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Re: Resurgences Fall

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:52 pm
by bob the mage
Bob ofc I'm the bad guy... go find any chieftain of any dominate clan who isn't painted as such.. it all boils down to jealousy from lesser clans it's the same crap on every server that has a dominant clan.. always 2 sides to a story and the truth in the middle.. yes I'm vocal I admit I'll defend my clan till the day it ends or the day I stop playing and why shouldn't I... thing is u never see me start a argumentative thread in the forums I just respond to outlandish claims.. at the end of the day none of this means anything we ain't going no where anytime soon.. so they can talk all the crap they want been hearing it since I joined res it's always the same old blah blah blah..
What annoys me here is on other servers you can see that things were never amicable, it was jealousy from day 1.
On arawn we treated DS almost like it was Braves... we gave them drops, helped them kill any boss they locked, even if they couldn’t kill it otherwise... and they turned around and decided to try to stab our backs.
So be it, they did that.
But then they have the audacity to go to the forums to trash talk players to justify their actions.

I’m just sick of all of this ._. After DS backstabbed Res, res was quiet and moved on. But DS has been throwing a fit complaining that they can’t kill the bosses they used to be able to kill because we won’t help them...
Seriously... grow up liv... or should I say dirk... or should I say carona?

I remember you back in chosen, you really have changed. Back then you let generals steal from clan banks and sell drops for gold and covered it up consistently, but at least you didn’t resort to promoting harassment.

Re: Resurgences Fall

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:36 pm
by LivingArawn
Bob ofc I'm the bad guy... go find any chieftain of any dominate clan who isn't painted as such.. it all boils down to jealousy from lesser clans it's the same crap on every server that has a dominant clan.. always 2 sides to a story and the truth in the middle.. yes I'm vocal I admit I'll defend my clan till the day it ends or the day I stop playing and why shouldn't I... thing is u never see me start a argumentative thread in the forums I just respond to outlandish claims.. at the end of the day none of this means anything we ain't going no where anytime soon.. so they can talk all the crap they want been hearing it since I joined res it's always the same old blah blah blah..
What annoys me here is on other servers you can see that things were never amicable, it was jealousy from day 1.
On arawn we treated DS almost like it was Braves... we gave them drops, helped them kill any boss they locked, even if they couldn’t kill it otherwise... and they turned around and decided to try to stab our backs.
So be it, they did that.
But then they have the audacity to go to the forums to trash talk players to justify their actions.

I’m just sick of all of this ._. After DS backstabbed Res, res was quiet and moved on. But DS has been throwing a fit complaining that they can’t kill the bosses they used to be able to kill because we won’t help them...
Seriously... grow up liv... or should I say dirk... or should I say carona?

I remember you back in chosen, you really have changed. Back then you let generals steal from clan banks and sell drops for gold and covered it up consistently, but at least you didn’t resort to promoting harassment.
Not interested in your lies or assumptions.
@otm Naming, shaming, harassment.

Re: Resurgences Fall

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 10:49 pm
by bob the mage
Bob ofc I'm the bad guy... go find any chieftain of any dominate clan who isn't painted as such.. it all boils down to jealousy from lesser clans it's the same crap on every server that has a dominant clan.. always 2 sides to a story and the truth in the middle.. yes I'm vocal I admit I'll defend my clan till the day it ends or the day I stop playing and why shouldn't I... thing is u never see me start a argumentative thread in the forums I just respond to outlandish claims.. at the end of the day none of this means anything we ain't going no where anytime soon.. so they can talk all the crap they want been hearing it since I joined res it's always the same old blah blah blah..
What annoys me here is on other servers you can see that things were never amicable, it was jealousy from day 1.
On arawn we treated DS almost like it was Braves... we gave them drops, helped them kill any boss they locked, even if they couldn’t kill it otherwise... and they turned around and decided to try to stab our backs.
So be it, they did that.
But then they have the audacity to go to the forums to trash talk players to justify their actions.

