Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

I'm memory of Juppo

Many of us old Juppo members still have great memories of our time in Juppo. Sadly Juppo, like all good things came to an end. But I had an idea, I made this post so that all ex-juppos can post pics of the fun times in Juppo before we suspended and went our own ways. I talked to raven and xell(former chieftans) about this an we came up with a great idea. Every old Juppo can post pics of the fun times we had in our own clan, xell even stated that we should say how we joinEd. So here we go I guess I'll start

Photos:sadly I have none
How I joined Juppo: well it all started when me and my friend Ellebara joined eragon. It was a good clan with tomo in charge but then wizard came back and took over his role as chieftain. After this happened me and Elle moved to Blackelite where we were both made guardians. But again we left cause someone kept complaining about bank. Well after that Elle joined kingowing and I was gonna join her, until I met raven. I was in stonevale looking for a kingowing member when I saw raven. He said hi an we started talking, he explained about Juppo and how she had just given xell the role of chieftain. Then he asked me if I wanted to join. At first I didn't won't to but raven was so nice I couldn't refuse. Then raven handed me some ancient lamellar boots(which I recently gave back to him)
That's all I can't wait to see your pics and hear your stories
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies..”

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