Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Boss sharing, why?


Find other ways to compete. Anyways, my understanding is your clan is at the forefront of Kill Stealing, so it's hard for me to even acknowledge your post..or am I wrong?

You must be confusing my clan with some other clan , we don't ks , we do compete though and I am not a big fan of removing fun (competition) from the game to appease a few sore losers and crybabies .
Clan Avalon


Re: Boss sharing, why?


Find other ways to compete. Anyways, my understanding is your clan is at the forefront of Kill Stealing, so it's hard for me to even acknowledge your post..or am I wrong?

You must be confusing my clan with some other clan , we don't ks , we do compete though and I am not a big fan of removing fun (competition) from the game to appease a few sore losers and crybabies .

pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: Boss sharing, why?

Well taranis is all about peace, and I am pretty sure we are the only server not thrown into pre-targetlock chaos. We know that to acheive piece there should be no competition, and we are all good-natured and nice people here, so thats why we take turns on most things (except event bosses are technically ffa, but usually one clan kills and the other helps)

Here are our Aggragoth rules:
- theILLUMINATI and Pride alternate weeks
- While the other clan kills, the other clan gives druid support
- While the other clan kills, the other kills wyverns
- While the other clan kills, the other gives ungrouped-dps
- If another clan shows potential for being able to kill, then they may join the rotation (KingdomOfAlba tried this, but withdrew)
- If it is the other clan's week, then a clan may not attempt to kill Aggragoth

As you can see, we love peace here :)

Also, it seems we are starting to get a decent load of refugees from other worlds here! :lol: I wonder why...

A couple points regarding regen's post...seems everyone on taranis spews the "we are peaceful" drivel untilthey are blue in the face. What they forget to mention, especially in regards to new clans trying to get into an agg rotation is that they are given the cold shoulder and told if they do kill agg without "permission" from the top 2 clans they will be viewed as ks'ers and every fight they enter will become ks. There isn't currently a third clan even close to being able to fight agg, but I daresay when there is, they will be given the same hostile treatment that kingdomofalba received.

Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that while Taranis might appear peaceful, at times it is anything but. It would be nice to see some stiffer competition on Taranis in the next update :)

No offense to you, but KOA never received hostile treatment. We added them in the rotation, and they took about an hour to kill, along with illum (not sure if pride was there) helping them through the kill. After that they withdrew. We will add a clan to the rotation if one is capable of killing agg.
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!

Re: Boss sharing, why?

I was in KOA, and we most certainly DID get told in no uncertain terms we weren't welcome in the aggy rotation. I wasn't around when KOA finally was allowed in (ipad broke) but everything i stated is fact.

Anyway, back on topic. People seem quick to call others on different servers ks'ers when they have established fights as FFA. That isn't a ks, it's the better group winning.

I think boss sharing has upsides and downsides, probably more upside in the early days of a new expansion release, and more downside as the content has been out for a longer period of time.
Kimloc -142 druid
Locke - 220+ rogue
Persephone - 187 ranger
ShawShanked - 144 rogue
Machiavelli - 160 warrior
Fiddler - 95 ranger
Tattersail - 110 mage
Goethe - 83 druid
Chaucer - 4 mage

Taranis server, Member of Pride

Re: Boss sharing, why?

Lol in our world Gwydion the clan im in dominates aggy, we put the time effort planning into it and that is why we get all the kills.
Galadeep level 157+ Rogue :D :lol:
Coriolis level 125+ Druid :)
Solitaire Best Clan Ever :shock:
Hardest hitter on Gwydion without Earth stone :P

Re: Boss sharing, why?

Well taranis is all about peace, and I am pretty sure we are the only server not thrown into pre-targetlock chaos. We know that to acheive piece there should be no competition, and we are all good-natured and nice people here, so thats why we take turns on most things (except event bosses are technically ffa, but usually one clan kills and the other helps)

Here are our Aggragoth rules:
- theILLUMINATI and Pride alternate weeks
- While the other clan kills, the other clan gives druid support
- While the other clan kills, the other kills wyverns
- While the other clan kills, the other gives ungrouped-dps
- If another clan shows potential for being able to kill, then they may join the rotation (KingdomOfAlba tried this, but withdrew)
- If it is the other clan's week, then a clan may not attempt to kill Aggragoth

As you can see, we love peace here :)

Also, it seems we are starting to get a decent load of refugees from other worlds here! :lol: I wonder why...

