Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: At least two botting toons in Fingal set up to collect Hunter's Remains

How is this boting? They’re just camping hunters remains tons of people do it on every server how Osborne this any different from camping bosses
Botting is letting some program play the game for you while you are afk. Camping or doing it manually is entirely different.

But if you're saying that using programs to play for you isn't botting, then you have to change your definition.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: At least two botting toons in Fingal set up to collect Hunter's Remains

I don't personally collect hunters remains but there are sooooooooooooo many places across the world to get them. There is no way that these two bots are affecting your game play in any way. I think the real problem here is you don't like the fact that someone is botting. If thats the case just report it in game or PM muldar and spare us another whine campaign about bots that don't affect you.

For all the android haters, botting is also possible on IOS... Don't worry your pretty little heads. I've yet to see any spam/advertising bots on Android. Botting used to be common on my android server until OTM banned 1-2 people and everyone stopped pretty much over night. You still see it occasionally amongst lower levels but it's not really a problem anymore.

Android is definitely overcrowded. It shouldn't take 6 months to finish frozen. I pity the noobs. When I was doing Frozen I soloed PH's for most of mine and often would find 5*/6* just sitting up. Now you have crowds of up to 50 people camping frozen bosses.

Cross platform is a positive feature. Being able to balance the load by allowing transfers would be positive also. You can pick up Nexus 5's on ebay for $100 USD which play the game on high graphics perfectly. That would make boxing alts on ios servers a lot cheaper.
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Re: At least two botting toons in Fingal set up to collect Hunter's Remains

Just curious but how does one get caught botting? I mean aside from "camping" hunter's remains for long hours, what if someone is just semi-afk or unresponsive as they go about grinding? How convincing must you be for OTM to determine that yes, you are botting?
It's like the new captcha thing, it detects your movements-if a player is moving exactly the 100% direction of mob, hitting skills the literal second they become castable without tapping before ready or any small wait time in between. Basically if human error isn't there in the slightest

Re: At least two botting toons in Fingal set up to collect Hunter's Remains

Just curious but how does one get caught botting? I mean aside from "camping" hunter's remains for long hours, what if someone is just semi-afk or unresponsive as they go about grinding? How convincing must you be for OTM to determine that yes, you are botting?
It's like the new captcha thing, it detects your movements-if a player is moving exactly the 100% direction of mob, hitting skills the literal second they become castable without tapping before ready or any small wait time in between. Basically if human error isn't there in the slightest
Can they actually tell this? If so that's awesome

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