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Re: Shogun

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:43 am
by Alphachicken
Bye guys it was a good run I left shogun u can ask e that disrespectful *** wy. Well I can tell u wy. Lufia I was trying to get a drag for u and falgren was up well dilvar was there with his group and they were about to start and my group of seiya e and buttlock we're still in ow killing a boss so I said Plz let me in and he said fine but leave ur group. So I did and we started killing. Next thing u know e starts yelling at me through clan chat saying what the hell are u doing joining dilvars group and I said well e u we're still in ow so I joined there group. So he starts flipping at on me and we killed fal BTW didn't get drag only crown srry. So me and him get into a shouting match and I he said u will be kicked for joining his group so I said screw u and all the other disrespectful *** in shogun and I left. Srry I had to u can thank e for that. Bye everyone it was fun well it lasted and then I said one final seiya!!!

Re: Shogun

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:59 am
by Eric101097
Wow that was a lot of lies!!!

Re: Shogun

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:05 am
by Alphachicken
Not really

Re: Shogun

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:08 am
by Alphachicken
U say what happened then

Re: Shogun

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:51 pm
by Chelseam2
You should kick that piece of poop from your clan, all he is an ungrateful little peep. Yes, Shogun, I know the leader is good, but lets face it, you have a lot of brats in your clan. I'm in Dilvar's clan and we took chicken in with a welcoming hand, you just lost your best camper, and I'm going to make him feel so welcome that he will never leave. Dilvar and Dawning are the best peepz ever, they don't stand for brats and are removed. Dilvar takes the time for me and helps me with almost everything. Best guy ever, if we were all like Dilver..... Seiya and him had some competitiveness for a long time, because of him, Dilvar doesn't like your clan, and some others. Kick him and Dilvar's anger might go to neutral. I don't care if some brat goes yelling at this post. I know I'm right you have some immature people in there, big doesn't mean impossible. Now Chicken is ours, you can't have him. =P Otherwise Shogun is a nice clan.

Re: Shogun

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:04 pm
by Alphachicken
No seiya is my bro u can thank e for making me leave most of the other people r nice.
PS haters gonna hate
Pss kech is still a ***

Re: Shogun

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:50 pm
by Deathreaper
WTF!!!! i always miss the important stuff people leaving the clan and what not guys i get grounded and you *** each other to death. KISS AND MAKE UP!!!!!!! dont hate each other. 8-)

Re: Shogun

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:15 am
by Alphachicken
Srry I joined renascentia :)

Re: Shogun

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:17 am
by Lufia
All of this makes me sad to see, I know now its not possible but all I hoped for was to create a clan where everyone could get along and someday be looked up to. The ranks on the boards mean nothing I know this, Shogun will be changed weather it be in clan members or in Leader. Will keep you posted.
Ps I miss the beginning
A.D. Update

Re: Shogun

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:04 am
by Alphachicken
Srry lufia I wanted that to that's the only reason I join clans but there's that 1 rotten little brat and this one pushed me over the edge Srry luf.
PS I'm still trying to get drags for u :D