A couple points regarding regen's post...seems everyone on taranis spews the "we are peaceful" drivel untilthey are blue in the face. What they forget to mention, especially in regards to new clans trying to get into an agg rotation is that they are given the cold shoulder and told if they do kill agg without "permission" from the top 2 clans they will be viewed as ks'ers and every fight they enter will become ks. There isn't currently a third clan even close to being able to fight agg, but I daresay when there is, they will be given the same hostile treatment that kingdomofalba received.

Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that while Taranis might appear peaceful, at times it is anything but. It would be nice to see some stiffer competition on Taranis in the next update :)

No offense to you, but KOA never received hostile treatment. We added them in the rotation, and they took about an hour to kill, along with illum (not sure if pride was there) helping them through the kill. After that they withdrew. We will add a clan to the rotation if one is capable of killing agg.
So even though you have a rotation, you've put limitations on others as to if theyre allowed to kill aggs or not?
Isnt that a contradiction in itself for sharing, whether KingdomOfAlba killed in 10 min or an hour they were still able to kill.
Just from these posts seems like theres a fine line between dictating and sharing whos allowed...

Re: Boss sharing, why?

Reason is simple. If your clan is the only one that can do aggy, no need to share if u want to keep all the drops. But if other clans can do it too, like in Arawn where only two clans can do aggy, then sharing is a good way to avoid constant fights and arguments over a boss. Also, sharing is more egalitarian.
I dont get it!
So many worlds seem to share bosses etc...

But why? Whats the point of the game if ur sharing bosses, why have separate clans at all? Isn't there meant to be competition? Yet if ur handing bosses over or taking turns as they spawn, there really isn't any.
Is there?

Re: Boss sharing, why?

Well taranis is all about peace, and I am pretty sure we are the only server not thrown into pre-targetlock chaos. We know that to acheive piece there should be no competition, and we are all good-natured and nice people here, so thats why we take turns on most things (except event bosses are technically ffa, but usually one clan kills and the other helps)

Here are our Aggragoth rules:
- theILLUMINATI and Pride alternate weeks
- While the other clan kills, the other clan gives druid support
- While the other clan kills, the other kills wyverns
- While the other clan kills, the other gives ungrouped-dps
- If another clan shows potential for being able to kill, then they may join the rotation (KingdomOfAlba tried this, but withdrew)
- If it is the other clan's week, then a clan may not attempt to kill Aggragoth

As you can see, we love peace here :)

Also, it seems we are starting to get a decent load of refugees from other worlds here! :lol: I wonder why...

A couple points regarding regen's post...seems everyone on taranis spews the "we are peaceful" drivel untilthey are blue in the face. What they forget to mention, especially in regards to new clans trying to get into an agg rotation is that they are given the cold shoulder and told if they do kill agg without "permission" from the top 2 clans they will be viewed as ks'ers and every fight they enter will become ks. There isn't currently a third clan even close to being able to fight agg, but I daresay when there is, they will be given the same hostile treatment that kingdomofalba received.

Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that while Taranis might appear peaceful, at times it is anything but. It would be nice to see some stiffer competition on Taranis in the next update :)

No offense to you, but KOA never received hostile treatment. We added them in the rotation, and they took about an hour to kill, along with illum (not sure if pride was there) helping them through the kill. After that they withdrew. We will add a clan to the rotation if one is capable of killing agg.

Lockie, what u mentioned is news to me tbh. The only thing I do know is, when KOA suggested they wanted to do aggy. The msg I gave was, due to KOA having issues with pride (Ksing, poaching members etc), they have to make peace with pride. If they didnt make peace, they can still do aggy but without our blessings as we want zero dramas. Illum''s position have always been, aggy doesnt belong to anyone. If the clan (whoever) is able to kill aggy, go ahead which is the same philosophy as what Smelly mentioned
MorphMarfa has retired from Celtic Heroes and most probably wont be resurfacing. He had a enjoyable time during his druid adventures in Taranis.

Lv 182+ Druid : Taranis

Re: Boss sharing, why?

personally i hate the idea of needing another clans help to take a boss down, u could never be proud of ur clan saying:'we killed agyy'. Indeed for what are the clans for, i got a question for u guys: Is it always for material thing in it? personally when i kill a boss im in first inetion very happy bout killing the boss and not his drops. This is not proper to the game if u ask me. Im in the world with the best clan in game i know what im talking about, does it mind if i tell u that no other clan/group took aggy down. See my rule is clear and simple: U get what u deserve and nothing more. Needing another clan helps and getting drops from it.You cant say u deserved it mate.
lvl 191+

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