I’m just sick of all of this ._. After DS backstabbed Res, res was quiet and moved on. But DS has been throwing a fit complaining that they can’t kill the bosses they used to be able to kill because we won’t help them...
Seriously... grow up liv... or should I say dirk... or should I say carona?

I remember you back in chosen, you really have changed. Back then you let generals steal from clan banks and sell drops for gold and covered it up consistently, but at least you didn’t resort to promoting harassment.
Not interested in your lies or assumptions.
@otm Naming, shaming, harassment.
If it is a lie, then it is not naming and shaming. Carona hasn't logged on in 4 years now, and is largely irrelevant. If you are not carona then there is no naming and shaming involved.
Only way it is naming and shaming is if you are carona.

As for what happened in chosen, we all knew hobinrood was taking extra comrak sets for "future alts" that he "lost" and somehow ended up with a lot of gold. Same went for the frozen crests and some DL drops.
I wanted my mage DL armor so I didn't speak up (ik, go ahead and judge 14 year old me :/ )

anyways ._.

Re: Resurgences Fall

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:17 pm
by Mrhealzalot Druid
Note: not defending the OP

Bob is quick to accuse DS of lying since hes came back from ”quiting” a couple days ago. Odd he suddenly loves res when in his farewell post he seemed to believe quite the contrary.

Here are some of my favorite lines from his (short lived) farewell speech:
(Note all of these quotes were posted by Bob on Monday, Febuary 5th at 3:57 PM, so all of the “I’s” are him talking)

“Last night was the feather on top of a steaming pile of sh*t that broke the scales that allowed me to enjoy the game”

“From clannies pretending to be friends, being a wolf in sheeps clothes, because it was convenient, and then encouraging bullying and harassment agains [sic] that player

“To clannies who dont event want to be in res and can never say one positive thing about anyone in the clan, but nonetheless insisting they care about the clan”

“I have stressed out over this game much longer than is sane...”

“I have given up trying.”

“...I cant continue to lie to myself to play the game to gear others”

”I log on, I put up with people I want nothing to do with, and get a small reward”

He seems to have had a change of heart since he wrote those posts. Hmm.

Re: Resurgences Fall

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:18 pm
by Agent K

Re: Resurgences Fall

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 11:23 pm
by bob the mage
Note: not defending the OP

Bob is quick to accuse DS of lying since hes came back from ”quiting” a couple days ago. Odd he suddenly loves res when in his farewell post he seemed to believe quite the contrary.

Here are some of my favorite lines from his (short lived) farewell speech:
(Note all of these quotes were posted by Bob on Monday, Febuary 5th at 3:57 PM, so all of the “I’s” are him talking)

“Last night was the feather on top of a steaming pile of sh*t that broke the scales that allowed me to enjoy the game”

“From clannies pretending to be friends, being a wolf in sheeps clothes, because it was convenient, and then encouraging bullying and harassment agains [sic] that player

“To clannies who dont event want to be in res and can never say one positive thing about anyone in the clan, but nonetheless insisting they care about the clan”

“I have stressed out over this game much longer than is sane...”

“I have given up trying.”

“...I cant continue to lie to myself to play the game to gear others”

”I log on, I put up with people I want nothing to do with, and get a small reward”

He seems to have had a change of heart since he wrote those posts. Hmm.
No I have that player blocked and I won’t ever work with that player. It’s not my right to dictate who is allowed in the clan though, unlike some people who don’t understand a clan is bigger than one person.
I took a break and now I’m refreshed to play again.

Also the “steaming pile of...” is mostly referring to game problems that may be solved in corrupted gardens.

Also I never accused DS of outright lying. If I did, quote me.
Closest to this is when I said it would be absurd to lie about returning gear because it is so easy to check. Oh wait.. I guess I did call you a liar, but you never returned your gear so...

Enough of your ad hominem bs healz... this drama needs to stop, and that means no more.

As for you agent K stay the *** out of our business it doesn’t concern you at all.

EDIT: fixed a typo due to auto correct. I hate using phone but if I use laptop I write an essay :lol: