Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

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Re: Nerve twitchers.

You have a cute face BTW. im sorry again!

Thanks for the compliment IV. According to my mates i have a face that only a mother could love (another lame joke for ya), so kudos for the positive feedback!

Re: Nerve twitchers.

No WTF or SAIYA whoops not so famous lol
Haha poor WTF :(

I wouldn't stress mate cause you have the x-factor in my book.

Not sure about nerve twitching??? you might wanna go see a doctor about that (or quit taking mushrooms lol).

Re: scammed by JMCEW

The old JMCEW was a nice guy (in fact was my first clan leader lolz). I haven't seen him around for ages and can only presume he doesn't play anymore. Sucks to lose all that stuff, but why give another player all your stuff to train???? If someone asks to borrow something it should instantly trigger...

Re: this world is crumbling

ya the arguement had to do with how people didnt wanna fight the prince since i was gonna help, inmature if u ask me, but i dont care niff and I had a similar experience recently which was pretty bizarre. while in crookback checking bonehead, a player was there who asked us to help kill the lowly m...

Re: gwydion

Try playing each server for a few months then let us know if they are better than Gwydion. I'll hold up the fort in the meantime and make sure everybody doesn't leave.

Re: Official AcidWarriors clan post

Lolz All I'll say is most of the old acid players like seph Wilson sodron shep and many more had already left prior to the founding of uprising. With the old leaders gone why cling to a sinking ship? If you want a new powerful clan why not start one with a new fresh name free from old squabbles and ...

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