Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: First video from update 3!

All i can say is WOW. I can honestly say that the game is growing alot since i had started playing. When i started playing the incaraction didnt even exist, its nice to see the game grow right from the begining. when i saw what the new lir looks like i thought its was the new erea. also will stonevale and shaelmont get a make over too? good job devs i really enjoy this game thanks too you!
Epona, fullcircle lv 100 rogue

Fingal, Gilberto1029 lv 94 druid

Re: First video from update 3!

Wowowowowowo!!!!!! I kinda wanna make a mage cause of the animation of the firebolt...

But uhhhmm can someone plz tell me what game that video was on becausd it sais celtic heroes but that must be new?!?!?!

Btw great work devs I havent been playing since the beginning so I havent seen it all but with what people are saying u guys have made it a long way, and from experience in other mmos, I can say u are amazingly lucky to have the community u do.... Keep up the good work
World: Lugh
GingerKing - Warrior [Tank] Lv 92!+
Gingersrogue - Rogue [DPS] Lv 73+
GingerHealz - Druid [Support] Lv 67+

Re: First video from update 3!

one word WOW!! That update looks amazing!! when its released im probably not gonna leave the house for a week. you have really out done yourselves this time admin. this update is gonna make waiting the extra months for it to go live worth it.
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies..”

Re: First video from update 3!

Wow guys this is looking great!! Like tea said, I'm gonna start wanting to explore lirs now instead of ignoring it! Looks great keep up the good work!
Server: Arawn
Been playing since October, 2011
Silvos- lvl 129 Ranger
Sirus- lvl 88 Rogue
Otm sucks... Its pay to win type of game... Money goddesses!!

Re: First video from update 3!

Holy Shnikies....

That's a huge leap forward; spell animation, enchantment glows, graphics, the works.

Looks awesome Rich. Developing team has done a great job!
-------ALDHELM -------- lvl 95 Rogue ------- God of Damage ------- Crom ------- AZURA ------- lvl 61 Druid ------- Noob Heals ------- Tanaris -------

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