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Tbs application to join eve

Hello evryone tb hear i am sending this cuase i would realy love to join this clan i have thought of lvling enough on rhianon for a long time but never realy got round to acctuly lvling but now i have been lvling constantly with the help and support by foxx keluis and falconx now i have accomplished lvl 80 and would very much like to join this clan i dont realy think i have a reputation on rhianon but u may know me from lugh i will help clan as much as i can and follow rules and respect evryone in rhianon i dont ks or scam i strongly disapprove of those actions i understand the rules and i respect them.
I am sending this also on forums cuase i cant find anyone online when i log on
I hope i make it into clan
Sincerely tb
tbdestroyer1 lvl 90 warior
tbdestroyer3 lvl 60 druid
tbdestroyer4 lvl 45 rouge
tbdestroyer5 lvl 5 ranger
tbdmage lvl 20 mage
tbsbank lvl 5 bank

Re: Tbs application to join eve

Bad choice just saying imo
he's talkin to eves not sins ;)
For the record DarkRealm is not speaking for EternalSin.
He actually is not in ES because of our new level requirement of 100.
But he is in our sister clan ArgoSin.
ahem.. if u read my reply again it says "sins" and therefore its not specifically talking just about es but over all, its talking about all sins... :roll:
Rhiannon -- Chieftain of DeathHaven
TheBeast98 -- Ranger -- lvl 150+
Android Beta

Re: Tbs application to join eve

Don't think we even have to explain ourselves to beast.. He must still hold a grudge from being booted months ago. :? :roll:
months ago? exactly 10 months ago and i didnt get booted, i decided to leave to help MotherNature with her clan, maybe cause i felt bad for her getting booted or leaving sin? idk, but it was also because of the clan drama and such :? :roll: :|

and btw i dont hold a grudge against any of u, i help some argosins and always talk to sins when i run into some, and even u know this is true because i say hi to u and ask how ur doin in game when ever i bump into u rapid.... maybe its my choice of words that make me seem a bit aggressive to some? but in real im not tryin to show aggression against ya'll, yes ur clan is eves rival clan and i will admit there are some sins i dont like as much as the others but that has nothin to do with this "GRUDGE" that i dont have. :)
Rhiannon -- Chieftain of DeathHaven
TheBeast98 -- Ranger -- lvl 150+
Android Beta

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