Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Lugh Player Ban – Vote

Good day Lugh,

I'm good friends to most and I would have to say that everyone has their own "Dark Side", even me.

Now it comes to a point where we persecute someone on actions they have done and FORGET to look at our own actions, thoughts and words. Trying to justify our actions but not really understanding others......a bit biased if I may say so.

I suspect we are all MATURE Individuals who should act accordingly.
In real life, u can't BAN Someone just because u can't deal with the person, u have to work with each other.
Maybe we are just not tying hard enough or we let out MOUTH do all the work and forget we have EARS to use and listen and UNDERSTAND what is really the matter.

As we always say...IT's ONLY A GAME....but obviously for some IT'S NOT.

I agree and disagree with some of the things mentioned in this post but BANNING someone just because u can't handle the person is not one of them.
There comes a time when we all have to GROW UP and face reality.

We can't make the road bend the way we want rather we follow the path it has made and make necessary detours in this thing called LIFE.


Let's all achieve what we want to TOGETHER.

-1 for me



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