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Re: Arjune loved in gwideon/ kenh hated

Sloths the biggest joke there is lmao, talk about people that goes where the power is haha, and don't even get me started on selling boss drops with you sloth, if you were smart, you wouldn't want to even have your name brought up in a post like this
eh fingal, ive never understood why you so pissy at me, idk if uve got a love for me deep down or you just want to make someone look as bad as you do. But please tell me, what is one boss drop i have ever sold. And if i was so worried about gear and power why did i leave relent right before i got a gara set or u guys started grabbin necro items, cause im really not sure where you are getting all this colourful info.
Slothinator-195 rogue
SLOTHA-156 druid
Folivora-125 mage
DeadeyeSloth-126 ranger
NinjaSloth-128 warrior

Re: Arjune loved in gwideon/ kenh hated

I have played this game fair from the start and never treated anyone horribly, so it really does get on my nerves that when i leave your clan, peeps start spreadin stuff about me just cause they lost their greatest dps.
Slothinator-195 rogue
SLOTHA-156 druid
Folivora-125 mage
DeadeyeSloth-126 ranger
NinjaSloth-128 warrior

Re: Arjune love or hated in gwideon?

Oh Ken... You have your drag-queen drama get up on again!
Those points are money in the bank, people can draw on it.. if was my idea I would have spent my many points. Also, if someone was... to use their points and go.. they earned those points, ya wally. We all know you get very upset and nasty when people leave.. you think you have ownership over people.
Annnnnd a matter of fact.. that comment about spending points and then leaving was first brought up by one of the male gens (that funny enough, quit game when questioned about it). You twisted my own comment when was just being flat honest.. You just wanted to cause drama.

I will tell you again.. It is not about the gear for me...
Now go away.. I don't like playing with you anymore!

I am surprised u are a guard or a gen... I left with full points. I won a freeze ring and a helm with the countless kills i helped with.. MD had no bank at all and built from scratch. U keep on with these lies to discredit me and a abuse everyone who leaves relent. I heard you are an adult but I am starting to think differently.. Ur acting the child who got his nose put out of joint as i did not want to play in the same sandpit, and why? It's because as u suck at making sandcastles.. So stop embarrassing yourself. You are being pathetic.

I assume I am hated by lots as well, but for the right reasons. Working hard to keep controle of imp posses in gwid, and pushing fellow clannys to make the right decisions for the clan. And the bully thing I have only had issues with 2 people in the past 3 years of playing, one was sin for stealing clan items to build a new clan, and arj for bullying fellow clannys in game and on forums.
Mis sin you were there to see many of our discussions in relentless gen chat, and you know i always push for all members to be treated fare it was tough at times but things are running smooth now, and also we had pics of the convos between the relentless members that left to join your clan, and the main point of those convos were to tell people to get as much as u can before leaving. Ps sorry marath didn't work out for u.

Re: Arjune loved in gwideon/ kenh hated

@sloth if you want i could post the pictures of your alt trying to sell me Garanak iron ammy, chsrm, and spirit ring (oddly enough, the 3 exact items you own), and a focus spear (the one you have lol).... Oh and let's not even talk about you dicing AND losing your garanak ammy to PowerFlippy lmao
Fingal-189 Ranger
killerpro-199 Warrior
X6caliXswag9X-190 Rogue
PoppaCherry-146 Druid
This Armour was forged by the legendary hero Fingal.....

Re: Arjune loved in gwideon/ kenh hated

@sloth if you want i could post the pictures of your alt trying to sell me Garanak iron ammy, chsrm, and spirit ring (oddly enough, the 3 exact items you own), and a focus spear (the one you have lol).... Oh and let's not even talk about you dicing AND losing your garanak ammy to PowerFlippy lmao
I dont even own a iron ammy charm or spirit ring u nub
Slothinator-195 rogue
SLOTHA-156 druid
Folivora-125 mage
DeadeyeSloth-126 ranger
NinjaSloth-128 warrior

Re: Arjune loved in gwideon/ kenh hated

@sloth if you want i could post the pictures of your alt trying to sell me Garanak iron ammy, chsrm, and spirit ring (oddly enough, the 3 exact items you own), and a focus spear (the one you have lol).... Oh and let's not even talk about you dicing AND losing your garanak ammy to PowerFlippy lmao

Fingal no more or ill post the things you have sold :lol: and tried to sell
Oderint Dum Metuant.

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