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Re: [Guide] Dual-Devicing

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:09 pm
by SubZ3ro
Noticed the necro post. What happened to Arjun? He was one of the people on this forum that I actually respected...

Re: [Guide] Dual-Devicing

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:17 pm
by friddoo
Pigman banned him for repeated abuse and derailing topics, I believe

Re: [Guide] Dual-Devicing

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:48 pm
by Rcflyn
Rogue rogue is very very good for leveling and still ok on bosses with plat items.

As for moving you can run both or run one and use a skill like bandage wounds lvl1 to auto follow. For this to work move one toon ahead and select this toon with the one to auto follow. Start moving the forward toon then press bandage wounds. You will move at 90% speed so you will need to carefully match mount speeds or take breaks every 30-45 seconds to keep them close together.

If you run both try to flick your concentration back and forth every 2 seconds rather than concentrate on both at the same time. You typically place the devices side by side and hold forward on both toons, using one hand each, then steer with a finger on each hand. Alternatively you can stack the devices vertically and hold forward on both with one hand and steer both with the other hand. I prefer the first method.

You can run three by auto following one or two toons and driving two or one. I prefer to drive all three manually.

If you want to run four simultaneously what I like to do is lay the same size smaller devices in a 2x2 and push forward on my left hand with my thumb (lower) and middle finger (upper) and steer both alternating with just my index finger. For the right side I push up with my thumb (lower) and index finger (upper) and steer both alternating with my middle finger pad (top) and my middle finger knuckle (lower). Start in an open area and master two devices first.

Finally you can run 8 devices by auto following the 4 you run manually. I don't recommend auto following more as they do run slower and tend to have problems. It's usually easier to have all 4 auto follow the same toon for ease.

With practice you can even run two different groups of toons down two entirely different areas and simultaneously boss multiple bosses at the same time.

I'm not responsible if your brain literally starts smoking though.
U fried my brain just reading how u do it (not that there much left to fry).
I can tri box, done it once, I hate it. I dual box on occasion, and it fries my brain.... Lol.
I'd never concider trying 8.

Re: [Guide] Dual-Devicing

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:20 pm
by Zendroid
So let me get this straight.. i can't play the same character on two separate devices .. yet i can dual device giving me an unfair advantage against those that play with only one at a time. .. the way the game was designed, at least I'm assuming. I know there is absolutely no way OTM could ever stop this and police this, but it should be against TOS, and furthermore, OTM should not encourage it by allowing a guide on this forum describing the best way to do it.

Re: [Guide] Dual-Devicing

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:25 pm
by friddoo
So let me get this straight.. i can't play the same character on two separate devices .. yet i can dual device giving me an unfair advantage against those that play with only one at a time. .. the way the game was designed, at least I'm assuming. I know there is absolutely no way OTM could ever stop this and police this, but it should be against TOS, and furthermore, OTM should not encourage it by allowing a guide on this forum describing the best way to do it.
I hope your trolling

Re: [Guide] Dual-Devicing

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:46 pm
by Zendroid
Absolutely not, friddo. Dual devicing gives an extremely unfair advantage against those who only have one device. It should not be allowed, but again, there's absolutely NO way OTM could police it, but i certainly wouldn't allow a guide on this board describing how to do it. They could at least do that on principle alone.

Why can't use hack that gives me extra gold? Not only is it dishonest, but more relevant, it gives me an unfair advantage. You might say that everyone has an equal opportunity to dual device, but that's not accurate. Not everyone can afford two devices, but even if most people do have two devices, the same principle should apply. Could EVERYONE use that hack, hence giving everyone the same oportunity at getting unearned gold? Yup. But its not allowed. Neither should dual devicing, but it can't be policed. ... but allowing guides can.

Re: [Guide] Dual-Devicing

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:10 pm
by Bitey
I'm a guide. I regularly dual device, and triple device many times. I'm thinking of buying a fourth device. I post videos of myself multi-boxing all the time. Here is a video of me soloing Glashtyn 5* using three devices. It is one of the most fun ways to experience the game in my opinion. If you are able to multi-box, I would suggest you do it because it is super fun once you get the hang of it.

That being said... you are beginning to take this thread off topic.

Re: [Guide] Dual-Devicing

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:32 pm
by friddoo
Absolutely not, friddo. Dual devicing gives an extremely unfair advantage against those who only have one device. It should not be allowed, but again, there's absolutely NO way OTM could police it, but i certainly wouldn't allow a guide on this board describing how to do it. They could at least do that on principle alone.

Why can't use hack that gives me extra gold? Not only is it dishonest, but more relevant, it gives me an unfair advantage. You might say that everyone has an equal opportunity to dual device, but that's not accurate. Not everyone can afford two devices, but even if most people do have two devices, the same principle should apply. Could EVERYONE use that hack, hence giving everyone the same oportunity at getting unearned gold? Yup. But its not allowed. Neither should dual devicing, but it can't be policed. ... but allowing guides can.
That's like saying, we shouldn't buy plat because it gives the buyer an unfair advantage

Re: [Guide] Dual-Devicing

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:24 pm
by inodore
Pigman banned him for repeated abuse and derailing topics, I believe
That's unfairly put. I was unjustly permanently banned (cause: getting pissed at Smellyunder for spamming the whole forum board) after 2-3 temporary bans (reason: agressiveness on posts and alleged derailing).

Anyways that's the past now. I barely view the forums anymore but I'm happy constructive feedback is being taken into consideration by OTM, albeit a couple years late. I do hope my inequality thread becomes reality and OTM truly balances all classes as a final legacy.

Cheers to all and happy future gaming,

Re: [Guide] Dual-Devicing

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:06 pm
by friddoo
Pigman banned him for repeated abuse and derailing topics, I believe
That's unfairly put. I was unjustly permanently banned (cause: getting pissed at Smellyunder for spamming the whole forum board) after 2-3 temporary bans (reason: agressiveness on posts and alleged derailing).

Anyways that's the past now. I barely view the forums anymore but I'm happy constructive feedback is being taken into consideration by OTM, albeit a couple years late. I do hope my inequality thread becomes reality and OTM truly balances all classes as a final legacy.

Cheers to all and happy future gaming,
Those were the reasons pigman gave I'm pretty sure on another topic, I made that post just quoting him, not my personal opinion