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Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 10:58 pm
by Zyz
Why should the easiest class to play in the game be the uncontested strongest?
I wouldn't say it's the easiest class to play. And I wasn't asking that mages suddenly be the strongest. I asked that mage damage at eg bosses be boosted. Currently, at least in my experience, mage is boring because most of the time you're in full lure mode for proteus. The few times mages are needed for dps (spider rd, sometimes some EDL) are the few moments it becomes a fun and engaging class to play. It would be nice to use my gear more lol and be in lock groups a bit more regularly than just hoping some rare mob spawns.
Why do you think a viable offhand for a warrior undermines a rangers DPS? It could be a debuff short sword
Sure, a debuff short sword thats a slight upgrade to 200 lux offhands probably wouldn't undermine Ranger DPS. It's also a completely different suggestion than OP's of "Introducing a divine dps warrior offhand ... Copy stats from quiver or rondel and add a new skill" that I disagreed with.
This is why the games that have 2 or more types of warriors and each has a different path they can take at a certain level is a better set up. No one goes 'but omg they're gonna do more damage than the fire casting ninja ogre class!!!!' Some of those warrior specialities even have shields and do as much damage as the rogue or ranger class while being able to assume a tank mode. I mean, the nerve of those game developers for not pigeonholing a play style. It's weird how no one gets upset about it and thinks one class has a birthright to more damage than another class.

Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 6:40 am
by Corrupt
Why should the easiest class to play in the game be the uncontested strongest?
I wouldn't say it's the easiest class to play. And I wasn't asking that mages suddenly be the strongest. I asked that mage damage at eg bosses be boosted. Currently, at least in my experience, mage is boring because most of the time you're in full lure mode for proteus. The few times mages are needed for dps (spider rd, sometimes some EDL) are the few moments it becomes a fun and engaging class to play. It would be nice to use my gear more lol and be in lock groups a bit more regularly than just hoping some rare mob spawns.
Why do you think a viable offhand for a warrior undermines a rangers DPS? It could be a debuff short sword
Sure, a debuff short sword thats a slight upgrade to 200 lux offhands probably wouldn't undermine Ranger DPS. It's also a completely different suggestion than OP's of "Introducing a divine dps warrior offhand ... Copy stats from quiver or rondel and add a new skill" that I disagreed with.
I think he was talking about same stats but the offhand skill gave a debuff

Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:13 pm
by bob the mage
Apparently not. Mages are not mages with how we are currently built by any metric... read the rest of what I wrote :P
Except he has an end game mage. His opinion might be different than yours but it doesn't mean he doesn't have the experience to make that decision. I've seen geles go down with 0 rangers, that doesn't mean rangers aren't necessary. I've seen geles go down with 1 rogue and there was time to spare on that kill and without the rogue it still would have died, it doesn't mean rogues are worthless. Players should just play the class that they find enjoyable. Although, Bob, I'm curious. You mentioned (like you do in every single thread) that you're the best mage on your server. What do the other mages look like? You have some cooldown items and gele rings to increase dmg and hotswap which is pretty average of most of the mages I've seen on other servers.
Mage dps is extremely complex it comes down to CD, balancing direct damage with stat and ability totals, cast speed, cast order, energy regen (yes all endgame dps mages run out of energy very fast), hot swapping (some of us tri and quad swap for certain skills). But all of this is irrelevant the point of what were saying is that as the game progresses to more and more divine reliant it destroys the mechanics of a pure elemental class, and sure they threw divine dmg on our weps and armor. But they also made all but the small offhand skill unusable for the class in terms of divine damage.

As for bob he is one of the people who dosent just play a class to play it, those of us who run the numbers and strive twords maximizing our potential see exactly where this game is currently taking mages (Removing all our dps potential and forcing us into pure support builds). Werent mages designed to be one of the core dps classes? Well at endgame we no longer are.
Couldn’t have said it any better.
It all comes down to the numbers, because after all, all that OTM sees on their end is those very same numbers.
Mages started as one of the core DPS classes as krummy put it, but OTM keeps shifting mages away from dps and more towards support roles.
For those who are fine just tapping skills and not caring how much damage/how good they are, it’s fine, doesn’t really change anything. But for those of us who have multiple spreadsheets, have calculated gear set up after gear set up, it’s annoying to see these large shifts. Instead of balancing OTM has just nerfed mages.

Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:42 pm
by massadu73
DOT stackable is the first easy step and it should be fixed really quick

Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:43 pm
by massadu73
Implement a dps board OTM, u ll understand that dps need balancing ^^

Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 3:15 pm
by Chrollo Lucilfer
Druid need damage buff skill like ward.