Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Boss sharing, why?

I disagree with a few things here. Firstly, I don't think this game is losing more than its bringing in. My clan takes in about 20 to 30 new people on the week days in a 3 to 5 hour period, and 100 to 150 new people each day Saturday and Sunday over a 12 to 18 hour daily period. This is one server, the load balance causes lowest population servers to rotate into first spot for server selection... so this amount of people coming in is both the same on each server and constant. Unless you have data proving otherwise (I consider my data close because I've been recruiting new players out of lirs now for over two months).
From the 1000s of new players who download the game and create and account only few dozens stay long enough to hit the elixir wall, And that you can see it in each server population and top 10 clans of those maybe 5 of top 10 are clan all others are new or full of new players who may never play. Every establish players may have a up to 3 alts above 120 and a few below or around lvl 100 .
Secondly, you will have to explain what you mean by "add limited competition" because I don't understand what you mean. To me, adding instances will remove competition and the long timers will go away... these are also the same people who still pay for plat. If you mean add more competition I don't get your point of how that will retain customers.
I will said again the game ATM is private server how long term players play it, it's not competition for a new player or a new clan at all, if you have read for months here forums you will see a common ground on old guard players the they don't want good items to be sold on traders,not to be gain in small groups, insteance dungeons will gear up smaller , new clans , to compete for open public raid bosses.

If the game burn rate still the same the game will never grow e to be a large game And will be private server for a few dozen players .
Lastly, end gamers want raids. They want to take 20 or 40 people to complete an objective. Dropping the bosses to 8 man only groups is no different than a comment in another post here that talks about the lvl 80 boss taking 15 min after update 3 and now taking 1 min. Soon you will be flooded with multi boxers only killing bosses, and high level soloers, which will just create more drama then already exists.

Funny thing about that , is not competition those players may log every 50 hrs or so form a big raid. Group kill the raid boss and don't play the whole game itself, usually this is common on clans the play together other games too and create a huge monoply on this game , multi-devices is a common issue on this game any heavy gamer will have multiboxes to compete for a kill do to a low population. All top clans are 30-50 players with numerous alts .
Inactive player .

En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.

Re: Boss sharing, why?

It is possible to build content (instances/quests) as well as competition (world bosses/arena/battlegrounds)

Not all things are perfect but this game needs something for the newer and lower level players. Some will become high level end game players but most dont. I enjoy fighting with two matched groups and if i think i can kill a boss im gonna try. I dont think a level cap would matter if level 80s and level 140s were not fighting the same things.

I did find it funny that one server alternates aggy kills. Good for them. Will never happen on Mabon i am sure.
Touch (Druid) 150
Spitfire (Mage) 160

Re: Boss sharing, why?


I did find it funny that one server alternates aggy kills. Good for them. Will never happen on Mabon i am sure.
Well, its the same with different countries. What is well accepted in one countries culture may be totally different in another countries. The main point tho is, who set the culture for the country which in Taranis case, the big 2 frdly clans.
MorphMarfa has retired from Celtic Heroes and most probably wont be resurfacing. He had a enjoyable time during his druid adventures in Taranis.

Lv 182+ Druid : Taranis

Re: Boss sharing, why?

No boss should need more then a group of players to kill to compensate all members in the kill so needing more then 8 ppl is failure of the game . With all the mistakes the had make with ES armor they have limited competition instead of increasing .
You are talking regular bosses and not raid bosses... yes?
I was talking more on the case of the game been a open public zones and been in a Mobil Platform with a really small server population top 250 main players above 120 this limited competition and grow of the game in general ,

because of this is where you have the collision from traditional console and pc games the have 1000s of Players at any given time to limited population on a Mobil format, that issue is the game population still to small for raid system on a public sources games maybe if was on insteance like other mmorpg on Mobil platform will be competition. a few clans maybe 1 to 2 per server allow you to do so creating monopolies and hinder the grow and recruitment of the game .

The main issue ATM is the game is lossing more ppl then recruiting if you see a grow of lvls above 120 is because they are alts If you add limited competition , low players retaiment , not a hard cap and levels never seen it on Others. Mmorpgs , ultra slow expansion you get the picture.

Either all bosses are limited to 8 ppl or they introduce soon insteance dungeons to promote grow of the game ATM the game is just looks like a private server for small community so is perfect game for only a few dozen ppl it's a rent free private sever . OTM has been taking for ride for a while now.
I can't stand games that are instance based. Go play crappy games like pocket legends or elgard if you like it. It takes away all interest for me because it turns a mmo into a single player not online game. At best you are with a couple of ppl instead of everyone being immersed in a single world - no comparison in my book. For all the complaining of new players being locked out of content it isn't bad at all compared to other mobile mmos.

If you want a game with absolutely no chance where you can't even have a beginning of a chance at bosses try playing the world of magic devilang server to lvl 35-40 on lanos side. If you try it (highly not recommended) you will understand what it really means. It's a faction game so expect to be spawn rhaprd hard at lvl 10+ by lvl 44-47 people who just want to see u rage quit. Opting out of pvp combat is laughable and not an option - they will go on your faction and trash talk how u will never be able to train or play if you resist or complain. You will be ganged by pros 24-7 for no reason other than it amuses them to cause human suffering.

ffs people who are complaining never played a truly awful mmo.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

Toon histogram:
# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

Re: Boss sharing, why?

