Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Do you hate your class?

Blunt you shouldn't be using all those idols on 200.6. We all use about 2-5 max.
I agree, all lock groups compromise of rogues, then when clan looses a lock blame gets shunted to those rogues who aren't there even though they need to do stuff too.
Comparing idol and pot loss from competing worlds and non-competing worlds is apples to oranges. Yes if garanak spawns and a few hours later you have 3/4 of the top end players log to orderly kill then you won't need any hastes pots or idols. Having a 2-3 way fight every spawn means many 6*kills get pretty brutal due to fewer players per clan and the need to start dps instantly on spawn. Adds are often all up as no dps team wants thier skills to be on cd when the boss spawns.

As far as hating your class, or dreading a nerf that will put you at a big disadvantage to other classes, I chose to simply level all 5 to endgame. It was the main reason i didn't go with more of a single class. Added benifits include being able to use any in game item and since I'm only ever in groups group skills become much more useful.

Something does need to be done about all rogue teams for locking though. It would be much better for some kind of mixed group to be the best and thus most preferred.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Do you hate your class?

U hate rogue for dying on Garanak? I must say unless theres some error (like some noob spammed our tank with requests and he couldnt click to block him), if u tank it or kite it it wont kill u, as it doesnt have any aoes i find Garanak easier only longer.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Do you hate your class?

Something does need to be done about all rogue teams for locking though. It would be much better for some kind of mixed group to be the best and thus most preferred.

Ideally, any lock should not be able to be accomplished without 4 of the 5 classes being represented. This should hold true with any 6*.
Beware the chickens, they are duplicitous.

Re: Do you hate your class?

otm made rogues far and away the best dps of all classes. My main class is rogue and i completely disagree with this. On competition servers clans are using full groups of rogues to camp dragonlord bosses to keep from rival clans. Now thats ok and all but it sucks being relied on so much. I mean us rogues have lives to. We take all the grief when stuff isnt camped and bosses are lost. Also being a rogue I am literally a plat sink. wasnt that bad until otm added the 200boss but im literally using 30 idols and 50 pots per 200 6* . Good Job otm youve made me hate being a rogue. :|
Any game with multiple classes typically require a balanced team. Players who choose to field only one or two classes usually have to pay a price to do the same thing a balanced team can do.

Competition over bosses does put a kink and on bosses like Snorri, if you only have a group of 8 then those 8 people are focused on the boss to obtain lock, rather than do the original encounter as designed, which means coordination and handling of add mobs. It's chaos, and people die over and over to adds until lock is obtained (or continue dying over and over because you had 8 rogues - see my point above) But it is what it is, but if you have more than 1 group with some healers and a tank it should be a cleaner kill, even if there's competition.

But on Garanak, clans usually have more than 1 group, even if there is competition and you make an all rogue group, how do you die 30+ times? There is no reason for your other groups to ignore the adds or not tank/bolas the boss. Only one group gets the lock, and its not going to be your tank/healer group.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Do you hate your class?

Must mention, on Snorri if main, sometimes when low on ppl we do ignore adds until lock to hopefully outlock the competing clan and then to try and make the fight better, ik that as long as theres no competition or im not in main group i go straight for adds, handling all adds at once is very tough.
#NerfMages #AvoidBalance #WhyPlayARogue #MeatShieldOnly #HealingSlavesOnly

OP dps warrior on Belenus, hot af melee druid on Nuada. #Elementals #Apex

Re: Do you hate your class?

actually i am dying that much on garanak, its because of the way we have to kill it. We have a shortage of druids so we kite it with warriors and rangers and being one of the top dps in my clan i am constantly getting aggro, and no i will not just auto to prevent this. When i dps i go all out. and 30 may have been an exaggeration but it seems on the ones that take almost 40 min i am dying alot. Elite is a pretty small clan and we do more with less and kill most bosses asap.
Last edited by Bluntman on Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
World - Mabon
-Bluntm4n- Rogue 225 EDL armor and MH/OH
-B0las- Ranger 211 EDL armor DL MH/OH
-YellaHeals- Druid 200 DL armor and MH/OH
Clan - Elite

Re: Do you hate your class?

actually i am dying that much on garanak, its because of the way we have to kill it. We have a shortage of druids so we kite it with warriors and rangers and being one of the top dps in my clan i am constantly getting aggro, and no i will not just auto to prevent this. When i dps i go all out.
We have never kited Garank but others have said if you have plenty of rangers you can keep him bolased 100% of the time. If that is the case, then warriors should be able to taunt him and keep aggro as well, no? Taunt has a cooldown anyway so warriors cant spam it, so it would be the same amount of taunts whether you tank him or kite him. I dont think a tank's damage matters at all in keeping aggro so they dont have to hit him and die in the process.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Do you hate your class?

actually i am dying that much on garanak, its because of the way we have to kill it. We have a shortage of druids so we kite it with warriors and rangers and being one of the top dps in my clan i am constantly getting aggro, and no i will not just auto to prevent this. When i dps i go all out.
We have never kited Garank but others have said if you have plenty of rangers you can keep him bolased 100% of the time. If that is the case, then warriors should be able to taunt him and keep aggro as well, no? Taunt has a cooldown anyway so warriors cant spam it, so it would be the same amount of taunts whether you tank him or kite him. I dont think a tank's damage matters at all in keeping aggro so they dont have to hit him and die in the process.

shouldve said shortage of druids and rangers because no hes not bolased 100% of the time thats for damn sure. also taunt doesnt always work either. especially against a rogue doing as much dmg as i do.
World - Mabon
-Bluntm4n- Rogue 225 EDL armor and MH/OH
-B0las- Ranger 211 EDL armor DL MH/OH
-YellaHeals- Druid 200 DL armor and MH/OH
Clan - Elite

Re: Do you hate your class?

We have never been able to tank 200, unless 5* we always kite since lack of druids, this is also the reason we cannot kill necro.
I am a rogue and we can be very op but we do burn more restores and idols than any other when bossing since others can stand back and attack and warriors have higher armour/health which is why we have been made to be the best dps.
Also it's based on builds not just shadowstrike, i go all strength no shadowstrike and i dominate. A few end game bosses hate shadowstrike such as mordy so i never used on them as it always avoids 9/10 times.
-Guardian of Ascension -
Rogue : Noodle - 196
Druid : Pasta 170

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