Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Has the old plate been discontinued?

Agreed, we should be distinguished as the oldest players on the game as well as our effort to collect the pieces of the old plate set.

The purple name idea would be awesome aswell!
IGN: Magika
World: Morrigan
Class: Mage (Level 53)
Clan: Chieftain of the 40+ clan Alliance

- Message me in game for help, need high level items or are interested in joining Alliance.

Re: Has the old plate been discontinued?

I would love for it to be called ancient plate/ancient hammered plate/ ancient embossed plate. I think it would help distinguish it from the current plate and also give it a collectors feel.
Server: Arawn
Wolf lvl 104 Mage
Valyrix lvl 100 Ranger
Bronn lvl 93 Warrior
Kryxis lvl 70 Druid
LolCat lvl 90 Rogue
Player since v1.0, awwwww yea :D

Re: Has the old plate been discontinued?

I'm still persistent on this idea. I think this should go to the older players who have taken time to get the set. The plate armor (even if just embossed) without the warrior restriction should be given a new name, set in purple, and given a rediculous re-sale value. The value wouldn't be in the re-sale value but it would be to proove just how rare the armor is and valuable. When player marketing comes around it would be discontinued and set in purple with high re-sale so everyone would know its worth. I really want to hear an admins response on this because I would get on my knees and beg for this.

Re: Has the old plate been discontinued?

I know the admin etc are working hard right now but if you have viewed this thread and have discussed/have any ideas about what has been said we would like to know

It is something the majority of the people who worked hard to get the old plate would be very pleased to see implemented into the game :)
IGN: Magika
World: Morrigan
Class: Mage (Level 53)
Clan: Chieftain of the 40+ clan Alliance

- Message me in game for help, need high level items or are interested in joining Alliance.

Re: Has the old plate been discontinued?

This is one of those things I want to highlight with marker so the admin can see it. Usually I'm not so passionate for an idea but when it comes to our first discontinued item(s) - this is the ideal candidate. Please make embossed plate armor previous to the warrior restriction a discontinued item with:

1.) - A highlighted purple (preferably) name.

2.) - An increased re-sale value to show its wealth and discontinued rarity. (Preferably well above all other items (10k sounds good ATM but subject to change)

3.) - A name change would be very significant. Ancient plate as it has been suggested would fit more then anything else.

This is one of those optional updates that is not required. However, I think this update might make me just as happy as a brand new zone if it were implemented. Its the birth of our first noticeably rare and valuable discontinued item(s). Admin - what do you think?

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