If you want a game with absolutely no chance where you can't even have a beginning of a chance at bosses try playing the world of magic devilang server to lvl 35-40 on lanos side. If you try it (highly not recommended) you will understand what it really means. It's a faction game so expect to be spawn rhaprd hard at lvl 10+ by lvl 44-47 people who just want to see u rage quit. Opting out of pvp combat is laughable and not an option - they will go on your faction and trash talk how u will never be able to train or play if you resist or complain. You will be ganged by pros 24-7 for no reason other than it amuses them to cause human suffering.

ffs people who are complaining never played a truly awful mmo.
Haha nice. World of Magic was my first mobile MMO. I'm on BigMama (aka BigDrama) server. Nothing like a good old fashioned spawn kill gang bang in the desert! Wash, rinse, repeat! To this day in all its 2D glory I think it is still the most hardcore mobile MMO to date. The only time I ever ran a guild was in that game.

Re: Boss sharing, why?


I can't stand games that are instance based. Go play crappy games like pocket legends or elgard if you like it. It takes away all interest for me because it turns a mmo into a single player not online game. At best you are with a couple of ppl instead of everyone being immersed in a single world - no comparison in my book. For all the complaining of new players being locked out of content it isn't bad at all compared to other mobile mmos.

If you want a game with absolutely no chance where you can't even have a beginning of a chance at bosses try playing the world of magic devilang server to lvl 35-40 on lanos side. If you try it (highly not recommended) you will understand what it really means. It's a faction game so expect to be spawn rhaprd hard at lvl 10+ by lvl 44-47 people who just want to see u rage quit. Opting out of pvp combat is laughable and not an option - they will go on your faction and trash talk how u will never be able to train or play if you resist or complain. You will be ganged by pros 24-7 for no reason other than it amuses them to cause human suffering.

ffs people who are complaining never played a truly awful mmo.

You miss read something , insteace dungeons for high lvls , where you read a whole insteace game, how CH. communities are bit different then others mmorpgs usually old players don't tolerate bullying ( Spam killing ) thats why afk was remove from the game because you use to have a dozen on high lvls blocking low level from doin quest .

but if a group of players wants to spawn kill a whole area is not a single way a lvl 60 will take a kill from a lvl 150+ spam killing or farming a whole area , as community is a invisible rule the all players respect and that is not spam kill growing players hunting grounds or to stop farming when you see a group or new players training in a area , but a large majority still spam kill low levels area bosses as gold reward factor ( cats bosses, defectors, stone vale bosses) .

So don't think is I trace the issue is more like how the community's of each mmorpg plays the game . But if any player want make miserable low levels life is easy and nobody can stop you.
Inactive player .

En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.

Re: Boss sharing, why?


I can't stand games that are instance based. Go play crappy games like pocket legends or elgard if you like it. It takes away all interest for me because it turns a mmo into a single player not online game. At best you are with a couple of ppl instead of everyone being immersed in a single world - no comparison in my book. For all the complaining of new players being locked out of content it isn't bad at all compared to other mobile mmos.

If you want a game with absolutely no chance where you can't even have a beginning of a chance at bosses try playing the world of magic devilang server to lvl 35-40 on lanos side. If you try it (highly not recommended) you will understand what it really means. It's a faction game so expect to be spawn rhaprd hard at lvl 10+ by lvl 44-47 people who just want to see u rage quit. Opting out of pvp combat is laughable and not an option - they will go on your faction and trash talk how u will never be able to train or play if you resist or complain. You will be ganged by pros 24-7 for no reason other than it amuses them to cause human suffering.

ffs people who are complaining never played a truly awful mmo.

You miss read something , insteace dungeons for high lvls , where you read a whole insteace game, how CH. communities are bit different then others mmorpgs usually old players don't tolerate bullying ( Spam killing ) thats why afk was remove from the game because you use to have a dozen on high lvls blocking low level from doin quest .

but if a group of players wants to spawn kill a whole area is not a single way a lvl 60 will take a kill from a lvl 150+ spam killing or farming a whole area , as community is a invisible rule the all players respect and that is not spam kill growing players hunting grounds or to stop farming when you see a group or new players training in a area , but a large majority still spam kill low levels area bosses as gold reward factor ( cats bosses, defectors, stone vale bosses) .

So don't think is I trace the issue is more like how the community's of each mmorpg plays the game . But if any player want make miserable low levels life is easy and nobody can stop you.
If you take the ability away from high level people to do this (somewhat Against what you may first think) it completely ruins the game. There becomes vanishingly few reasons to level up and get gear. If you can't act like an ****** then it takes all the fun out of the game. It is the ability to misuse power that makes these games fun. It is the restraint that people show that makes them great players. Without the ability to create drama it becomes very boring very fast. I'm not even in favor of non-PvP areas. I'd personally rather play in a realm where you can simply pk people outright - arena like conditions in all parts of the game.
Member of Aeon - Taranis - 24 boxer
220+ toons
Ravenleaf druid - Silverstring ranger
Stormsong warrior - Nwerb Mage - Eventide Rogue

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# of toons|_5__|___16___|____3___|__11__|__21_|407|

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