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Apparently dead world

I was amazed having recently ventured to the suface of arawn from the catacombs
The suface was totally dead luckily within a few minutes I was joined by a few clan members
What's going on nobody was on the surface this doesn't give a great impression to new players
The catacombs were packed with about 30players but tge suface was empty can admin make some kind of high level spawn on the surface to encourage players up there it doesn't give a great impression to new players arriving on a server
Only to find there is nobody to interact with I know everyone loves the catacombs for leveling up and getting good
Equipment but why hide all your players away from new arrivals who I'm sure would like to see a busy thriving game
Doing Magic stuff since June 2011

Re: Apparently dead world

Agree, its like this on Morrigan as I'm sure it is on alot of servers. After the update I think alot of people were discouraged by having to rebuild their characters and just left. I've certainly noticed it since I've had to kick loads of players from my clan after the update due to inactivity. It doesn't seem to be as thriving as it was
IGN: Magika
World: Morrigan
Class: Mage (Level 53)
Clan: Chieftain of the 40+ clan Alliance

- Message me in game for help, need high level items or are interested in joining Alliance.

Re: Apparently dead world

Totally agree our world is dead outside of the catacombs, I mean I don't leave there for days on end. A high lvl spawn as you suggest would definitely encourage people to leave the catacombs.
Server: Arawn
Wolf lvl 104 Mage
Valyrix lvl 100 Ranger
Bronn lvl 93 Warrior
Kryxis lvl 70 Druid
LolCat lvl 90 Rogue
Player since v1.0, awwwww yea :D

Re: Apparently dead world

This is an excellent point but it probably depends on the time. I know I created a new druid a few weeks ago and there were several players around. It does seem like the only time I go to the "Surface" is to give away items to new players. I've joined a new clan so I will probably be doing some recruiting in Lir's Reach. It seems like in other games there is a buzz around the main entry point or store/bank of some sort. Then again the opportunist sales person in the catacombs is awesome so please don't take him away. I guess like the others if there was a good place to train for higher levels we would be up there.....but I can also see a new player running into the area and falling down with one hit :o Maybe an area with danger signs for new players ;)
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

Re: Apparently dead world

A few spawns wouldn't encourage anyone to go out. Perhaps an instanced raid right in the main city would encourage people.

A dark cellar that leads to three dungeon levels. A full party is required to enter. The first level will be mid level spawns wandering around. The second level would require your team to split up and open gates for the other team. The last level is a boss for example.

The main city would be flooded by people who are srong enough to take down the boss. All beginners will notice and try this ocasionally, but fail at the second lvl. They will just carry on questing and trying to find ally/clans for the high end dungeon.
Character: SsHeretic Rogue (79) Clan: Brotherhood Server: Rosmerta

Re: Apparently dead world

I like that SsHeretic, The town is often dead since it is only the starting point. This would give it a lot of action. Another thought is that the catacombs could have more levels with easier enemies at the upper levels (the store at the top level of course).

Also I'm thinking that the new outdoor areas will bring the higher level players into the sunlight! :D Perhaps running from the catacombs to the new areas, since there will be higher level enemies for training, this may solve some of the dead world issues.
Crom: Raven3 Arawn: Raven, Nightingale Sulis: Raven4, Rhianon: Raven5

Re: Apparently dead world

Agree, its like this on Morrigan as I'm sure it is on alot of servers. After the update I think alot of people were discouraged by having to rebuild their characters and just left. I've certainly noticed it since I've had to kick loads of players from my clan after the update due to inactivity. It doesn't seem to be as thriving as it was
This is why I think it is "dead" as well. I had a 29 Mage, and 26 warrior and had used all of skill points in fire, come update 30+ got a free skill reset, but those under 30 either had to remake, or purchase a reset-on top of almost needing to purchase additional skill slots. It almost turned me away, except I like the game too much. Ended up re-making the Mage.
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