Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

To all worlds!

Ya so im kinda sick of this game and im looking for a way to revive my love for it. My main world is Rosmerta I have a small clan and will spend most of my time in that world but im looking for links and ties in all worlds so im looking to join all but in one clan.

Im currently a lvl 83 Druid in Rosmerta and a lvl 25 Druid in Danu those worlds i will not be posting this in. But im an amazing druid i can play any rule wether it be Dps or Tank at the right lvl that is. All my toon names will be DrPeppers depending on witch world i enter first there will be a nmber after my name. I love the classes Druid, Worrior, and Mage so i will always be one of those three.

If you dont have a clan and are looking to start one i will gladly assist in helping you rise to the top. But in the beginning i will be lvling mainly and may need help im gunna make a toon in every world and get them to lvl 10 to start with. I will also mainly be farming for better equipment from lux and would grately aprciate your help in getting one item and thats a reguv ammy the cheepest if need be and i will pay you back full price and some extra.

Ya i got great friends in the world im in but i want great friends in all so if you need help starting or just want a player that spends real life money and will do all he can to help you with whatever you need hit me up on here and ill search the world for your clan member till i get invited. Im a deticated player but the systems and people are getting old and everyone needs a fresh start once in a while. So leave your toon name and your clan if you want my help but if you ant my help i will need yours.

Ps: This is being posted in all worlds except Rosmerta and Danu
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

Re: To all worlds!

Wow. That's pretty intense.

I will try to assist you a little bit in Arawn, but on a serious note, have you consider'd perhaps just taking a break from game until the February Update? Then you can come back to a new zone and pvp etc fully rested and primed. I imagine anyone can burn out and I am not in any way shooting down your idea to visit all the servers, I just wonder if time away might revitalize you more than time everywhere.

Well, take care,

Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

Re: To all worlds!

I am ok and ive taken a break already when you come back its still the same thing over again so i have made a character in all worlds and i will log into Arawn and lvl a little before anyone needs my help but im gunna be spending hundreds of plat on just Skill slots before im any good at my class im useing i need all my skills otherwise i have to switch them up really fast and that sucks. But before i can help a clan they need to help me and i need to help myself.
Class:(Balor) Warrior(Rosmerta)Druid

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