’re right, thread can be locked.

Griefing is not cool, neither is needlessly arguing.

Continue these discussions in-game if you must.