Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Developer Update - 12/12/2014

Hello Heroes!

We’ve been very busy here at the Studio organizing fixes based on your feedback. The strike teams are continuing to meet every day to work on solutions, we deployed a server update this morning to resolve the busy character bug and move Mordris and arena mobs back into the correct locations. We will be looking to get a new beta out as soon as possible.

Crashing – We are testing two major prototypes today, We’ll update the feedback thread with our results.

Server disconnecting – We had a successful test to the client fix that will resolve the remaining server disconnecting issues, this fix has been added to the next release build.

Character Loading - Particles now load after characters have finished loading and we've got a build that loads your character much faster than before. We need to do further testing on this to make sure it’s not going to have any unintended side effects but looking very positive.

Chat – Continuing to fix chat related issues, going smoothly and we’re on track to resolve the following issues:

Chat box background gradient isn’t dark enough
Cannot see any chats when in conversations or stores
Enable copy/paste & default keyboard actions
Message window doesn’t have a background
Message window is in a different position vs. old client
Chat box doesn’t hide group names or status effect icons
Chat box should be bottom justified from the first message you receive

We are still investigating the following issues, if you have further details please post them in the feedback thread here: http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... =4&t=66927!

Chat box is difficult to scroll up and down - working on

Random Name Sizes - This fix is done and will be deployed in the next client release

Character Draw Distance – This hasn’t changed from the old engine, so most of the feedback looks to be caused by the character loading issues

Busy Character Popup – We have deployed a server side fix for this today.

Mordris Call for Help – Deployed a fix for this today, Mordris was spawning in the wrong location as well as a few other monsters.

Arena Gladiator locations – These were also incorrect, these have been fixed.
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