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Re: Otm increasing boss toughness

You may have had the same number of dps but was it the same dps? It could be possible some of your better dps weren't there and they were replaced by average or Mediocre dps.
It was tel he same. We had the same exact group plus an extra dps. What's more strange is we had killed it with less in under 14 min.

The other thing that was totally different these two times compared to the other 5 times is I had never died previously at a hrung fight, these two times I stopped counting at death number 12 both times. I had the same gear and same stats. I take that back, I finally had gotten my dl offhand whereas previously I had no offhand. And I'm talking 1 shot death even with 5.5k hp.
hey guess what... 50% damage fluctuation... One kill could be a lucky 90% dmg out of 100 and the next could be an unlucky 60%. It's highly unlikely but it's possible. That's 50% increase alone right there

Re: Otm increasing boss toughness

You may have had the same number of dps but was it the same dps? It could be possible some of your better dps weren't there and they were replaced by average or Mediocre dps.
It was tel he same. We had the same exact group plus an extra dps. What's more strange is we had killed it with less in under 14 min.

The other thing that was totally different these two times compared to the other 5 times is I had never died previously at a hrung fight, these two times I stopped counting at death number 12 both times. I had the same gear and same stats. I take that back, I finally had gotten my dl offhand whereas previously I had no offhand. And I'm talking 1 shot death even with 5.5k hp.
If you were dying so much...is assume your clannies were dying also...which is a huge loss of dps...keep in mind after one death at hrung your snowballed into continues deaths unless you break curse
Biteri 224 rogue, Rosmerta, Reserverence.
Yes, I seem to be back again.

Re: Otm increasing boss toughness

You may have had the same number of dps but was it the same dps? It could be possible some of your better dps weren't there and they were replaced by average or Mediocre dps.
It was tel he same. We had the same exact group plus an extra dps. What's more strange is we had killed it with less in under 14 min.

The other thing that was totally different these two times compared to the other 5 times is I had never died previously at a hrung fight, these two times I stopped counting at death number 12 both times. I had the same gear and same stats. I take that back, I finally had gotten my dl offhand whereas previously I had no offhand. And I'm talking 1 shot death even with 5.5k hp.
hey guess what... 50% damage fluctuation... One kill could be a lucky 90% dmg out of 100 and the next could be an unlucky 60%. It's highly unlikely but it's possible. That's 50% increase alone right there
I get what you're saying. But the probability that I wouldn't die one time at 5 kills. And then die 12+ times for a 5th and 6th attempt at hrung in one day is highly unlikely unless something was done to hrung.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Otm increasing boss toughness

You may have had the same number of dps but was it the same dps? It could be possible some of your better dps weren't there and they were replaced by average or Mediocre dps.
It was tel he same. We had the same exact group plus an extra dps. What's more strange is we had killed it with less in under 14 min.

The other thing that was totally different these two times compared to the other 5 times is I had never died previously at a hrung fight, these two times I stopped counting at death number 12 both times. I had the same gear and same stats. I take that back, I finally had gotten my dl offhand whereas previously I had no offhand. And I'm talking 1 shot death even with 5.5k hp.
If you were dying so much...is assume your clannies were dying also...which is a huge loss of dps...keep in mind after one death at hrung your snowballed into continues deaths unless you break curse
I didn't ask them honestly. But I did speak with our main tank because another weird issue happened. Our main tank had 17k health with lixes and buffs. 4k defense and about 4k armor with maxed evasions and 2 druids spamming heals for over 5k and group heals for 2k.

Our tank hasn't come close to dying in the previous 5 fights. And then in the 6th and 7th fight was getting hit for 4.5 and 5k dmg. Again, this is just another example of all the sudden things happening that had never happened before.

And it still baffles me that after straight 5 fights of not dying I'm getting 1 shot killed. The worst I had seen previously is almost a quarter of my hp get hit on his aoe.

I realize that boss fights can be unpredictable. But I remember several threads not too long ago where clans/servers were having no issues with killing certain bosses and all of the sudden they were wiping out. Who knows. Maybe it's like Galaga where I can usually hit 27 stages but occasionally wipe by stage 3. Of course that's me trying to get a double ship and firing at the wrong time and then getting hit. In that case it's me attempting something different, the game hadn't changed. This hrung however feels completely different.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: Otm increasing boss toughness

No, he died 12 times when previously he hasn't died at all plus he is also describing other wierd things that started occurring in later fights that hadn't in the first 5 . The point being, basically, that nothing had changed from fight to fight to warrant such a drastic difference.

I wouldn't put it past OTM. personally, I believe that mobs evade much more when I am on a lix, but who knows, maybe I'm just noticing it more then

Re: Otm increasing boss toughness

As for you guys dying, maybe you didn't get to adds fast enough? The adds aoes are very strong and would definitely explain you dying a lot.
Shadowbolt3- 224 Rogue
Shadmistress- 188 Mage
Shadowbolt2- 113 Warrior (Retired)
Helaman- 157 Locker Rogue
ShadShot- 89 Ranger
Shadow Bolt- 82 Druid
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