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Name 1 inactive person you wish would come back

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:51 am
by Dem0n
Hello, gwydioneers or gwydion ears ;) Let's hope the people we want to come back eventually read this topic and decide they want to come back and say hello and hey you never know maybe they'll start playing again if they like the new changes.

Many people I know have left because of the tremendously ridiculous long spawn timers for quest gear, that has been fixed and I'm certain some people are unaware of it, every dragonlord+ quest armor boss (except gelebron) now have a 10 minute window of when they are going to spawn. So there's no more hour long camping sessions for a 4*

Many others have left because DL weapons just seemed to take waaay to long of a wait to get, that lines a lot shorter now and with alittle effort you can earn them a lot easier too.

There's many many many reasons others have quit too like issues with other players that no longer play anymore, lets hope they at least come back for a look and maybe we'll get back some friends we lost long ago.

There's many names I want to say but the people I want to come back the most are arjunlite, Kril, Th3Shadow, ungerman, rahvin, Msmith, Lordvlad, Powerflippy and many more I can't think of right now.

Name one person you wish would come back

Re: Name 1 inactive person you wish would come back

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:08 am
by LeGenDzZ
Kril. The friendliest and most calm person I've ever spoken with.

Re: Name 1 inactive person you wish would come back

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:55 pm
by frumentarii
Some of the all time coolest people to play the game, some playing elsewhere and not in any order, but just as I think about it:

Jacobite, Kril, Trickymick, Maxine, Headbusta, Nick & Dianic(though I have seen those two on once in a while), Niff, Sterk(sneaky SOB may be playing as an alt though), Wink, Ryu, Yarpen, Saiya(nuts, but damn funny), Andress, Martinus, Envy.

Probably a few more I missed because names are not my forte and I am old, plus a few more recent MIA's or inactives like Dani, Nick, Dia are still around but just not as active on Gwydion at least.

Most fun I had in the game was when most of us single logged, could still kill the most difficult bosses in game with only a full group of 8, level 75s ruled the game and Stonefang legit was a chore because we had to keep running back from the leystone. Good times..

Re: Name 1 inactive person you wish would come back

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:50 am
by Exevol
I wish arjunlite would come back.

Coming to Gwydion, I was so excited to play with someone who I had seen on the forums for so long and who I thought had great posts and ideas. Sad he quit before I came over.

Re: Name 1 inactive person you wish would come back

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:20 pm
by Dem0n
I wish arjunlite would come back.

Coming to Gwydion, I was so excited to play with someone who I had seen on the forums for so long and who I thought had great posts and ideas. Sad he quit before I came over.
He's busy developing a computer algorithm that will change the medical world, I guess he decided his ideas were worth more in the real world than in a pixelated game that will eventually die.

Sadly people changing the world don't often have enough time for mobile mmos.

Re: Name 1 inactive person you wish would come back

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:33 pm
by Dem0n
Kril. The friendliest and most calm person I've ever spoken with.
Agree^ But this is how I'd describe you, LegolazZ.

Anther couple inactives I forgot to mention are damodar, dino, Sythin, bounty, gritt, rince, xjawz and lafawn just so everyone can keep spamming him about White lanrik

Re: Name 1 inactive person you wish would come back

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 5:55 pm
by rysnthedestroyer

Re: Name 1 inactive person you wish would come back

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:23 pm
by Dem0n

Re: Name 1 inactive person you wish would come back

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 7:24 pm
by Dem0n

Re: Name 1 inactive person you wish would come back

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:27 pm
by PartyNinja
Arjunlite. I may not play on Gwydion but his ideas for this game were some of the best ive seen(aka the one who started the sticky idea thread in feedback and suggestions)... its a shame his brilliant ideas arent already implemented into the game :lol: