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Re: Rhiannon to mabon world item transfer!

Ok ty foxxx shows me he wasnt legit.

Rapid do ya want to xfer? It would help me get the "scammer" :roll: off of your world...

How come you dont call the lvl 5's like surplustoreupgradestore makinbank frags4sale scammers?
Everyone has a main and they dont tell you theirs why should i tell you mine?

Ask gus and yum there was absolutely no risk of getting scammed by me.
Killsteal LOCK Rogue Level 175
Killheal Druid level 195
Proud clansman of WolfGang


:D :D :mrgreen: Thank You for the Snorri Patch! :mrgreen: :D :D

Re: Rhiannon to mabon world item transfer!

Again why i dont like you rap, People cant buy plat without you being an idiot. You want some tea, Eh? Hows that Sunshine treatin ya? Oh wait your from britain! Be nice, Maybe a guy quit and gave to him? Maybe hes like that one level 12 noob i gave 290k for 100% free? Maybe he did scam but your such a dumbass, You just call him a scammer without permission... Ruining peoples rep by saying they scam and abusing the fact that your a high level. How clairvoyant! I may not be level 600000 but hell even i know your being a jackass. Wonder why i never really liked you to begin with... Im only 130 and i know enough to know this... Killstealer please excuse the moron,,, Kid knows nothing about you , but i hope your legit..
Name - 5000 (5k)
Class - ranger
Lvl - 76+
Clan BadaBing

I am the Almighty PlayerOne from Crom, I quit there but this is merely just for my friends!

Why is there the need for hate?

Re: Rhiannon to mabon world item transfer!

Thanks yourtoxin almost completely true but he isn't a kid at all but a grumpy old man.

Anyone that calls people scammers after they proved themselves legit with two very trusted players is just stupid.
This transfer has ABSOLUTLELY NO RISK TO YOU! I trade my stuff first like i have said too many times.

Unless you have personal experience with me scamming you, which you don't, f**k off and quit judging me... Atleast im not protecting ksers and being a d**k to everyone. :roll:

I love how i get scammers responding on mabons topic and i get people like rapid spamming hate posts on Rhiannon.
Ya wonder why im leaving... Scammers are easy to deal with. Just dont give anything out. Pricks who try to ruin reps because they have a few lvls under their belt are a little more troublesome.

Tried playing your way and cant stand you. As soon as i get this xfer ill be done with this world so how about someone make the best deal of the year and help me leave. The person who can completely get me off this world is getting the bonus of the lifetime! Taking gold items and platinum items on mabon. Respawn only if you are able to xfer with me!

Re: Rhiannon to mabon world item transfer!


I never accused anyone of being a scammer, i simply told people to watch out. If i made a level 1 alt and wanted to xfer a load of gear to Mabon, not giving away my mains details, someone would either think I was a scammer (scammed the gear that i was wanting to xfer), or had a bad rep for other reasons.

I simply told people to be careful, as I have seen 10's of people be scammed whilst world xfering, not sure why you got so hyped up about it. (For the record, my second post was just busting your balls :lol:.)
Again why i dont like you rap, People cant buy plat without you being an idiot. You want some tea, Eh? Hows that Sunshine treatin ya? Oh wait your from britain! Be nice, Maybe a guy quit and gave to him? Maybe hes like that one level 12 noob i gave 290k for 100% free? Maybe he did scam but your such a dumbass, You just call him a scammer without permission... Ruining peoples rep by saying they scam and abusing the fact that your a high level. How ******! I may not be level 600000 but hell even i know your being a jackass. Wonder why i never really liked you to begin with... Im only 130 and i know enough to know this... Killstealer please excuse the moron,,, Kid knows nothing about you , but i hope your legit..
The beginning of your post makes absolutely no sense to me.. Lol. I said it smelt fishy because a level 1 alt is trying to world xfer.. I'm sure if it was me that had made a level 1 alt, people would be warning too. I apologise, I also didn't realise you needed permission to call someone a scammer :lol:.p

I'm being a jackass and a moron for telling people to be careful? .. It seems like your anger is built up over something else.

As said, Killstealer could be legit (chances are he is if he is going first), but it certainly seems strange that a level 1 alt is looking for a world xfer and does not want to publicise their main (their choice of course).
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: Rhiannon to mabon world item transfer!

Lmao.. I suck?? .. Gonna pick apart your signature here.
Level - 130
Class - Mage
Over 1m of lux
Level - 187
Class - Rogue
Over 5m of Lux (more like over 20m if you include the worth of Camo's, count Divine Broom/Wizard Staff/Mythic Staff as Lux, and over 30m if you the prices of all my Raid items).

No my friend, you, are the sucky one.
RAPIDx - 225 Rogue
Rhiannon GameChanger

Some Guy - 220 Rogue
Epona Prodigy

Re: Rhiannon to mabon world item transfer!

You have said before you buy plat, You may have more items but i have more knowledge. Plus i was meaning shop prices so if your technical each camo was only 80k!
Name - 5000 (5k)
Class - ranger
Lvl - 76+
Clan BadaBing

I am the Almighty PlayerOne from Crom, I quit there but this is merely just for my friends!

Why is there the need for hate?

Re: Rhiannon to mabon world item transfer!

Hey guys go make a arguing topic.
Rapid fishyness has nothing to do with this. You cannot call me a scammer or warn people of a scam without either of these things:

Personal experience with me scamming you
Personal experience of me trying to scam you.

You have neither so please stop accusing me.

I have said too many times how this transfer will go down...
We see eachothers chars and items on both worlds. I give my stuff on rhiannon or in peices if you arnt trustworthy enough FIRST! Then you log on mabon and give the items or part of the items.

Please dont argue on this. Make your own posts to argue on if you want but not here.
Killsteal LOCK Rogue Level 175
Killheal Druid level 195
Proud clansman of WolfGang


:D :D :mrgreen: Thank You for the Snorri Patch! :mrgreen: :D :D

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